Posts Tagged ‘full’

Canadian Government Axes Tampon Tax, Will The U.S. Be Next?

Half of the global population needs to use tampons, pads, menstrual cups, etc. for a week each month, every month for about 30 years. But sanitary products, inexplicably deemed “nonessential,” are still taxed around the world. Fortunately, campaigns have recently been launched in a number of countries, including the United States, urging for the removal of […]

Why NASA Needs a Programmer Fluent In 60 Year Old Languages

Larry Zottarelli, the last original Voyager engineer still on the project, is retiring after a long and storied history at JPL. While there are still a few hands around who worked on the original project, now the job of keeping this now-interstellar spacecraft going will fall to someone else. And that someone needs to have some very specific skills. […]

Turkey May Be Expelled From NATO

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has threatened Turkey with being expelled from NATO if Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues with his ruthless power-grab.  As rumours of Turkey’s coup being a false flag gather momentum in the press, tensions between the U.S. and Turkey have increased dramatically. reports: Recall that on Saturday, as part of its […]

Russia and USA Closer to Cooperation on Syria After Kerry Visited Moscow

nsnbc : Talks between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian President Vladimir Putin have broken the ice the political stalemate and laid the foundation for a better understanding and closer cooperation. Major differences do, however, remain. Photo courtesy of TASS, Mikhail Metzel Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on the meeting between Kerry and […]

‘Unthinkable’: Austria’s interior minister rejects proposal to grant work permits to asylum seekers

The proposal laid out by the European Commission on Wednesday would include a rule allowing refugees and migrants to obtain work permits six months after submitting asylum applications in EU countries. Austrian far-right politician shows migrants ‘how to interact with our women’ (VIDEO) However, on Thursday, Austrian Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka flatly rejected the idea. […]

Another animal mutilation reported in rural Oklahoma

     Ten weeks ago, I wrote a column on a goat mutilation that occurred in rural Montgomery County Kansas on April 3. When I referred back to that column in my files, I also caught a moment of cerebral flatulence I had when writing and proofreading it: I had inadvertently typed in July rather than […]

Is your municipal wifi really free? Or are you paying with your sensitive data?

As usual, the devil is in the details: namely, the privacy policy that governs the system and the fact that it’s bottom-lined by the most powerful advertising company on the planet, Google.  In the capitalist marketplace, enormous corporations typically do not spend millions of dollars to be nice. And sure enough, while the companies involved […]

The David Duke Show: Trump’s Tweet Was True – It’s no (((Coincidence))) that Hillary’s Top Seven Donors are Jewish

David Duke July 5, 2016 Hillery pocketed $600 K from Goldman Sachs for 3 hours of speeches. InsideGov.says top 7 donors are Zio-money Moguls — David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) July 5, 2016 Today Dr. Duke addressed the tweet released over the weekend by Donald Trump that contained a graphic of Hillary against a background of […]

What an official September 11 photographer filmed and why he says it cost him his freedom

HOURS after planes flew into the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, Kurt Sonnenfeld was given unrestricted access to ground zero.Sonnenfeld was working for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, an organisation tied to the US Department of Homeland Security and charged with co-ordinating first response to disasters. Armed with […]

Petra – La ciudad perdida de piedra -Illuminati Documentary HD

New 216 ILLUMINATI SECRETS 2015: The New Atlantis – New BBC Illuminati Documentary HD,Illuminati Documentary SECRETS 2016,ILLUMINATI. source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from

Cut ties with energy vampires and save your sanity

     With empathy, the ability to recognize and feel other people’s emotions, comes the disadvantage of also absorbing the suffering and negativity of the others around you. When this occurs, your ability to function at your best can be significantly impacted. Even a person who is not so empathic can be affected energetically when around […]

Illuminati Exposed 2015: Aliens Killing Humans – New BBC Illiminati Documentary HD

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ILLUMINATI 2015: What is the Bilderberg Group – New Documentary Full Length HD

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Mammonism, Brexit and The Rest of Us

Mammonism is a type of capitalism that is driven by financial transactions such as trade, banking and stock exchanges instead of by manufacturing. It is the exploitive capitalist agenda manipulated by the large financial institutions like Goldman Sachs and the financial speculators like Soros. Brexit was effectively a vote against mammonism, against the banksters in […]

India’s spice trade at risk, as pesticides and pathogens contaminate popular seasonings including turmeric, chili and pepper

(NaturalNews) Pesticides are causing serious problems all over the world. Most pesticides and herbicides, once taken up by the body, go to war with the endocrine system, blocking the body’s ability to regulate its own hormones. In India, these dangerous pesticides are beginning to contaminate the country’s most healthy, top export spices. Countries […]

‘Mix yourself, protect yourself’ – French AIDS campaign promotes casual interracial sex, homosexuality

With Euro 2016 set to be held in France, French AIDS organization AIDES has released a rather questionable campaign titled “Colors of Love”. AIDES released the following four photographs to promote the campaign, alongside a slogan saying “Mix yourself, protect yourself”. The first picture shows a young Romanian man lying beside a woman painted with […]

‘Mix yourself, protect yourself’ – French AIDS campaign promotes casual interracial sex, homosexuality

With Euro 2016 set to be held in France, French AIDS organization AIDES has released a rather questionable campaign titled “Colors of Love”. AIDES released the following four photographs to promote the campaign, alongside a slogan saying “Mix yourself, protect yourself”. The first picture shows a young Romanian man lying beside a woman painted with […]

‘Mix yourself, protect yourself’ – French AIDS campaign promotes casual interracial sex, homosexuality

With Euro 2016 set to be held in France, French AIDS organization AIDES has released a rather questionable campaign titled “Colors of Love”. AIDES released the following four photographs to promote the campaign, alongside a slogan saying “Mix yourself, protect yourself”. The first picture shows a young Romanian man lying beside a woman painted with […]

‘Mix yourself, protect yourself’ – French AIDS campaign promotes casual interracial sex, homosexuality

With Euro 2016 set to be held in France, French AIDS organization AIDES has released a rather questionable campaign titled “Colors of Love”. AIDES released the following four photographs to promote the campaign, alongside a slogan saying “Mix yourself, protect yourself”. The first picture shows a young Romanian man lying beside a woman painted with […]

Israeli forces kidnap 25 Palestinians

Days of Palestine, West Bank/ Jerusalem -Israeli occupation forces kidnapped on Tuesday night 25 Palestinian citizens from occupied West Bank and Jerusalem. According to Palestinian sources, the Israeli occupation forces raided several neighbourhoods of the occupied Jerusalem and stormed several Palestinian houses. In the wake of the Israeli occupation raids, families reported the kidnapping six […]

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