Posts Tagged ‘recruits’

May 6 – Free Tampons Fail to Entice Canadian Army Recruits

Maybe the new Canadian army logo (left) will inspire them?  The new Canadian Army rebranding logo has also been compared to an “8-bit bear humping a moose…”  Please send links and comments to [email protected] Do free tampons mean so little to these men? National Defence report finds ‘very few’ Canadians under 34 pursuing military careers […]

Former Army Colonel Warns: Dems Will Turn Guns On US Citizens If Military Recruits Illegals

During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, military expert and retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor warned Americans against allowing illegal aliens to serve in the armed forces. The Democrat-proposed “Courage to Serve Act“ would offer illegal migrants an expedited path to citizenship if they choose to serve in the U.S. military. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign […]

Former Army Colonel Warns: Dems Will Turn Guns On US Citizens If Military Recruits Illegals

During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, military expert and retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor warned Americans against allowing illegal aliens to serve in the armed forces. The Democrat-proposed “Courage to Serve Act“ would offer illegal migrants an expedited path to citizenship if they choose to serve in the U.S. military. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign […]

Former Army Colonel Warns: Dems Will Turn Guns On US Citizens If Military Recruits Illegals

During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, military expert and retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor warned Americans against allowing illegal aliens to serve in the armed forces. The Democrat-proposed “Courage to Serve Act“ would offer illegal migrants an expedited path to citizenship if they choose to serve in the U.S. military. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign […]

Before and After Photos of U.S. Army Recruits

From the moment American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower, the U.S. and much of the Western world were set on a course toward a nebulous conflict at home and abroad, called the War on Terror. The two main military engagements, Afghanistan, and later, Iraq, would sap the West’s resources, prestige and credibility on […]

US Navy Enlists Drag Queen For ‘Digital Ambassador’ Role To Attract More Recruits

And the Department of Defense wonders why multiple military branches are projected to miss their recruitment goals this year? The Navy expects to fall short by over 6000 sailors in 2023, while the military struggles with a growing lack of interest, not to mention a lack of physically viable candidates. So, they have embarked on […]

Joe Biden Recruits Transgender Activist Who Wants To ‘Normalize Women Having Bulges’ To Bolster Support For Democrats Ahead Of Midterms

Joe Biden Recruits Transgender Activist Who Wants To ‘Normalize Women Having Bulges’ To Bolster Support For Democrats Ahead Of Midterms Source

Russia Recruits Convicts For War Due To ‘Increasingly Severe’ Manpower Shortage, UK Says

Russia is being forced to recruit prison inmates due to an “increasingly severe” manpower shortage, according to the U.K. Ministry of Defense. Inmates are being offered cash payments and having their sentences commuted to persuade them to sign up for the war in Ukraine. Advertisement The news comes after Ukraine re-took large parts of previously […]

Japanese Nursing Home Recruits Babies to Keep Elderly Company

Infants are paid in diapers and baby formula. Photo: Shutterstock For many jobs, a baby would be an unsuitable candidate. They sleep more than they’re awake. They cry when they’re hungry. They throw tantrums just to get your attention. But a nursing home in Japan would like to disagree. The Moyai Seiyūkai nursing home in […]

Japanese Nursing Home Recruits Babies to Keep Elderly Company

Infants are paid in diapers and baby formula. Photo: Shutterstock For many jobs, a baby would be an unsuitable candidate. They sleep more than they’re awake. They cry when they’re hungry. They throw tantrums just to get your attention. But a nursing home in Japan would like to disagree. The Moyai Seiyūkai nursing home in […]

US Navy Releases Bizarre Training Video Urging Recruits to Create Pronoun “Safe Space”

The US Navy has released a training video which looks like a children’s TV show encouraging sailors to announce their pronouns in order to create a “safe space” and avoid “misgendering” people. Source

US Army Raises Enlistment Bonus In A Bid To Entice New Recruits

The US Army has increased its largest enlistment bonus by 25% as it tries to overcome pandemic-related disruptions and entice recruits to fill key positions according to reports. The maximum bonus has been raised from $40,000 to $50,000 for the first time the Associated Press reported on Wednesday, citing the head of Army Recruiting Command. […]

Somali parents take to streets over ‘missing’ army recruits

Somali parents today staged a protest in the capital Mogadishu, demanding the government disclose the whereabouts of their sons who were taken to Eritrea for military training, Anadolu Agency reports. This fresh protest by the parents comes days after a UN human rights report, citing “credible sources”, said that Somali trainees have crossed to the […]

UN Recruits 110,000 Social Media Influencers To Correct Online Covid Wrongthink

The United Nations has recruited more than 110,000 “social media influencers” to push “new social norms” and seek out and correct “wrong think” online. The UN’s move into news broadcasting means we can expect to be bombarded with a propaganda overdrive in coming months as the pandemic continues and vaccine roll outs begin. “So far, […]

UK Prime Minister Theresa May recruits British royalty to thwart BDS

Prince William, second in line to the throne, is being sent to the Holy Land by the British government “to promote diplomatic and cultural ties”. In effect he’ll be helping to normalise 70 years of Israeli occupation and sanitise the unimaginable cruelty that has gone with it. His trip cuts across the Boycott Divestment and […]

Duke Recruits Men For Program To Fight "Toxic Masculinity"

Duke University is recruiting male students for a nine-week program that pledges to “destabilize masculine privilege” and “interrogate masculinity.”     The program, known as the Duke University Men’s Project, seeks to help men examine how their masculinities exist “often in toxic ways” while beginning “the work of […]

TEPCO President Admits Cover-Up Of Fukushima Meltdown

TEPCO has confirmed that the company covered up the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear plant. The president of the energy company made an announcement admitting that they lied a week after a scandalous report claimed that Japanese government and TEPCO had been hushing up the tragedy. RT reports: The information was revealed by Tokyo Electric […]

Protecting the anointed one? Feds fight disclosure of Hillary Clinton’s 1999 Whitewater indictment drafts

     The National Archives is fighting a lawsuit trying to force disclosure of several draft indictments of Hillary Clinton prepared by a Whitewater prosecutor in the 1990s. In a brief filed late Tuesday, Justice Department lawyers and the Archives argue that disclosure of the draft indictments would lead to an unwarranted invasion of Clinton’s privacy […]

The USA’s “moderate” headchopping terrorists make it to the party in Geneva

GENEVA – Representatives of Syria’s largest mainstream opposition umbrella group were set to arrive in Geneva on Saturday evening, allaying fears they would boycott UN-brokered talks aimed at ending the country’s brutal civil war. A delegation from the Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee (HNC) was preparing to leave Riyadh, spokesman Monzer Makhous said. “We will be […]

Another coverup in Sweden

From: A mass sexual assault by immigrants similar to the one in Cologne took place in Stockholm at a concert this summer, but it was covered up by the Swedish police and media: The Cologne sex assault on New Year’s Eve, where groups of Arab and North African men groped […]

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