Posts Tagged ‘forest’

Groundbreaking study highlights urgent need to protect global forest carbon sinks

Published in Nature, the study underscores the importance of global forests in absorbing carbon dioxide and calls for immediate action to protect these ecosystems. Source

First Smart Forest City in Mexico Designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti

Courtesy of The Big Picture Written by Christele Harrouk Published on October 29, 2019 Commisionned by Grupo Karim’s, and designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti, the first Smart Forest City in Mexico will focus on innovation and environmental quality. The city balances green and built spaces, and is completely food and energy self-sufficient. + 3 Smart Forest City – Cancun is […]

The Katyn Forest Massacre | Dr. William Luther Pierce

In this exposé by Dr. William Luther Pierce, the truth behind the Katyn Forest Massacre during World War II is revealed. The massacre, which occurred in 1940, involved the murder of thousands of Polish military officers and intellectuals by the Soviet secret police. Despite the efforts of the German forces to expose these atrocities, the […]

Carried the 13-year-old out into the forest and raped her until the blood gushed

A Syrian citizen who claims to be 17 years old is now charged with an unusually bestial and bloody rape of a 13-year-old girl in Hovdala in Scania. According to the indictment, it was on July 12, 2023 this year that the Syrian grabbed the girl and carried her into a secluded forest area. There, […]

The case for protecting the Tongass National Forest, America’s ‘last climate sanctuary’

The “lungs of North America,” the Tongass National Forest is the Earth’s largest intact temperate rainforest. Protecting it means protecting the entire planet. Source

Al Mayadeen documentary: How Hezbollah burnt the IOF’s Naqab Forest

24 Sep 2023  Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English Al Mayadeen airs a new documentary disclosing undisclosed details about the Israeli landing operation in Abbassiyye back in 2006. “On August 5, 2006, two Sikorsky CH-53K helicopters landed on the coast of Tyre, South Lebanon, 23 kilometers deep into Lebanon from Ras al-Naqoura, a rescue […]

2 Women Killed in Crash in Lake Forest

Two women were killed in a two-vehicle crash in Lake Forest, authorities said July 7. The crash at Bake Parkway and Commerce Centre Drive was reported at 10:55 p.m., according to Orange County Sheriff’s Sgt. Frank Gonzalez. Two women in one of the vehicles died at the scene, Gonzalez said. Both were described as being […]

How could they be “forest fires” if the forests weren’t on fire?

From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack Forensic arborist Robert Brame presents his photographic evidence that, in nearly all those California fires, what burned hell-hot was NOT the forests but the GROUND, the soil left forever STERILE. What happened time and time again in California (as, no doubt, in Canada last week) certainly did not result […]

Facebook*-Tik Tok-MSM: Americans MUCH 2-far Distracted to “See the Forest for the Trees”

A Facebook* friend has been having trouble with the platform for his business page, which has been screwing up lately. He can’t get any help from Facebook*, and believes this is because Mark Zuckerberg has fired many of the employees. Allegedly, on their way out, the fired support staff infected the site with a range […]

Hunter Biden Heads Into Georgia Forest In Search Of Cocaine Bear

GEORGIA — After hearing that a black bear did epic amounts of cocaine somewhere in the forests of Georgia, Hunter Biden quickly gathered his camping gear and started driving south. Source

An enchanting 3-million-year-old fossilised palm forest in Greece with stunning water views (VIDEO)

In Laconia, in the southeastern tip of the Peloponnese, specifically near the village of Agios Nikolaos Vionnear, one will come across a landscape of rare and wild natural beauty – a fossilised palm forest estimated to be between two to three million years old. Palm tree trunks and roots have been uncovered in the area… […]

‘There are bodies in the forest’: Missing migrants worry activists on Lithuania-Belarus border

Lithuania’s government recently approved controversial legislation to formalise pushbacks as an official policy at the Belarus border. Source

Medieval Forest Camp Out

Just some simple music to make you feel like you are with a troupe of musicians having a grand old time. Source

4 Africans Arrested for gang raping A women twice in a Forest

4 Eritrean men are charged after two serious rapes against a 40-year-old woman in Huddinge at the end of June. In one case, the woman was raped by all four men in a wooded area and one of the men filmed the abuse, according to the indictment. All four now risk long prison terms and […]

Over 800 Ancient Monuments Found in Polish Forest with LiDAR!

One of the last primeval forests in Europe, Białowieża forest in Poland, is the subject of a fascinating new LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) survey. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

Fire and Fury, or Short-Circuited Docu-Fizzer? Part 1: A fear-filtered failure to see the Freedom Forest for the Tumult of Tenacious Trees

By Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards In this exposé, the documentary ‘Fire and Fury’ casts the ‘protagonists’ in the NZ Parliament Occupation, for a public trial by media via character assassination. The documentary, and accompanying articles produced by Stuff Circuit, were designed to inoculate its mainstream news audience, who were targeted for emotional hijacking by the film-makers […]

Activists To Rally Against Renewed Logging In State Forest

California – Community, environmental and tribal activists opposed to renewed logging in the Jackson Demonstration State Forest plan to rally in the forest Sunday and warn of potential civil disobedience in the future. The notice comes in response to a Cal Fire announcement that tree cutting would resume as early as this week on at least one […]

Against All Odds, Survivors in a Dying Forest

Against All Odds, Survivors in a Dying Forestby Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering WatchAugust 28, 2022 The climate engineers are contaminating and cutting off the life giving flow of rain to forests all over the world. Trees are dying and incinerating, wildlife is disappearing. I knew I had to do something to turn the tide for my forest friends.Now, […]

Smell of Portugal’s forest fires reaches Madrid 300 kilometres away

The Spanish capital’s emergency services received hundreds of calls about the smell of burning, while a satellite image shows a column of smoke spreading from Portugal. Source

Large forest fire forces evacuations west of Athens

Greek firefighters fought a large forest blaze that forced the evacuation of a small village west of Athens, the latest in a series of wildfires flared as solid winds swept several parts of Greece. By evening, the fire service said the blaze appeared to be spreading at a much slower pace, raising hopes it could… […]

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