Posts Tagged ‘poor’

CIA Rebels Behead Kid And Other Recent U.S. Successes in Syria

The U.S. “regime change” operation in Syria recently tallied up some major successes. The Syrian Democratic Force, a U.S. sponsored group of mostly Syrian Kurds, is besieging the Islamic State held eastern city of Manbij. According to the UN’s Human Rights commissioner 70,000 civilians in Manbij are cut off from all supplies. […]

Bastille day attack: Possibly 50 killed in Nice, France after truck drives into crowd, reports of gunfire

     People could be seen running in panic after a truck crashed into the crowd on Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France. Many people have been reportedly injured. There also have been unconfirmed reports of gunfire. Witnesses reported that the truck that drove into the crowd was watching the fireworks celebration of Bastille Day. Photos […]

Why The Elites Hate Corbyn And His Momentum Supporters

Print Friendly Above Photo: ‘I’ve spent much of the last two decades working in movements aimed at creating new forms of bottom-up democracy, from the Global Justice Movement to Occupy Wall Street [2011].’ Photograph: Frank Franklin II/AP As the rolling catastrophe of what’s already being called the “chicken coup” against the Labour leadership winds down, pretty much […]

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity: State Dept. memo on Syria ‘reckless’

     A group of U.S. intelligence veterans urges President Obama to resist the “reckless” call for a wider Syrian war from 51 State Department officials in a recent “dissent memo.” MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity Subject: Beware Foggy Bottom Dissent Dissent and disagreement within […]

Not only trauma but also the reversal of trauma is inherited

     Behaviors caused by traumatic experiences in early life are reversible. Researchers from the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich could demonstrate that environmental enrichment allows trauma-related symptoms in mice to be reversed. This is the first evidence that positive environmental factors can correct behavioral alterations which would otherwise be transmitted to the offspring. The […]

Video catches police savagely assaulting and tasing teen girl, then put a bag over her head

     A video showing police in Madison, Wisconsin, violently assaulting an unarmed black teenage girl at a mall has gone viral, and the footage captured by a bystander is causing alarm as it spreads across social media. In the video, originally posted by Facebook user RichBoy Robinson, the girl, who local media identified as 18-year-old […]

Hacker Releases ‘Secret’ Clinton Docs from State Dept., DNC’s Trump Opposition File, Donor List

Thousands of alleged DNC documents leaked online A hacker has reportedly released thousands of documents belonging to the Democratic National Committee that were recently taken during a breach of the organization’s computer network. The documents, posted online by a hacker identifying as “Guccifer 2.0” – an homage to the now-imprisoned Romanian hacker who revealed […]

Israeli goods swarm terrorist-controlled areas in Quneitra, Syria

     Local sources in Quneitra province revealed that terrorist organizations had been distributing Israeli-made foodstuff to the locals in the areas under their control. This has been happening almost monthly, according to the sources which indicated that Israeli-made food items have flooded the areas controlled by terrorists in Quneitra countryside. The sources, who spoke on […]

Precocious puberty in girls is epidemic and getting worse

     Girls with early onset puberty face a number of mental and physical health risks. Padded bras for kindergarteners with growing breasts to make them more comfortable? Sixteen percent of U.S. girls experiencing breast development by the age of 7? Thirty percent by the age of 8? Clearly something is affecting the hormones of U.S. […]

Man Dressed Like Apple Employee Steals iPhones Worth $16K

A thief dressed as an Apple store employee walked out of the company’s SoHo store in NYC, with an accomplice carrying 19 iPhones worth over $16,000 under his clothes, according to NYPD. NBC News reports: According to local news site DNAInfo, last week a man dressed “similarly” to uniformed Apple employees walked into the SoHo […]

The Daily Traditionalist: Building a State Within a State

Radio Aryan June 6, 2016 Matthew Heimbach returns with his daily podcast, which has been off-air for a week due to training for a new job. The show begins with an apology from him on missing the past week of shows, but now things are back to normal, The Daily Traditionalist will be back at […]

Dr. Duke Completely Exposes the Vicious Jewish Enemy of Our White Heritage: Ayn Rand — real name Alisa Rosenbaum!

Dr. Duke Completely Exposes the Vicious Jewish Enemy of Our White Heritage: Ayn Rand —  real name Alisa Rosenbaum! Today Dr. Duke had a show that focused on Ayn Rand, the Jewish intellectual godmother of the Libertarian Party. He played a clip of Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson condemning Donald Trump’s “racism” for saying […]

Detroit mother challenges totalitarian police state by refusing to give her daughter deadly antipsychotic medication

(NaturalNews) Maryanne Godboldo, a mother from Detroit, never imagined that her decision to wean her young daughter off psychotropic drugs would result in a 10-hour long standoff with police, five days in jail and a six year legal battle with the City and Child Protective Services. Godboldo’s horrific and painful ordeal began in […]

Citizen Paralyzed from the Waist Down After Cop Shoots Him for “Sleeping in Car”

Rebekah Kearn | Courthouse News Service Man Says Cop Shot Him for Sleeping in Car FRESNO, Calif. (CN) — A 20-year-old man who is paralyzed from the waist down claims in court that it’s because Bakersfield police shot him five times for sleeping in his car in a church […]

EPA Says Radiation spike Near Hanford Nuclear Waste Site Is ‘Natural’

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) say that the elevated gamma radiation levels around the Hanford site, America’s largest nuclear waste storage facility, is down to natural causes However a few inconsistencies have been found in the EPA’s claims as Russia Today’s Alexey Yaroshevsky has discovered: RT has reported extensively on the situation at Washington State’s Hanford […]

2 bodies found in debris of home explosion in Burlington, Wisconsin

     Cause of explosion yet unknown Racine officials recovered two bodies from the scene of a home explosion Saturday. As of 9 p.m. Sunday, crews were still searching for a possible third victim. First responders were called to the home near Ketterhagen Road and Burlington Bypass around 3 p.m. Saturday, but there had already been […]

How Neocons And Liberal Hawks Lie To Sell Wars

Print Friendly Above photo: Regardless of who leads us, the arms industry, paired with warmongering politicians and their media enablers are always trying to shape the conversation around war and peace in favor of the former. “Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of […]

The Durable US-Saudi Alliance…

Darko Lazar A cloud of deepening mistrust between Washington and Riyadh ushered in an icy reception for US President Barack Obama at the King Khalid International Airport in the Saudi capital this week. While Saudi state television closely covers the arrival of Persian Gulf heads of state, which are always welcomed on the tarmac with […]

Torrance, CA Police Use Lights to Blind CopBlocker’s Cameras (VIDEO)

The video above was sent to via the submission tab by Laura who, alonger with a friend, shines the disinfecting light of transparency on Torrance, CA police officers. In the video you see the officers not only mock the duo but they also use their flashlights and car lights to limit what they are able to record. According […]

US Regime Change Operations–the Greatest Threat to Humanity?

Liliana Ayalde, US Ambassador to Brazil [ Ed. note – Fortune Magazine is celebrating the impeachment of Brazilian President Dilma Roussef which took place Sunday. In an article headlined, “Dilma Rousseff Impeachment Is Just the First Step to Heal Brazil’s Broken Economy,” writer Cyrus Sanati can’t seem to resist crowing: Oh, how the mighty BRIC […]

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