Posts Tagged ‘lie’

Infographic: 10 Times Science Fiction Predicted Modern Transport Technology With Eerie Accuracy

What will the future look like? It’s a question we’ve asked ourselves and others time and time again, fantasizing about what will be while simultaneously doubting the technological advancements conjured up by individuals and fiction alike. Whereas flying cars used to be our idea of the future, they’ve become a cliche in a world where […]

Revolution & Legality

In a sense, this essay is a precursor of [Dr. Pierce’s] shift in approach from the National Socialists White Peoples Party to the National Youth Alliance.” – James Harting Editorial by Dr. William L. Pierce, National Socialist World journal, 1968: Two classes of concepts which are fundamentally different in nature, yet often confused, are those having to do […]

Israel’s ‘mistaken identity’ embarrassments

Saturday night, an Israeli driver had a heart attack and lost control of his vehicle on busy Ben Yehuda street in Tel Aviv, ending up crashing into a restaurant and badly injuring two diners, who died shortly after from their wounds. According to the wife of one of the restaurant owners, Shoshana San, who was […]

The Doomsday Clock Is About To Strike 12

Print Friendly Above Photo: A huge cloud above Hiroshima, a few hours after the initial explosion on Aug. 6, 1945. (Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum/U.S. Army via AP) Note: Below is an excerpt from Noam Chomsky’s must-read new book, Who Rules the World? Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, and the Prospects for Survival In January 2015, the Bulletin of […]

Here’s what gets activated in your body when you eat just ONE teaspoon of turmeric every day

(NaturalNews) Though it may be unfamiliar to many people, those who know about turmeric are well aware of its health benefits. In fact, they know that just one teaspoon per day of this “Queen of all spices,” which has been prevalent in natural medicine for some 4,000 years, will help keep inflammation, pain, […]

Shark attacks teenage boy off Neptune Beach, Florida

     A Florida teenager suffered “a huge gash” on his leg in a shark attack on Sunday afternoon, officials and a witness said. The Neptune Beach Police Department said the teen was pulled from the surf by other swimmers after he was bitten on the leg. The lacerations were consistent with a 5- to 6-foot […]

Hyping of Saudi role in 9/11 a diversionary tactic by U.S. and Israel

     The Israeli spy agency Mossad is trying to cover its tracks as the real perpetrator of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks by hyping a congressional report that may implicate Saudi Arabia, says an American author and sociopolitical psychologist. Walt Peretto made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Thursday while discussing […]

Look at this goverment spy truck disguised as a Google Streetview car

A placard on the dashboard indicates that the SUV is registered with the Philadelphia Office of Fleet Management, which maintains city government’s 6,316 vehicles, indicating that the vehicle is being used by a local agency. Christopher Cocci, who serves as the city’s fleet manager, and whose signature is on the document, says that […]

Look at this goverment spy truck disguised as a Google Streetview car

A placard on the dashboard indicates that the SUV is registered with the Philadelphia Office of Fleet Management, which maintains city government’s 6,316 vehicles, indicating that the vehicle is being used by a local agency. Christopher Cocci, who serves as the city’s fleet manager, and whose signature is on the document, says that […]

Look at this goverment spy truck disguised as a Google Streetview car

A placard on the dashboard indicates that the SUV is registered with the Philadelphia Office of Fleet Management, which maintains city government’s 6,316 vehicles, indicating that the vehicle is being used by a local agency. Christopher Cocci, who serves as the city’s fleet manager, and whose signature is on the document, says that […]

Look at this goverment spy truck disguised as a Google Streetview car

A placard on the dashboard indicates that the SUV is registered with the Philadelphia Office of Fleet Management, which maintains city government’s 6,316 vehicles, indicating that the vehicle is being used by a local agency. Christopher Cocci, who serves as the city’s fleet manager, and whose signature is on the document, says that […]

The Secret Government Won’t Change No Matter Who You Vote For

It makes no difference who you vote for, the secret government won’t change. As Michael Glennon Professor of International Law at  Tufts University says: ‘The people we elect aren’t the ones calling the shots” The Boston Globe explains: The voters who put Barack Obama in office expected some big changes. From the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping to […]

Comets & Asteroids – Summary for April 2016

During the month of April 2016, 2 new comets were discovered and cometary activity was detected for 1 previously discovered object (earlier designated as an asteroid). NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope spotted a small, dark moon orbiting Makemake, the second brightest icy dwarf planet — after Pluto — in the Kuiper Belt. Pioneer comet observer Elizabeth […]

Video Shows Albuquerque Cops Unload 50 Rounds At Vehicle

Body-cam video has been released by the Albuquerque police department showing officers firing nearly 50 rounds at a fleeing vehicle last summer. According to police, 20-year-old Rodrigo Garcia was wanted for vehicle theft, felon in possession of a firearm and drug charges when he drove a vehicle into a marked police car on May 28. […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

March gun sales break records yet again for 11 straight record-setting months

     Gun sales broke records yet again in the month of March. The FBI performed 2,523,265 firearms-related background checks between March 1 and March 31, according to the agency’s records. That’s a new record for the month. It’s nearly 35,000 more checks than the previous record set in March 2014. Despite the new record, March […]

ISIS Arrests in Moscow

Russian security forces have arrested eighteen ISIS terrorists in Moscow—all of them carrying Turkish identification documents and having entered the country from Uzbekistan. The arrests highlight once again the danger posed by the European Union demands that Turks be allowed “free movement” within Europe. Some of Moscow’s one million-strong Muslim population prays in the […]

Thousands Protest As Japanese Gov Ushers In New Age Of Militarism

Print Friendly Above Photo: Demonstrators protest against the new security law as they rally outside the Diet building in Tokyo. (Photo: AFP) Turning its back on decades of pacifism, controversial ‘war legislation’ takes effect Thousands of anti-war protesters rallied outside the parliament building in Tokyo on Tuesday, railing against the Japanese government’s new so-called security law […]

As It Is

Sometimes ya just gotta say it as it is The Jew will always accuse you of what his/her tribe have done to you. They (collective Jewry) will always invert the Truth, twisting and projecting their version of reality onto the gullible conditioned masses to suit their agenda. They inevitably end up being the victim, no matter […]

Trump is Hitler, Hitler is Trump!

From: If they lied about Hitler, are they lying about Trump? A super PAC with longtime Republican ties is funding an ad comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The ad switches back and forth between Trump and Hitler, comparing the similarity of their soundbites. … The ad comes […]

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