Posts Tagged ‘news’

If you grow food in cinder blocks, you may be poisoning yourself with heavy metals

(NaturalNews) Cinder blocks are a common building material for raised garden beds, as they are inexpensive, durable and easy to build with. Yet, what many people don’t realize is that cinder blocks are made with a toxic byproduct of coal combustion that may contain high levels of heavy metals – metals that might […]

Political correctness goes beyond insane at this public school that just BANNED applause… teachers to direct parents when to engage in ‘silent cheer’

(NaturalNews) A public school in Sydney has just earned the prize for the most laughably insane political correctness lunacy we’ve ever seen. Elanora Heights Public School just issued a ban on applause and cheering in order to avoid offending people who are “sensitive to noise.” Instead of clapping and cheering, it will now […]

Truck attack in Nice: No national police present, French govt admits

The entrance through which Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove his truck before going on a rampage that claimed 84 lives was guarded only by the municipal police, who are more lightly armed, Bernard Cazeneuve said in a statement. READ MORE: 67% of French don’t trust govt to tackle terrorism – poll The acknowledgement came after several critical […]

UFO: Shock New Evidence in World Trade Center Ground Zero UFO Case

New evidence has emerged in the case of a sensational picture which showed a bizarre UFO above the World Trade Center Ground Zero buildings. by Jon Austin The unnamed man filed a report with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the world’s biggest organization dedicated to alien investigation, for further analysis, as revealed by this […]

Infographic: 10 Times Science Fiction Predicted Modern Transport Technology With Eerie Accuracy

What will the future look like? It’s a question we’ve asked ourselves and others time and time again, fantasizing about what will be while simultaneously doubting the technological advancements conjured up by individuals and fiction alike. Whereas flying cars used to be our idea of the future, they’ve become a cliche in a world where […]

2 Years Since Cops Killed Eric Garner — Only Person Punished So Far is the Man Who Filmed It

Two years have now elapsed since New York City Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo choked Eric Garner to death for the apparently egregious crime of selling loose cigarettes — but the only one facing any punishment for what many believe to be a cold-blooded murder is the man who filmed it. “I can’t breathe,” Garner pleaded […]

Failed Turkey Coup Revealed As False Flag Operation

The failed Turkey coup was the most obvious and transparent false flag since Hitler had the Reichstag burnt down, framed his enemies, then suspended civil liberties and seized absolute control over Germany. Erdogan, often called Little Hitler due to his political tactics, has copied his master one more time. With the backing of Western governments […]

Latest France Attack Timed to Distract from the Release of 28 Pages Implicating Saudi Arabia in 9/11 Attacks?

The unforgettable terror attacks on September 11th, 2001 have been a source of controversy for well over a decade. by Mary Wilder Everyone seems to have a different theory about why the events took place and who is really responsible for them in the first place. Now, nearly fifteen years later, 28 pages from a […]

Foreign Minister Says Turkish Coup Was Plot To Damage Russia-Turkey Ties

The Serbian foreign minister has claimed that the attempted Coup in Turkey last week was masterminded by forces attempting to destroy relations between Russia and Turkey.  Ivica Dacic has condemned Friday’s coup attempt, saying that the violent ‘uprising’ had no chance of bringing anything good to Turkish citizens. reports: “I am sure that the […]

Istanbul police on alert over ‘rogue helicopters,’ Turkey sends troops & F-16s to patrol

FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES A state of emergency has been imposed in Istanbul and 1,800 additional special police forces have been deployed, the state Anadolu Agency reported. Armored vehicles have also been deployed to key locations in Istanbul, Sputnik news agency reported earlier. Unconfirmed media reports claimed that unidentified helicopters have been spotted over the city, […]

Organic food industry divided after Organic Trade Association BETRAYS labeling movement by signing off on sham GMO-labeling bill

(NaturalNews) Both houses of Congress have now passed a measure to repeal all state and local laws requiring the labeling of food ingredients made with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and President Obama has indicated that he will sign the bill into law. While it’s no surprise that the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) and […]

More lunacy: Pokémon Go players scale perimeter, sit next to tiger enclosure

     Two Pokémon Go players in their 20s were arrested after breaking into a Toledo, Ohio zoo in the middle of the night while playing the augmented reality video game. Robin Bartholomy, 25, and Adrian Crawford, 26, were found sitting next to a tiger enclosure by police after they jumped a fence at about 2.30 […]

Black Lives Matters protesters go full retard; demand closing all police departments nationwide and no limits on criminal behavior (EXPLICIT)

(NaturalNews) It’s news events like this that convince me “social justice” philosophy isn’t just rooted in lunatic leftist philosophy, but also mass mental illness. A group of white, guilt-ridden Black Lives Matter protesters has now jumped the shark, insisting that the answer to a few isolated cases of claimed police brutality is to […]

German mother of 8 dead infants confesses she killed some, can’t remember how many

A woman, known as Andrea G., 45, from the Bavarian town of Wallenfels, was charged with the murder of four of the eight dead babies when she appeared before Coburg state court on Tuesday and confessed to killing some of them, while failing to remember the exact number, local media reports. “It could have been […]

5.5 magnitude earthquake hits Goldfields, Australia – largest in 28 years

     Tremors were felt in Perth after WA’s biggest earthquake in almost 30 years struck the Goldfields on Friday. Geoscience Australia recorded a magnitude 5.6 earthquake south-east of Norseman at 5.40pm. Tremors were felt in Perth and Esperance, but no reports of damage so far. Norseman Hotel worker Angie Hogan fled outside the 1930s pub […]

An America in denial

When considering the likelihood of a Donald Trump presidency, we should remember that Americans voted for Richard Nixon twice, for Ronald Regan twice and, what was perhaps the hardest election to swallow, George W. Bush twice. All three should have been hauled to the International Criminal Court for war crimes, or at least impeached. But […]

The Founding Myth Of The United States Of America

Print Friendly Above: No Stamp Act teapot from shortly before the American Revolution. By the National Museum of American History. This past weekend, cities and towns from coast-to-coast hosted fireworks, concerts, and parades to celebrate our independence from Britain. Those celebrations invariably highlight the soldiers who pushed the British from our shores. But the lesson we learn of a democracy forged in […]

Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya: Obama’s Drone Casualty Numbers Conceals Extensive US War Crimes

Harassment by Police for Using a Public Park in King City Oregon

The following post and the video included with it were shared with the CopBlock Network by Theodore Pojman, via the CopBlock Submissions Page. The video shows Officer Hyson of the King City Police Department extorting them for being in a public park, presumably because they are homeless and live in their truck. According to Officer […]

Brexit Confirms: The Center Cannot Hold

Britain is in a general state of pandemonium. The U.K. finds itself in the midst of a full-blown constitutional crisis, Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned, and both the country’s governing party and the opposition are in the throngs of a fierce internal power struggle. As the cheerleaders of the leave campaign dither with no […]

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