Posts Tagged ‘ben’

Top 10 inexpensive food items that can PREVENT nearly every disease and disorder known to mankind

(NaturalNews) Nothing’s more true than the old adage, “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” Not only does that ounce of prevention save you the nightmare of being sick, probably missing work and most likely accumulating medical bills, but that same “ounce” of prevention may only literally weigh an […]

Ninnying Anti-American SJW Faggot Paul Ryan Calls Trump a Racist

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 7, 2016 Paul Ryan believes that ISIS terrorism, baby part markets, racism-shaming and interracial sex is the path forward. Many people wish the anti-American terrorist Paul Ryan would an hero and leave America alone. The spineless faggot Paul Ryan, who openly endorses taxpayer-funding for ISIS immigration into America and Planned Parenthood […]

Trump Would Throw-Out Climate Change Hoax Deals!

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 19, 2016 As anyone with two brain cells to rub together is well aware, manmade global warming is a stupid globalist Jew hoax designed to strip the goyim of their resources and transfer vast amounts of White wealth to third world brown countries. Unsurprisingly, Our Leader is going to shut this […]

Seymour Hersh: Saudi Arabia Helped To Hide Osama Bin Laden From U.S.

Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh says that the Saudi government bribed Pakistan, a U.S. ally in the war on terror, with hundreds of millions in oil money to hide the Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden from U.S. interrogation. The man allegedly responsible for 9/11 was never heard. From AlterNet: Exclusive Interview: Seymour Hersh Dishes […]

Turkish border guards continue killing women and children fleeing war-torn Syria

     Eight Syrians were killed by Turkish border guards while fleeing violence in their war-torn country, according to footage obtained by The Times. Most of the victims were women and children. The group was trying to cross into Turkey through a mountain smuggling route at the western end of the border on Sunday night, but […]

BOMBSHELL: Cruz Cheating Scandal Rumors NOT Linked To TRUMP, Here’s Who’s REALLY Behind It…

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz has been in the spotlight for allegations of having numerous adulterous affairs and Cruz has pointed the finger at Donald Trump for starting the ‘rumors.’ But nothing could be further from the truth. Trump had nothing to do with it. In fact, the rumors were started by the […]

Trump is Hitler, Hitler is Trump!

From: If they lied about Hitler, are they lying about Trump? A super PAC with longtime Republican ties is funding an ad comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The ad switches back and forth between Trump and Hitler, comparing the similarity of their soundbites. … The ad comes […]

Trump is Hitler, Hitler is Trump!

From: If they lied about Hitler, are they lying about Trump? A super PAC with longtime Republican ties is funding an ad comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The ad switches back and forth between Trump and Hitler, comparing the similarity of their soundbites. … The ad comes […]

Trump is Hitler, Hitler is Trump!

From: If they lied about Hitler, are they lying about Trump? A super PAC with longtime Republican ties is funding an ad comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The ad switches back and forth between Trump and Hitler, comparing the similarity of their soundbites. … The ad comes […]

Trump is Hitler, Hitler is Trump!

From: If they lied about Hitler, are they lying about Trump? A super PAC with longtime Republican ties is funding an ad comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The ad switches back and forth between Trump and Hitler, comparing the similarity of their soundbites. … The ad comes […]

Orthodox Jews Set Sights on N.J. Town and Angry Residents Resist

From: Every home is big on glass in a Toms River, New Jersey, neighborhood called North Dover. Windows let in the sun, or show off chandeliers in multistory entrance halls. These days, though, most homeowners draw the blinds, retreating from brushes with a fast-growing Orthodox Jewish community thats trying to […]

Michelle Fields Hoax: Jewish Conspiracy Confirmed!

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer March 11, 2016 Well, the Michelle Fields assault hoax has collapsed. And I’m pissed off. New video has emerged proving definitively it did not happen as the lying Jew media has been claiming non-stop for the last 36 hours or so. Breitbart – who Fields was working for when she did the […]

Spanish Multicultists furious that immigrants haven’t come to Barcelona

Steve GoodeWhite Genocide Project March 6, 2016 The mayor of Barcelona, along with other multicultists are furious that illegal immigrants have not come to Spain. The Spanish (cuckservative) government said it would allow 17,680 illegal immigrants to be moved from Greece and Italy. “But since then, just 18 have arrived [in the whole of Spain], […]

Marlene Rickkets The Ugly Jew Funding Lying Ads Against Donald Trump

“The central rule of our Jewish controlled Republican and Democrat parties is minority rule over the whites commanded from the heights of transnational Jewish power.” Evil Jew Marlene Ricketts of the Jewish Ricketts family has given a massive three million dollars to help wetbacks Ted ‘Jewman-Sachs’ Cruz and bought and paid for cuck-sucker of Israel Marco […]

6 Dead In Bomb Attack On military Convoy In SE Turkey

Six military personnel were killed and one seriously wounded in an explosion that hit a military convoy in the southeast of Turkey. The blast that was reportedly caused by a home-made device  and follows yesterday car bomb attack that killed  28 people in the Turkish capital of Ankara. RT reports: The military also said that […]

Israel Launches Cyber War Against Boycott Movement

Israel have vowed to launch a cyber war against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, threatening to monitor, track and thwart their activities online, as well as attack them with the latest tools. reports: Israel Hayom newspaper reported: “Israel is facing a campaign to de-legitimise it. It penetrates into a certain extent; up […]

Brazil Deploys 200,000 Soldiers To Deal With Deadly Zika Virus

Brazil have deployed over 200,000 military troops to go ‘house to house’ in order to attempt to bring the Zika virus outbreak under control.  Zika-carrying mosquitoes have been blamed for causing a birth defect epidemic, rapidly spreading across the world. Soldiers will visit homes across Brazil offering advice and medical assistance to people suffering from the […]

Brazil Deploys 200,000 Soldiers To Deal With Deadly Zika Virus

Brazil have deployed over 200,000 military troops to go ‘house to house’ in order to attempt to bring the Zika virus outbreak under control.  Zika-carrying mosquitoes have been blamed for causing a birth defect epidemic, rapidly spreading across the world. Soldiers will visit homes across Brazil offering advice and medical assistance to people suffering from the […]

Brazil Deploys 200,000 Soldiers To Deal With Deadly Zika Virus

Brazil have deployed over 200,000 military troops to go ‘house to house’ in order to attempt to bring the Zika virus outbreak under control.  Zika-carrying mosquitoes have been blamed for causing a birth defect epidemic, rapidly spreading across the world. Soldiers will visit homes across Brazil offering advice and medical assistance to people suffering from the […]

Man Yells That Marco Rubio is Owned by Jews and Freemasons at Campaign Rally

On Wednesday, January 6th, 2015, a man at a campaign rally for presidential candidate Marco Rubio stood up and clearly shouted the fact that Marco Rubio is nothing but a shabbos goy owned by jewry. ELECTION 2016 – Marco Rubio’s Jewish backers…and 4 other things to know about him: “Rubio’s biggest patrons are active […]

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