Posts Tagged ‘tank’

New Zealand Grants Human Rights to a Former National Park

Sofia Adamson, StaffWaking Times “Te Urewera is a legal entity, and has all the rights, powers, duties, and liabilities of a legal person.” [Source] The conflict between man and nature can easily be seen in how we treat the natural world, and the norm for centuries has been to exact total dominion […]

India’s spice trade at risk, as pesticides and pathogens contaminate popular seasonings including turmeric, chili and pepper

(NaturalNews) Pesticides are causing serious problems all over the world. Most pesticides and herbicides, once taken up by the body, go to war with the endocrine system, blocking the body’s ability to regulate its own hormones. In India, these dangerous pesticides are beginning to contaminate the country’s most healthy, top export spices. Countries […]

ISIS Attacks Kill 24 In Baghdad As Iraqi Forces Enter Falluja

Bomb attacks in the north and northeast of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad on Monday, have killed at least 24 people and injured dozens more. ISIS claimed responsibility for the suicide bombings as Iraqi forces entered Falluja, the latest phase in the week-long operation to capture the terrorists’ stronghold near the Iraqi capital. The Iraqi army, […]

Afghan president in Tehran

Tehran, May 23, IRNA – Afghan President Ashraf Ghani arrived here Monday. President Ghani is in Tehran to sign a trilateral agreement on Chabahar port between Iran, Afghanistan and India. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also in Tehran. By IRNA Source Article from

State Duma speaker: Russia, Iran have similar stances on most international issues

“We appreciate the intensive political dialogue, cooperation in various areas, including in the military-technical sphere,” Sergey Naryshkin said during a meeting with speaker of Iran’s Majlis. MOSCOW, April 20. /TASS/. Russia and Iran hold similar positions on most international issues, Chairman of the Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) Sergey Naryshkin said during a meeting […]

DRONE FOOTAGE captures Syrian Army advance on ISIS near Damascus

The footage by a LifeNews crew purports to show helicopters, tanks and ground troops employed by the government forces against the jihadists. The video was published Sunday. “The extremists are trying to resist [the advance], but their effort is futile,” the report says. A half-year-long bombing campaign against the terrorists by Russian Air-Space Forces and […]

Sanders slams Clinton for ignoring Palestinians’ needs and thinking Netanyahu is ‘right all the time’

Clinton: “They do not seek this kind of attacks. The[y] do not invite rockets raining down on their towns and villages.” They have never made provocative attacks upon their neighbours. They have always been scrupulous in observing ceasefires. They have never attempted to undermine the elected government of Gaza. They have never taken pot-shots across […]

Tennis Star Maria Sharapova Admits Failing Drugs Test

Tennis star Maria Sharapova announced at a press conference on Monday that she failed a drugs test at the Australian Open. The BBC reports: The Russian, 28, tested positive for meldonium, a substance she has been taking since 2006 for health issues. Sharapova, a five-time Grand Slam champion, is provisionally suspended from 12 March pending […]

IRGC ready to help government in resistance economy: Commander

If the administration seeks implementing economic activities based on Resistance Economy, the capabilities of the IRGC and Baseej (volunteer forces) can greatly help, the commander told Tasnim. Resistance Economy refers to a set of guidelines set by Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei to promote domestic growth, reduce reliance on oil and counter […]

Test: Are you a narcissist and if so, what kind?

     In a new TED-Ed video, W. Keith Campbell explains different types of narcissism. According to the video, narcissism is “a set of traits classified and studied by psychologists” in which an individual has an inflated sense of self-importance. Narcissism as a personality trait can be classified as “vulnerable” or “grandiose.” Grandiose narcissists are the […]

At least 5 killed, 10 injured as blast hits military bus in Turkish capital Ankara

The scene of the explosion is located in close proximity to Turkey’s parliament, the Presidency of the General Staff, and Army, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard commands. The Daily Sabah reported that the explosion took place when a military vehicle was passing by. Social media users in Ankara say they heard a loud noise […]

All “Asylum Seekers” in EU are Fake

The recent admission by the European Union (EU) executive body that 40 percent of all “refugees” who invaded Europe last year have “no chance” of qualifying for asylum, ignores the EU’s own rules which clearly state that none have any right to asylum at all. As reported in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, a “senior […]

Jail The Bankers And Take Back Control Over Money

Print Friendly When the 2008 financial crisis hit, Iceland had a very different response than the United States. Iceland let the big banks fail, nationalized them and prosecuted the bankers, sending 26 of the bank executives to jail for fraud and market manipulation. In the US, no high level bankers were prosecuted and the big […]

Abbas steps up security against Palestinian armed attackers, calls for ‘peaceful uprising’

Israel asks Palestine for help tracking gunman who killed 2 “Anyone who wants to act against security forces using explosives, weapons or creating cells in any place will be arrested, no matter where he is going. Security measures have been taken following my orders,” Abbas told the media in the West Bank on Saturday, as […]

Iran not chasing US investment post-sanctions – President Rouhani

Following Iran’s implementation of its part of the deal to lift sanctions and monitor its nuclear activity, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that his country will not pursue the development of economic links with the US. Iran will not try to develop its economic ties with the US after Washington lifts sanctions against the Iranian […]

Emails expose close ties between Hillary Clinton and accused war criminal Henry Kissinger

The Feb. 7 letter, which was released in a batch of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is a request that she help declassify documents from Kissinger’s time as secretary of state, which he says constitute “a unique record of a critical period in American foreign policy.” Critics say Kissinger helped […]

Connecticut labor federation backs Israel boycott

Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 11 November 2015 Palestinian workers holding Israeli work permits take cover from the rain after crossing the Eyal checkpoint between the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya and present-day Israel, 4 January 2015. Oren Ziv ActiveStills The Connecticut branch of the AFL-CIO has voted to back key elements of […]

National Front V The ZOG Occupation Of Europe: ~Rememberance Day.


Interview With a Syrian Soldier – God Bless Syria – MUST WATCH

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog! Filed under: Al Qaeda, AngloZionist Empire, Arab Zionists, ISIL, Moderate Terrorist, MUSLIM ZIONISTS, Nusra Front, Syria, Syrian Army, USA, Wahabism At Work,, Wars for Israel Source Article from

IDF executes wounded 23-year-old Palestinian youth in Occupied Hebron

     On October 29th Mahdi Mohtaseb was executed by Israeli forces at the Salaymeh (160) checkpoint, near the Ibrahimi Mosque in the old city of al-Khalil (Hebron). The 23-year-old from Jabal Johar, who was employed in a local sweets shop, was supposed to meet his fiancée later in the day. At 0:22 seconds it shows […]

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