Posts Tagged ‘correct’

Low Verbal IQ Predictor of Politically Correct Authoritarianism

“People who are less verbally sophisticated are more likely to gravitate towards all-encompassing, simple theories.” Source

CDC Warns CDC’s Own Scientists That Their Finding on Masks “Is Not Scientifically Correct”

In a congressional hearing last November on restoring trust in science, CDC Director Mandy Cohen kept evading questions on whether she would bring back mask mandates for toddlers. Source

It is no longer correct to refer to any Western government as Democratic. Every Western government is a budding tyranny.

(NaturalNews) It sounds ridiculous to say, but it is a fact:  the era of freedom in the West is over.  The false flag attack, 9/11, was used to launch the… Source


NOVEMBER 16TH, 2022 Source By Ramzy Baroud At a recent Istanbul conference that brought many Palestinian scholars and activists together to discuss the search for a common narrative on Palestine, a Palestinian member of the audience declared at the end of a brief, but fiery intervention, ‘we are not red Indians’. The reference was a […]

Skousen correct about Putin, but some red flags up

Anti-communist meeting, 11 December 1961. (Left to Right) John Birch Society member and former FBI special agent W. Cleon Skousen (uncle of Joel Skousen); Sam M Cavnar; John B Kilroy; General Orvil A Anderson; Julia Brown; Dr. William L Brashears.; Caption slip reads: (Photo by Los Angeles Examiner/USC Libraries/Corbis via Getty Images) By Timothy FitzpatrickOct. […]

Burhan calls on AU to ‘correct’ decision to freeze Sudan’s activities

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan called on the African Union (AU) on Friday to “correct” its decision to freeze his country’s activities in the AU after measures taken on 25 October. This was raised during his meeting with Senegalese President Macky Sall at his residence in New York City. […]

Burhan calls on AU to ‘correct’ decision to freeze Sudan’s activities

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan called on the African Union (AU) on Friday to “correct” its decision to freeze his country’s activities in the AU after measures taken on 25 October. This was raised during his meeting with Senegalese President Macky Sall at his residence in New York City. […]

Burhan calls on AU to ‘correct’ decision to freeze Sudan’s activities

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan called on the African Union (AU) on Friday to “correct” its decision to freeze his country’s activities in the AU after measures taken on 25 October. This was raised during his meeting with Senegalese President Macky Sall at his residence in New York City. […]

Burhan calls on AU to ‘correct’ decision to freeze Sudan’s activities

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan called on the African Union (AU) on Friday to “correct” its decision to freeze his country’s activities in the AU after measures taken on 25 October. This was raised during his meeting with Senegalese President Macky Sall at his residence in New York City. […]

Burhan calls on AU to ‘correct’ decision to freeze Sudan’s activities

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan called on the African Union (AU) on Friday to “correct” its decision to freeze his country’s activities in the AU after measures taken on 25 October. This was raised during his meeting with Senegalese President Macky Sall at his residence in New York City. […]

Burhan calls on AU to ‘correct’ decision to freeze Sudan’s activities

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan called on the African Union (AU) on Friday to “correct” its decision to freeze his country’s activities in the AU after measures taken on 25 October. This was raised during his meeting with Senegalese President Macky Sall at his residence in New York City. […]

Burhan calls on AU to ‘correct’ decision to freeze Sudan’s activities

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan called on the African Union (AU) on Friday to “correct” its decision to freeze his country’s activities in the AU after measures taken on 25 October. This was raised during his meeting with Senegalese President Macky Sall at his residence in New York City. […]

Burhan calls on AU to ‘correct’ decision to freeze Sudan’s activities

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan called on the African Union (AU) on Friday to “correct” its decision to freeze his country’s activities in the AU after measures taken on 25 October. This was raised during his meeting with Senegalese President Macky Sall at his residence in New York City. […]

China calls on U.S. to correct mistake regarding Iran, JCPOA

TEHRAN— The Chinese foreign ministry spokesman has said the United States should make up for its mistakes concerning the Islamic Republic and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the official name for the 2015 nuclear deal. Source

Xi Jinping’s Politburo Attack Dog Demands U.S. ‘Correct’ Itself in Meeting with Biden Envoy

Senior Chinese Politburo member Yang Jiechi berated U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to make Washington “correct its strategic perceptions of China” and “make the right choices” in a reportedly four-and-a-half-hour meeting on Monday that the White House and Chinese state media both reported featured little input from Sullivan.

It Turns Out If You Doubted COVID Headlines, You Were Correct

Something peculiar has become clear over the last two years: Leftists seem to enjoy the COVID panic. For them, it started with the camaraderie of lockdowns and morphed in the smug self-righteousness of the masks and vaccinations, all made shiveringly delicious with that soupçon of fear that pairs well with totalitarian mandates. CDC director Dr. […]

George Orwell’s 1984 Will Be Re-Written to Be Politically Correct and Fit the Agenda

You know what George Orwell’s dystopian classic 1984 needs? A politically correct modern day re-write from a feminist perspective. Said no one ever. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is […]

Orwell’s 1984 to Get Politically Correct Re-Write

Days after CNN fired Chris Cuomo for abusing his position to help feed information to his sex pest accused brother, it appears that another host, Don Lemon, could become the centre of another journalistic ethics scandal. Reports indicate that Lemon was pinpointed by Empire star Jussie Smollett who claimed in court that he received texts […]

Washington Post Columnist Calls on CNN to Correct Its Dossier Reporting — After WaPo Corrects Its Own

A Washington Post columnist criticized CNN for not correcting its reporting that the dossier put together by Fusion GPS and ex-British spy Christopher Steele — which claimed the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia — was “corroborated.” The paper’s media critic, Erik Wemple, wrote Friday that CNN hosts and reporters had long-claimed the Steele dossier had […]

It Is Politically Correct to Support Black on White Violence

The clip starts out with the jewess who runs youtube talking about how much the platform supports Black people, who have been perpetual victims of White violence, which is an absolute lie when you really know the stats. Link Share now! Source

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