Posts Tagged ‘contribute’

Modified RNA in COVID Vaccines May Contribute to Cancer Development: Review


The EU Wants Fossil Fuel Firms To Contribute To Climate Fund

Authored by Charles Kennedy via, Oil and gas companies could be a source of additional funding for a UN climate financing to help developing economies cope with the consequences of climate change, according to a draft EU document seen by Reuters. After failing so far to establish a clear-cut framework of how much wealthy developed […]

‘Unprofessional’ Practices Contribute To High Russian Casualty Rate, UK Intelligence Says

Moscow said 89 of their troops died after Ukraine struck a building in the Russian-held town of Makiyivka near the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. Source

Apps contribute to loss of privacy

Corporations want or rather need you to use their apps that connect to their services instead of using a browser on a personal computer or even a smart phone. Apps give developers/corporations access to you data that a browser, even on a smartphone does not. This is a contribution to your loss of privacy. MANY […]

Agritourism to contribute to economic growth of villages, agriculture minister says

TEHRAN–Iranian Agriculture Minister Javad Sadati Nejad has said that villages’ economies will be driven by agritourism in the future. “Future economic growth will be based on agritourism in rural areas,” IRNA quoted the minister as saying on Saturday. Several villages in Iran have been depopulated because drought occurs in some areas due to climate change, […]

Did Pythagoras’ Bizarre Fear of Fava Beans Contribute to his Death?

The ancient Ionian Greek philosopher Pythagoras (c.570-495 BC) is widely credited with many foundational mathematic and scientific discoveries. Read more Section:  News Unexplained Phenomena History Famous People Read Later  Source

Biden Touts 10th Anniversary of DACA Giveaway: ‘They Contribute’

President Joe Biden marked the tenth anniversary of the DACA work permit giveaway by touting the migrants’ role in the U.S. economy, even as Americans’ wage gains fall below the inflation rate.

Russian succession from Khazaria would contribute to ‘religious Eurasianism’ in the ‘Talmudic tradition’

Soviet Jewish dictator Stalin portrayed as Christian saint by dupe. Many Russian Orthodox followers perceive Stalin positively. (Editor’s note: the following call for a Eurasian proclamation seems to fill in the missing gap between the old Jewish kingdom of Khazaria and the Jewish world imperium of today, with its true seat of power residing in […]

New report reveals top 15 retail giants that contribute most to climate crisis through fossil-fuel-powered shipping

Image Credit: Asia Times A new report revealed the top 15 retail giants impacting the environment and public health. According to the report, the retail companies’ manufacturing and transport choices are “damning.” Research conducted by nonprofits Pacific Environment and uncovered Walmart to be the top retail maritime shipping polluter followed by Ashley, Target, Dole, […]

New HSBC-backed coal plants will contribute to 19,000 deaths annually, new study estimates

Coal-fired power plants set to be built by companies part-owned by British multinational bank HSBC will contribute to tens of thousands of deaths worldwide due to air pollution once completed, new research suggests. A new study by researchers at the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) estimates that the planned coal plants […]

Zarif: Iran aims to contribute to lasting peace in Afghanistan

The Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said his country wants to contribute to establishing lasting peace and ending the conflict in Afghanistan. The official made the remarks upon his arrival in the Tajik capital of Dushanbe where he will participate in a ministerial meeting of the Heart of Asia – Istanbul Process initiative and […]

Sincere Efforts Can Contribute Much to Making Benefits and Schemes More Accessible for Disability Affected Persons

          Many benefits and schemes available for persons with various disabilities cannot reach them, particularly in more remote villages, as much effort is needed for linking persons with disabilities (PwDs) with the various schemes meant for providing relief and benefits to them . Due to past neglect the number of PwDs can be not only […]

Long-Term Mask Use May Contribute To Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds

By Phillip Schneider A recent study in the journal Cancer Discovery found that inhalation of harmful microbes can contribute to advanced stage lung cancer in adults. Long-term use of face masks may help breed these dangerous pathogens. Microbiologists agree that frequent mask wearing creates a moist environment in which microbes are allowed to grow and […]

Face Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer

Face Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer Source: Phillip Schneider – BLN Staff Writer A recent study in the journal Cancer Discovery found that inhalation of harmful microbes can contribute to advanced stage lung cancer in adults. Long-term use of face masks may help breed these dangerous pathogens. Microbiologists agree that frequent […]

STUDY: Long term mask use breeds microbes that infiltrate the lungs and contribute to advanced stage lung cancer

STUDY: Long term mask use breeds microbes that infiltrate the lungs and contribute to advanced stage lung cancer / Lance D Johnson (Natural News) A new study finds that cultivation and enrichment of microbes on the face can infiltrate the lungs through unconscious aspirations and cause inflammatory responses and advanced stage lung cancer. The […]

New Way to Contribute

Supporters can now contribute through this website. You can either do a one-time contribution for any amount or a monthly $5 subscription. For the subscription you must click on the “membership” tab on the left of the donate button. I don’t know much about the website and most likely it will ban my page, but […]

Can You Change DNA Copying Errors That Contribute to Cancer, and Other Diseases?

Christina Sarich, Guest Waking Times The latest research coming from cell biologists is that even if you eat healthy foods, exercise, and don’t have a family history of cancer, you’re still likely to develop cancer due to DNA copying errors – when the transcription of your genetic material starts to look like a page […]

Bye and sorry for the mess! US not planning to contribute money to Iraq reconstruction

     As a primary candidate, Donald Trump championed a quasi-isolationist foreign policy. At one Republican primary debate, Trump argued that America had “done a tremendous disservice to humanity” in the Middle East. “The people that have been killed, the people that have been wiped away – and for what?” the mogul asked. “The Middle East […]

People Who Practice Yoga Contribute to White Supremacy, Professor Claims

White people who do a downward-facing dog are contributing to a “system of power, privilege, and oppression,” according to a Michigan State University professor. Shreena Gandhi, a religious studies professor at Michigan State, claims in an article she recently co-authored that Americans who practice yoga are contributing to White supremacy and promote the “yoga industrial […]

Britain to contribute £20 to Palestinian budget

IMEMC : Britain has agreed to pay its annual contribution of 20 million pounds to support the Palestinian budget, part of which will go […]

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