Posts Tagged ‘errors’

Report Criticizes ‘Catastrophic Errors’ Of COVID Lockdowns, Warns Of Repeat

Authored by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), It was four years ago, in March 2020, that health officials declared COVID-19 a pandemic and America began shutting down schools, closing small businesses, restricting gatherings and travel, and other lockdown measures to “slow the spread” of the virus. UNICEF unveiled its “Pandemic Classroom,” a […]

David Frum And The Axis Of Errors

Authored by Francis P. Sempa via RealClear Wire, Writing in The Atlantic, David Frum, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush and cheerleader for endless wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Global War on Terror, warns us that if Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election NATO will be wrecked, our allies around the world […]

Hospital Diagnostic Errors Send Nearly 1-In-4 Patients To ICU, Study Finds

Authored by Amie Dahnke via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Diagnostic errors in U.S. hospitals are sending nearly one in four patients to the intensive care unit, according to the results of a new study. (christinarosepix/Shutterstock) In the cohort study conducted by a team from UC San Francisco and the University of Colorado School of […]

VOCI – Errors in the Geek New Testament, Part 1     The post VOCI – Errors in the Geek New Testament, Part 1 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

BBC Chairman Made ‘Significant Errors of Judgement’ Over Boris Johnson’s Loan, MPs Say

BBC Chair Richard Sharp made “significant errors of judgement” when failing to declare his role in the facilitation of a loan to the then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a Parliamentary committee has said. Sharp is under investigation over potential conflicts of interests after allegations emerged that he had helped secure an £800,000 ($987,000) loan guarantee […]

WATCH: Joe Rogan Says ‘Vote Republican,’ Cites ‘Serious Errors’ During Pandemic

Podcast king Joe Rogan urged his 11 million listeners to “vote Republican” to address “serious errors” made during the coronavirus pandemic.

China Blames ‘Technical Errors’ for Using Coronavirus App to House-Arrest Protesters

Chinese officials on Wednesday addressed mounting public outrage over the abuse of the mandatory coronavirus “health code” system to suppress protests against a banking scandal – by improbably claiming the whole affair was just a minor technical glitch.

Russia’s errors: from the Filioque to Putinism

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D’oh! Here Are 8 Critical Errors Made By The Rittenhouse Prosecutors

Kyle Rittenhouse’s guilt as a white supremacist, terrorist, violence-inciting murderer is obvious. That’s why the prosecution team for the state of Wisconsin has been so sharply criticized for botching what should have been a layup case.  Below are the critical errors made by the prosecutors that may allow the mass murderer the freedom to do […]

Texas audit proposed by GOP would miss minor but real errors

A group of Texas Republicans wants to audit the 2020 election results in just the large, mostly Democratic counties across the state. If they get their way, they’ll miss many of the real — but minor — errors in the state’s vote count. That’s according to a team of researchers that conducted a statewide analysis […]

Dem pollsters acknowledge ‘major errors’ in 2020 polling

There’s no simple answer for why the polls have missed the mark in recent elections. But one likely culprit for some of the errors is the deteriorating public trust in institutions, like government and the news media — and the correlation between that wariness and voting for Trump. Between his public statements and Twitter account, […]

Johns Hopkins study suggests medical errors are third-leading cause of death in U.S.

Physicians advocate for changes in how deaths are reported By Vanessa McMains / Published May 3, 2016 Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure, published May 3 in The […]

Can You Change DNA Copying Errors That Contribute to Cancer, and Other Diseases?

Christina Sarich, Guest Waking Times The latest research coming from cell biologists is that even if you eat healthy foods, exercise, and don’t have a family history of cancer, you’re still likely to develop cancer due to DNA copying errors – when the transcription of your genetic material starts to look like a page […]

Comedy Of Errors: Israel Ready For Rematch War With Hezbollah

Israel has amassed thousands of personnel and missile defence systems along its northern border in a massive military drill, simulating a major rematch war with Iranian affiliated Hezbollah in Lebanon. “The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has deployed thousands of air, sea and land personnel to the Lebanese border for its biggest military drill in almost […]

All Christians are Cucks # 2

Time for another portion of Biblical verses and their cute relationship to reality. In general this article will be for those who weren’t convinced by the first part and simply needed more evidence to finally wake up and get over to the edge of Truth. If you still insist on remaining a Christian after this […]

Facebook Vows To Suppress All Alternative Media

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft have officially partnered with the European Commission in order to crack down on free speech by banning “alternative media” from their platforms. The European Commission announced their partnership with Facebook and other social media giants on Tuesday, saying they have ordered these internet giants to completely eliminate “hate speech” and “counter-narratives” […]

Palestinian game explains Israeli war on Gaza

Anadolu, West Bank –Palestinian skilful youth from West Bank has developed game app explaining Israeli war and its painful effects on Gaza Strip. A building is torn down by a missile, a drone strike hits and white phosphorus fills the air within moments of starting “Liyla and The Shadows of War,” a mobile game by […]

Facebook whistleblowers say Facebook manipulates trending news to suppress independent and conservative news sources

     Apparently, and to no one’s complete surprise, Facebook has been wielding indiscriminate censorship yet again — this time by manipulating the “trending news” feature to suppress pertinent news stories presented by both conservative and independent media sources, according to an insider turned whistleblower. As Gizmodo reported, a former journalist who worked in that division […]

The Death of Masculinity

List of Serbian monarchs This is an archontological list of Serbian monarchs, containing monarchs of the medieval principalities, to heads of state of modern Serbia. The Serbian monarchy dates back to the Early Middle Ages. The Serbian royal titles used include Prince, Grand Prince, King, Emperor and Despot. Source Article from

1 in 3 Antibiotics Prescribed in U.S. Are Unnecessary

1 in 3 Antibiotics Prescribed in U.S. Are Unnecessary May 4th, 2016 Would you like some chicken with that? Via: Washington Post: Nearly a third of antibiotics prescribed in doctors’ offices, emergency rooms and hospital-based clinics in the United States are not needed, according […]

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