Posts Tagged ‘milestone’

“Notable Milestone”: American FICO Credit Scores Decline First Time In Decade

Although the Biden administration claims that the American consumer is humming on all cylinders, the Federal Reserve’s Beige Book in March painted a much different story in the report released on Wednesday. It showed consumers are cutting back on spending and becoming more cost-conscious due to the increasing pressures of elevated inflation. A new report by Fair […]

“Notable Milestone”: American FICO Credit Scores Decline First Time In Decade

Although the Biden administration claims that the American consumer is humming on all cylinders, the Federal Reserve’s Beige Book in March painted a much different story in the report released on Wednesday. It showed consumers are cutting back on spending and becoming more cost-conscious due to the increasing pressures of elevated inflation. A new report by Fair […]

“Notable Milestone”: American FICO Credit Scores Decline First Time In Decade

Although the Biden administration claims that the American consumer is humming on all cylinders, the Federal Reserve’s Beige Book in March painted a much different story in the report released on Wednesday. It showed consumers are cutting back on spending and becoming more cost-conscious due to the increasing pressures of elevated inflation. A new report by Fair […]

Xi, Al-Assad announce milestone China-Syria ‘strategic partnership’

Sep 22, 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English China’s president Xi says this move is a “milestone” in the history of relations between the two countries. China and Syria announced the establishment of a strategic partnership, Chinese President Xi Jinping revealed on Friday, just one day after China’s Foreign Ministry stated that this week […]

Medical Freedom Tribute (500K Milestone Celebration)

Dear friends, colleagues — kind supporters, I am immensely honored to be 500K followers strong on Twitter. The story of @VigilantFox began on September 9, 2021, when Joe Biden officially waged war against his own citizens (the unvaccinated). “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” […]

A positive new milestone in Saudi-Iranian relations

According to a joint statement issued following talks in Beijing, Saudi Arabia and Iran have agreed to resume diplomatic relations and reopen embassies. It also confirmed the two parties’ agreement to mutual sovereignty and non-interference in each other’s affairs. According to the statement, the two countries agreed to reopen their embassies within two months, while the […]

The “Israel” Crisis: A Milestone

Feb 26, 2023 Yahya Dbouk Al-Akhbar Newspaper The “Israeli” government is moving forward with plans to undermine the judiciary and place it under its control. The Knesset passed the first reading of one of several planned bills that Benjamin Netanyahu’s opponents describe as legislation seeking to destroy the democratic system, deepen the social rift, and push […]

UN: Earth’s population will hit 8 BILLION tomorrow in a ‘key milestone for humanity’

The world’s population will hit eight billion tomorrow, the United Nations has estimated. The UN said we should marvel at the improvements in healthcare that makes such a feat possible. And next year India’s population will outstrip that of China, as India will match and start to overtake the Chinese population figure of 1.4billion, the […]

Egypt: a milestone in climate change policy

From November 6-18, the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) will take place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, launching a series of negotiations and discussions aimed at saving the planet and all life on it from the catastrophic effects of climate change. Against the backdrop of a turbulent global environment caused by the West’s armed […]

Milestone: Over 1M adverse event reports in VAERS from the COVID vaccine

Milestone: Over 1M adverse event reports in VAERS from the COVID vaccine Date: January 9, 2022Author: Nwo Report Source: Steve KirschMore proof the mainstream media, Congress, FDA, CDC, NIH, and nearly the entire medical community is conspiring to cover up a disaster in plain sight.On the Dec 24, 2021 release of the VAERS data, we […]

Coronavirus Pandemic Hits New Milestone: 4 Million Dead

The global death toll from COVID-19 eclipsed 4 million Wednesday as the crisis increasingly becomes a race between the vaccine and the highly contagious delta variant. The tally of lives lost over the past year and a half, as compiled from official sources by Johns Hopkins University, is about equal to the number of people […]

The Covid Milestone

We are more than a year and half into the pandemic and this momentous time period has laid bare our vulnerabilities as a global society. The way coronavirus disease has been fought, has brought an enormous shift in our lives. Pandemic protocols, restrictions and lockdowns gave us a glimpse of the world suspended in time. […]

U.S. coronavirus death toll passes another grim milestone

TEHRAN– Deaths from COVID-19 in the United States have surpassed 600,000. The country has the highest fatality rate from the virus in the world and the latest figure is a stark reminder that despite a vaccine rollout, the disease is far from over in America. The U.S. also has the highest infection rate in the […]

‘Milestone’ in indigenous defense capabilities: Taiwan launches 10,000-ton amphibious transport ship

A bottle-throwing ceremony marked the launch of Taiwan’s domestically developed ‘Yushan’ vessel, the navy’s 10,000-ton-class amphibious transport ship, which will enter service in 2022. Speaking on Tuesday, President Tsai Ing-wen hailed the “milestone” in the country’s indigenous warship building plans as the amphibious transport vessel was launched. “I believe that this ship will certainly strengthen […]

COVID-19: South Asia passes the grisly milestone of 15 million cases

Coronavirus infections in the South Asia has surpassed the grim milestone of 15 million on Saturday, a Reuters tally shows. The surge is led by India’s record daily infections and vaccine shortages. South Asia — India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, and Sri Lanka — accounts for 11% of global cases and almost 6% of […]

Milestone reached in establishment of home for Righteous Among the Nations

A home for Righteous Among the Nations has been purchased in Belarus after over $30,000 was raised by the From the Depths organization in recent weeks, the organization announced on Thursday. The fundraising began after Righteous Among the Nations, Lyubov Volchek, was found living in a crumbling house in Hlusk, a small town in central […]

Israel nears grim milestone of 4,000 coronavirus deaths

Israel on Sunday neared the grim milestone of 4,000 coronavirus deaths since the start of the pandemic. The Jewish state recorded its first coronavirus death in late March. The death toll passed 1,000 in early September, with fatalities in the country then swiftly doubling by mid-October. On December 14, the number of COVID-19 deaths hit […]

Palestinians pass grim milestone of 100,000 COVID-19 cases, as Gaza’s hospitals near capacity

The latest: 108,280 Palestinians tested positive for COVID-19; 82,809 recoveries; 890 deaths Of those who tested positive, 70,865 live in the West Bank, 23,811 live in Gaza; 13,604 live in East Jerusalem 342,101 Israelis tested positive for COVID-19; 327,162 recoveries; 2,896 deaths Palestinians surpassed a grim milestone this week with more than 100,000 confirmed COVID-19 […]

Milestone 50th Dialogue with Uniting Church

Browse > Home / News / Milestone 50th Dialogue with Uniting Church November 27, 2020 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article The National Dialogue of The Uniting Church in Australia and the Executive Council of Australian Jewry met for the 50th time this week.  The Dialogue began in 1991, as a result of tension between […]

A Milestone For South African Shack Dwellers Movement

Abahlali baseMjondolo celebrates 15 years of revolutionary struggle for land, housing and dignity. “South Africa’s largest and most vibrant social movement has emerged through poverty, hardship, death and also tremendous courage.” The shack dwellers’ movement of South Africa marked 15 years of struggle for land, housing and dignity on October 4. It held a seminar, […]

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