Posts Tagged ‘capabilities’

Hezbollah unleashes Falaq-1, battle-tests new capabilities (Footage)

26 Jan 2024 Source: Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Military media ByAl Mayadeen English The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon targets multiple Israeli sites on Friday and releases footage of Israeli military positions it had obtained via a reconnaissance drone. In support of the Palestinian people and their Resistance, Hezbollah launched multiple attacks on Israeli military sites […]

Okinawa US base being kept for a reason. Japan’s growing military capabilities.

Japan’s Growing Militarism: The Drums of War in Support of the American Empire By Timothy Alexander Guzman  It seems that Japan is making strategic decisions to join their US and NATO allies in preparation for a global war against their long-time adversaries, China, North Korea, and Russia. The latest deal Tokyo made with Washington for the […]

IRGC to unveil most recent strategic systems, capabilities soon

TEHRAN – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) will soon disclose its latest strategic systems and capabilities, the IRGC spokesman announced on Monday. Source

The FBI seized documents on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities – report

The FBI has found a document describing a foreign government’s nuclear capabilities while it was searching former US President Donald Trump’s residence, according to the Washington Post. The paper added that some of the documents recovered required special clearances, beyond even a top-secret clearance. The FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate on August 8th, recovering more […]

Advisor to Leader: Iran’s defense capabilities non-negotiable

TEHRAN— Amir Hatami, the advisor to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on military affairs said Saturday at the conference of science and technology in Sacred Defense that one of the issues that are always compared in wars is the role of manpower and equipment. The former defense minister noted that during the Sacred Defense, […]

Iran owns technical capabilities to make a nuclear bomb, official says

The head of Iran's Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, Kamal Kharazi, said his country has the technical capabilities to manufacture a nuclear bomb, but has not decide to make one. "It is no secret that we have the technical capabilities to manufacture a nuclear bomb, but we have not decided to do so," Kharazi,who is […]

Israeli Air Force Prepares to Attack Iran by Beefing up F-35s with One-Ton Bomb, Long-Haul Capabilities

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) has made dramatic developments aimed at preparing for an attack on Iran, including integrating a precision one-ton bomb in the belly of its F-35s, and updating the stealth fighter jets for long-haul flights direct to the Islamic Republic.

US Enhances its Bacteriological and Chemical Weapons Capabilities

The imperative for the US to give up the development, stockpiling and use of chemical and bacteriological weapons banned by multiple international conventions is now receiving increased global attention due to substantiated condemnation of Washington’s actions in Ukraine and a number of other countries in recent years. The US attempts to create bacteriological weapons in […]

Hassan Nasrallah: Resistance Capabilities Have Grown

Source: Al Mayadeen 7 Aug 2021 By Al Mayadeen Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, in a speech on the occasion of the 2006 July War, addresses local as well as regional issues – from the southern border retaliations to military equations. Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivering a speech on the occasion of the 2006 […]

Former Intel Official Admits, UFOs ‘Interfered’ with US Atomic Capabilities

Former Intel Official Admits, UFOs ‘Interfered’ with US Atomic CapabilitiesJune 10, 2021 via RTUFOs aren’t just real, they’re capable of mind-bending feats of flight and have a keen interest in toying with the US’ nuclear facilities. That’s according to an intelligence official tasked with investigating these phenomena.Speaking to the Washington Post on Tuesday, Luis Elizondo, […]

Pentagon says UFOs and Aliens are Real, they Even ‘Took down their Nuclear Capabilities’

    Unidentified flying objects (UFO) have repeatedly meddled with US nuclear technology, forcing some facilities to go offline, ex-head of Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Luis Elizondo, told The Washington Post. The revelation comes ahead of the release of an unclassified report on unidentified aerial phenomenons (UAPs) observed by US Navy pilots, which […]

Hamas seeking a way out: shortage in rockets, loss of assets, launching capabilities hindered

Browse > Home / News / Hamas seeking a way out: shortage in rockets, loss of assets, launching capabilities hindered May 13, 2021 by Baruch Yedid – TPS Read on for article The Hamas terror organization is licking its wounds and is seeking a way to end the IDF’s Operation Guardian of the Walls against […]

‘Milestone’ in indigenous defense capabilities: Taiwan launches 10,000-ton amphibious transport ship

A bottle-throwing ceremony marked the launch of Taiwan’s domestically developed ‘Yushan’ vessel, the navy’s 10,000-ton-class amphibious transport ship, which will enter service in 2022. Speaking on Tuesday, President Tsai Ing-wen hailed the “milestone” in the country’s indigenous warship building plans as the amphibious transport vessel was launched. “I believe that this ship will certainly strengthen […]

Israel’s Shin Bet Fears More Terror Attacks in 2021, Better Hamas Capabilities

The IDF’s new ‘Ghost Unit’ conducts an exercise. Photo: IDF Spokesperson’s Office. After a year in Israel notable for the lack of a major war, a marked decrease in terrorist attacks and a downturn in casualties, the Shin Bet — the country’s domestic security service — believes that 2021 will be very different. The security […]

North Korea’s Kim Urges Stronger Military Capabilities as Party Congress Ends

North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un speaks during the 18th Meeting of the Political Bureau of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), in this image released by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency on September 30, 2020. Photo: KCNA/via REUTERS/File Photo North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called for increased […]

Can Israel Now Give Up Its Nuclear Capabilities?

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Failure of intelligence: Why Russia’s new strategic capabilities come as a shock to US intelligence community

     The United States of America spends something like $80 billion annually on intelligence gathering and analysis. When the CIA was founded by the National Security Act in 1947 the intention was to create a mechanism that would warn about an imminent threat. The memory of Pearl Harbor in 1941, when Japan attacked the U.S. […]


South Front The Current State of Affairs At present time, Israel’s top political leadership is in the state of outright hysteria regarding Lebanese Hezbollah.  Senior Israeli officials have repeatedly claimed that Israel will not allow Hezbollah and Iran to concentrate its forces in border areas and to expand their influence in the region, particularly in Syria […]

Commander: US unaware of IRGC Navy’s high capabilities

FNA- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi underlined his forces’ high preparedness to confront enemies, noting that Washington is not aware of the IRGC’s naval power. “The IRGC Navy has used all its capacities to enhance security in the Persian Gulf and is now at the highest level of […]


Source The Hezbollah (“Party of God”) movement was formed in 1982 in Lebanon by a segment of the Shia community displeased with the secular, in their view, nature of the Amal moderate Shia party. There were also disagreements concerning whether Israel should be confronted using new organizational forms and methods of warfare. According to its […]

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