Posts Tagged ‘villages’

Unleashed: Israeli settlers rampage through West Bank villages, kill two people, injure dozens

Israeli settlers have killed two Palestinians since Friday, in a series of rampage attacks on Palestinian villages in the region east of Ramallah. The two martyrs were identified as Jihad Abu Alia, 25, from the village of al-Mughayyir, and Omar Hamed, 17, from the village of Beitin. The attacks came following the disappearance of a […]

Taliban Officials Visit Villages Struck By Earthquake That Killed At Least 2,000 People

A magnitude 6.3 quake hit western Afghanistan’s Herat province, killing at least 2,000 people and flattening entire villages. Source

Drinking water supplied to over 1,370 villages in less than a year

TEHRAN – Iranian Energy Ministry has managed to supply drinking water through pipeline to 1,379 villages across the country since a major program for supplying water to rural areas was implemented less than a year ago, an official with Iran’s Water and Wastewater Company said. According to Majid Aghazadeh, since the implementation of the mentioned […]

Anti-Christian Riots in India Surge Across 20 Villages

Hundreds of Christians in Chhattisgarh forced to flee into forests 12/22/2022 India (International Christian Concern) — Christians in 20 villages in the Narayanpur and Kondagaon districts in the Chhattisgarh state of India were attacked this week by radical Hindu nationalists for refusing to re-convert from Christianity to Hinduism. The attacks took place on… Source

‘I’m just 33 kilos’: Frontline villages going hungry amid Ukraine war

An elderly villager in Ukraine has claimed locals have been going hungry amid the conflict.  Galina, 75, is from Lebyazhe, around 50 kilometres southeast of Kharkiv. Russian forces did not reach the village, but it was on the frontline of fighting as Ukrainian troops tried to defend the country’s second-largest city.  Now, invading troops have been […]

Agritourism to contribute to economic growth of villages, agriculture minister says

TEHRAN–Iranian Agriculture Minister Javad Sadati Nejad has said that villages’ economies will be driven by agritourism in the future. “Future economic growth will be based on agritourism in rural areas,” IRNA quoted the minister as saying on Saturday. Several villages in Iran have been depopulated because drought occurs in some areas due to climate change, […]

Israeli military drills in Masafer Yatta turn Palestinian villages into a shooting range

President Biden has spoken clearly of his commitment to human rights and the residents of Masafar Yatta hoped he would acknowledge the threat we face during his recent visit to Palestine. However, when the Israeli army canceled live ammunition training in our villages in for the duration of the president’s visit, he chose to ignore […]

Survivors Dig Through Villages After Afghanistan Quake Kills More Than 1,000

GAYAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Villagers rushed to bury the dead Thursday and dug by hand through the rubble of their homes in search of survivors of a powerful earthquake in eastern Afghanistan that killed at least 1,000 people. The Taliban and the international community that fled their takeover struggled to bring help to the disaster’s […]

Denied electricity, Palestinian villages learn to live with solar power

Living without basic amenities in the caves after their houses faced repeated demolitions and attacks from Jewish settlers, coupled with restrictions from the Israeli army, residents of the Palestinian village of Tana, have learned to fill the gap by using renewable resources, Anadolu News Agency reports. Bassam Khatatbeh and his family, including nine children, are […]

Realtor Transforms Abandoned Properties Into Tiny Home Villages That Give Permanent Housing to Chronic Homeless

Realtor Transforms Abandoned Properties Into Tiny Home Villages That Give Permanent Housing to Chronic Homelessby Good News NetworkJuly 24, 2021 A realtor in Missouri is determined to make her hometown “a city where no one sleeps outside.”For nine years Linda Brown and her husband David organized a nightly drop-in shelter where homeless people in Springfield could […]

Greece evacuates villages as forest fires rage

Authorities in the Corinth region of southern Greece have moved people from six villages to safety as fire fighters battled a forest fire with scores of trucks and 21 aircraft, they said on Thursday. No deaths were reported in the blaze that broke out on Wednesday night at a small seaside holiday resort on the […]

Electricity supplied to 62 villages in 16 provinces

TEHRAN- The projects for supplying electricity to 62 villages in 16 provinces were inaugurated by Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian in a ceremony on Tuesday. The projects were inaugurated in the framework of the ministry’s “A-B-Iran” program in Ardebil, Ilam, East Azarbaijan, West Azarbaijan, Kerman, North Khorasan,  South Khorasan, Khorasan Razavi, Khuzestan, Sistan-Baluchestan, Mazandaran, Qazvin, Kermanshah, […]

With mere 2% vaccinated, unrecognized Bedouin villages are an Israeli blind spot

Deep in the Negev desert, Bedouin residents of a village deemed illegal by the government say more houses have been demolished than people vaccinated, despite Israel’s world-beating coronavirus inoculation drive. “No one is vaccinated here,” said Adnan al-Abari, a maintenance worker at the school in Tel Arad. Israel is a global leader in coronavirus vaccinations […]

100 People Killed In Attacks On Villages By Suspected Islamist Militants In Niger

NIAMEY (Reuters) — One hundred people were killed on Saturday in attacks on two villages in western Niger, Prime Minister Brigi Rafini said following one of the deadliest days in recent memory for a country ravaged by Islamist violence. Rafini announced the death toll in remarks broadcast on national television on Sunday from a visit […]

At least 100 dead after extremist attacks on two villages in Niger

At least 100 people have died after Islamic extremists attacked two villages in Niger near the border with Mali, the country’s prime minister said on Sunday. Prime Minister Brigi Rafini travelled to the two villages of Tchombangou and Zaroumdareye a day after the attack. “We came to provide moral support and present the condolences of […]

Displaced Christians Return to Home Villages in Central India

Photo Credit: Free Photos/Pixabay India (International Christian Concern) – According to local sources, 16 Christian families that were displaced in September 2020 have returned to their home villages in the Kondagoan district of India’s Chhattisgarh state. The return of these Christian families took place after a court ordered district authorities in Kondagoan to provide the […]

Lost ‘Cosmic’ Amazonian Villages Discovered in Brazilian Rainforest

Helicopter Lidar scans have revealed an ancient Amazonian “cosmos” of circular settlements, all connected by straight roads. Acre is an Amazonian rainforest state in northwestern Brazil known for Brazil nut trees and the production of rubber. In the west, on the Peruvian border, the Serra do Divisor National Park features high mountains and several waterfalls, […]

Drinking water supplied to 805 villages since late March

TEHRAN- Drinking water has been supplied to 805 villages across Iran since the beginning of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20), the secretary of the national task force for water, wastewater information dissemination has announced. Ali Seyedzadeh said that drinking water has been supplied for over 553,000 persons in these villages. He said the […]

Muslim Fulani Seize Christian Villages in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Photo Credit: Uwe Dedering/Wikipedia JOS, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Having taken over more than 100 once predominantly Christian villages in four counties of southern Kaduna state, Nigeria, Muslim Fulani militia killed three more Christians in late October, a rights advocate said. Fulani attacks in the areas have driven 50,000 people to live with relatives or in […]

Watch Live: Donald Trump Hosts a Campaign Rally at The Villages in Florida

President Donald Trump will host a campaign rally at The Villages community in Florida. The rally is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. EST. This is the first rally since the president’s final debate with former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the president is delivering campaign speeches outdoors. It is 11 […]

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