Posts Tagged ‘advisor’

The Idea of Replacing Biden On 2024 Ticket Is A ‘Fantasy’ Says Former Obama Advisor

It looks like the Democrats are stuck with Joe Biden On his show over the weekend, Bill Maher asked former Obama adviser David Axelrod about the idea of replacing Biden on the Democrat ticket with […] The post The Idea of Replacing Biden On 2024 Ticket Is A ‘Fantasy’ Says Former Obama Advisor appeared first […]

US National Security Advisor Worried about Russian NUCLEAR FIRST-STRIKE Upon USA


Brother of Biden’s clean energy advisor lobbies for Chinese mining company

(NaturalNews) Tony Podesta, the lobbyist brother of President Joe Biden’s Senior Advisor for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation John Podesta, is under… Source

Blackburn calls for National Security Advisor Sullivan’s ousting

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) called for the ouster of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Friday. Blackburn sent a letter to President Biden highlighting her reasons for why she thinks Sullivan can be removed from the role, saying he “has routinely misled the entire government about the status of security threats around the world.” “Just… […]


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G77 in Havana proves Cuba is not alone: Cuban presidential advisor

September 16, 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English Advisor to the Cuban President, Horhi Nuñez, confirms in an exclusive interview with Al Mayadeen that there is no longer any development today except through the revival of scientific and technological knowledge and innovation. Advisor to the Cuban President, Horhi Nuñez, confirmed on Thursday that the G77-China […]

Elon Musk ‘Committing Evil’ By Blocking Internet Access, Top Ukrainian Advisor Says

Mykhailo Podolyak, a top adviser to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, slammed the decision in a post on X, Musk’s platform. Source

JUST IN: Former Trump Advisor Dr. Peter Navarro Convicted of Criminal Contempt of Congress – Faces Prison Time, Heavy Fine

JUST IN: Former Trump Advisor Dr. Peter Navarro Convicted of Criminal Contempt of Congress – Faces Prison Time, Heavy Fine   Source

Pentagon advisor wants to create mind control neuro-weapons. This should terrify us all

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) (LifeSiteNews) — That our friends in the permanent bureaucracy of government are willing to wage an information war upon us would be news – if it weren’t for the fact that their agents set the news agenda. The vast psychological operation that was the response to COVID has in the Ukraine war a fitting […]

Bull S#it Propaganda-Headline-China’s Top Medical Advisor Says Omicron No More Dangerous Than The Flu

NO ONE, ANY WHERE IN THIS WORLD OR ON THIS ROCK, has identified, isolated, purified, a reproducible stand alone sample of the alleged “SARS-COV-02″ Virus” said without real scientific proof to “cause” the mythical “COVID-19” “illness” diagnosed with a “test” which is not a test. If no one has a identified, isolated, purified, a reproducible […]

WEF Klaus Schwab Advisor Yuval Harari Spills the Beans on the “Great Reset”: Free Will is “Over.” Dr. Mike Yeadon: Believe Them.

Above image, Professor Yuval Harari, webpage at World Economic Forum “Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so […]

White House Nutrition Advisor creates “Food Compass” that vilifies whole foods while promoting junk like Lucky Charms

(Natural News) In today’s neurotic, upside-down world, good is often labeled as evil and evil is often advertised as virtuous, so it’s no surprise that the White House “Nutrition Advisor” would declare that synthetic, sugary foods like Lucky Charms and Frosted Mini Wheats are healthier than whole foods and fresh meats. Joe Biden’s latest appointee […]

White House ‘Nutrition Advisor’ Claims Lucky Charms Are Healthier Than Chicken

Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian — Joe Biden’s new Public Health© nutrition advisor — claims Lucky Charms© are healthier than fresh meat. Via Dariush’s criminally stupid “Food Compass©”: Source: Nature Journal Soak in the idiocy: per the rankings, Honey Nut Cheerios© is a healthy alternative to a boiled egg. Almond M&Ms© is a superior nutritional choice to […]

Advisor: Agreement in Vienna within reach despite external pressure on U.S.

TEHRAN— An advisor to the Iranian negotiating team has emphasized that despite the external pressure imposed on the United States administration, Tehran and Washington are still close to reaching an agreement. Mohammad Marandi made the remarks in an interview with the Al Jazeera news network on Monday. According to the media advisor, Tehran is not […]

‘Why We Lost the White House’: Former Trump Advisor Peter Navarro ‘Pulls No Punches’ in New Book

Former White House aide Peter Navarro said bad personnel choices doomed the Trump administration. “I call it the Achilles’ heel of the boss. I love the boss despite these bad personnel. He’s the best president we’ve ever had,” Navarro said, referring to Donald Trump, during a recent interview on the “Capitol Report” program on NTD, […]

‘Why We Lost the White House’: Former Trump Advisor Peter Navarro ‘Pulls No Punches’ in New Book

Former White House aide Peter Navarro said bad personnel choices doomed the Trump administration. “I call it the Achilles’ heel of the boss. I love the boss despite these bad personnel. He’s the best president we’ve ever had,” Navarro said, referring to Donald Trump, during a recent interview on the “Capitol Report” program on NTD, […]

Government Advisor Spoke at ‘Racism’ Workshop Led by Group Defunded Over Laith Marouf Scandal

A federal government advisor attended a workshop in May put on by the Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC), which was recently defunded after one of its senior consultants, Laith Marouf, was found to have made Twitter posts with derogatory comments such as “Jewish White Supremacists.” Karim Karim, a professor at Carleton University’s journalism and communications school and a […]

Advisor: Iran will be patient to reach conclusion in JCPOA revival talks

TEHRAN— In a series of tweets on Sunday, Seyyed Mohammad Marandi, the advisor to the Iranian negotiating team shed light on Iran’s response to the United States’ amendments to the EU proposal intended to remove the sanctions on Iran. Marandi said that Iran will be patient in order to reach the desired conclusion of the […]

Advisor to Leader: Iran’s defense capabilities non-negotiable

TEHRAN— Amir Hatami, the advisor to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on military affairs said Saturday at the conference of science and technology in Sacred Defense that one of the issues that are always compared in wars is the role of manpower and equipment. The former defense minister noted that during the Sacred Defense, […]

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton Admits He Planned Coups in Other Countries

We all know that the CIA has their hands in coups around the world for many decades now, but it isn’t often admitted by top government officials. Source

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