Posts Tagged ‘tv’

Turkey Closes US Access to Nuclear Base, Accuses Them of Harboring Goldstein Figure

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 16, 2016 UPDATE: Erdogan is officially calling for an extradition of Goldstein. Washington Post: He reiterated his accusation that a U.S.-based cleric, Fethullah Gulen, who lives in Pennsylvania, was behind the plot, and called on the United States to extradite the cleric. “Once they hand over that head terrorist in Pennsylvania […]

Jeremy Corbyn responds to Chilcot: "The Iraq war was an act of military aggression launched on a false pretext"

     [The following is a transcript of Jeremy Corbyn’s remarks today in the House of Commons.] Before addressing the issues raised in the Iraq Inquiry report, I would like to remember and honour the 179 British servicemen and women killed and the thousands maimed and injured during the Iraq war, and their families as well […]

Calling Forth the Great Revolution

Julian Rose, ContributorWaking Times Real revolution starts from within. There can be no outward revolution without an inward revolution to start the fire. The word revolution derives from the word ‘evolution’, a process of growing awareness. So ‘re’volution is a return, a revisiting, of a state of growing awareness. In this case, […]

Mammonism, Brexit and The Rest of Us

Mammonism is a type of capitalism that is driven by financial transactions such as trade, banking and stock exchanges instead of by manufacturing. It is the exploitive capitalist agenda manipulated by the large financial institutions like Goldman Sachs and the financial speculators like Soros. Brexit was effectively a vote against mammonism, against the banksters in […]

Brexit wins! — Brits so ‘NO!’ to United States of Europe

In yesterday’s referendum (Thursday 23 June), the Brits decided by a slim margin of 4 percent not to commit mass suicide by remaining part of the increasingly autocratic and Jew-controlled European Union (EU). This momentous decision has come as a seismic shock to the 48 per cent of Brits who wanted to remain part of […]

Reflection: A Water Story — A Pilgrimage Film About Love, Water, & Culture

Life follows water. Where there is water there is life, and where there is life there is water. The two are inseparable. This simple realization is imperative to the survival of our species. As a human species, we have systematically destroyed an innumerable number of natural ecosystems around the world. These are ecosystems that regulate […]

Voting in America: Choices for the lazy, ungrateful, and uninformed

     Electoral voting is the sacred cow of The United States. When one refuses to partake in the ritual they are often hit with a plethora of insults and rash arguments. The most recent target of these attacks has been the so-called “Bernie or Bust” demographic. This faction, as its name suggests, is on the […]

The Snowden Test

David Thrussell,  ContributorWaking Times No doubt you know the basic story. Beginning June 5th 2013, a series of explosive articles ran in The Guardian (and subsequently a handful of other newspapers/magazines) detailing a vast web of global surveillance (engineered by the U.S. National Security Agency and U.K. partner GCHQ). The revelations were […]

Zuckerberg: ‘We’ll All Be Plugged into the Matrix in 50 Years’

by Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple Yep. He also said computers will be able to read your mind, interpret your thoughts, and then beam them straight into Facebook! OH GOODY. (Not.) Via The Sun: Zuck has hinted that social networks of the future will be powered by telepathy, allowing ordinary people to beam their […]

“Look Past Pink and Blue”: New York City Launches $265k Campaign to Push Transgender Bathrooms

By The Daily Sheeple Apparently the loss of sexual privacy is your new “right” in New York City… Via Breitbart: The new “Look Past Pink and Blue” ads informs residents to “Use the restroom consistent with who you are,” echoing the political claim that each person’s feeling of their “gender” is more important than their anatomy […]

Gross Video of Pistorius Walking on His Stumps to Prove a Point

Daily Stormer June 15, 2016 Are yall aware that this is going on? Put your legs back on, mate! Source Article from

ISIS digs trenches, plants mines on Syrian border as Turkish military looks away (EXCLUSIVE)

The government of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has recently been keen to demonstrate its tough stance on Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), with reports of Turkish military operations against the terror group filling the national headlines. However, RT learned that the situation on the ground is very different from that presented by Ankara when […]

Proof that Blacks are Indeed Innocent of All Wrongdoings

Benjamin GarlandDaily Stormer June 5, 2016 We live in the age of information with the internet, and it’s very exciting. You can learn just about anything from the internet, things you would’ve never dreamed were true. For example, a couple of days ago we learned that the Israeli terrorist Bill Kristol’s third party cuck-candidate intended […]

2 bodies found in debris of home explosion in Burlington, Wisconsin

     Cause of explosion yet unknown Racine officials recovered two bodies from the scene of a home explosion Saturday. As of 9 p.m. Sunday, crews were still searching for a possible third victim. First responders were called to the home near Ketterhagen Road and Burlington Bypass around 3 p.m. Saturday, but there had already been […]

Bill Clinton Was Frequent Flier on Pedophile’s Private Jet ‘Lolita Express’

Initial reports in January suggested Clinton was on board the billionaire’s Boeing 727 on “only” 11 occasions, but documents obtained by Fox News show he flew with Epstein more than two dozen times. Between 2001 and 2003, while Hillary was serving as a US Senator, Bill took a number of “extended junkets” around the world with the […]

Where’s the row about Trump’s anti-Muslim hate speech?

Where’s the row about Trump’s anti-Muslim hate speech?  demonstrator shouts and carries a “Stop Islam” sign while another rips pages out of a Quran during a “Freedom of Speech Rally Round II” outside the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, Arizona on May 29, 2015. Photo by Nancy Wiechec/Reuters Hate Crimes Rise Along With Donald Trump’s […]

Two Flint Water Investigators Found Dead

Two Flint Water employees who were due to give important evidence to investigators preparing a lawsuit against the water company were both found dead in the space of a week this month.  Water Treatment Plant Foreman, Matthew McFarland, and the woman leading the suit, Sasha Avonna Bell, were both found dead within days of eachother. reports: […]

10 Ancient Artifacts of Human Existence

It fascinate us to find some of our things. Once they were our favorite shoes, favorite shirts, secret notes and even embarrassing old photos. It is always fun and nostalgic to find these treasures. What memories and stories can we got from these items. If we can get many stories from these 10-20 years old […]

The Horrific Jewish subversion of Christianity into a weapon against White Christians

The Horrific Jewish subversion of Christianity into a weapon against White Christians Today Dr. Duke talked about the case in Indiana where the wife and unborn child of a minister was raped and murdered in his home by black assailants. The minister has voiced his forgiveness for the criminals and states he hopes they […]

Obama Escalates Brexit Fearmongering Campaign

President Barack Obama leaned in further on his warning to the British electorate against embracing a so-called Brexit from the European Union, saying it could take as long as 10 years before the U.K. and the U.S negotiated a new trade agreement. ‘The U.K. would not be able to negotiate something with the […]

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