Posts Tagged ‘spills’

Homeless camp pops up on a Beverly Hills sidewalk as homelessness spills into the wealthier areas of California

(NaturalNews) The city of Beverly Hills in California, long known for its posh real estate, has attracted a new breed of clientele – homeless people.The… Source

Truck Spills 5 Million Bees Onto Road, Beekeepers Save The Day

Police west of Toronto warned drivers to keep their car windows closed following the accident. Source

O’Keefe Drops Biggest Story Yet: BlackRock Recruiter Spills Info on Company’s World Impact – “You Got $10K? You Can Buy a Senator” (VIDEO)

O’Keefe Drops Biggest Story Yet: BlackRock Recruiter Spills Info on Company’s World Impact – “You Got $10K? You Can Buy a Senator” (VIDEO) Source


I no longer fly, but I used to have to fly often.I learned when a hog sat down next to me and asked if I minded if they lifted the arm rest, I replied, yes I do. I have a bad arm and need the arm rest. More kind than saying if I allow you […]

Truck Spills 20,000 Pounds Of Ohio Toxic Waste, The EUA Deception & mRNA Livestock Injections

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/11/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

WEF Klaus Schwab Advisor Yuval Harari Spills the Beans on the “Great Reset”: Free Will is “Over.” Dr. Mike Yeadon: Believe Them.

Above image, Professor Yuval Harari, webpage at World Economic Forum “Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so […]

The Tollund Man Spills His Guts: New Analysis of Bog Body’s Last Meal

There has long been an obsession with final-menu fantasies, as evidenced by the amount of literature dedicated to last meals on death row in the United States. Now, researchers in Denmark have returned to study the famed Tollund Man’s last meal using cutting-edge technology in the hope of learning more about life in Iron Age […]

With Andrew Yang tweet, conflict spills into New York City mayoral race

(JTA) — The crisis in Israel and Gaza spilled into New York City’s mayoral race after a leading candidate, Andrew Yang, tweeted in support of Israel. “I’m standing with the people of Israel who are coming under bombardment attacks, and condemn the Hamas terrorists,” Yang, a businessman and former Democratic presidential candidate, tweeted Monday. His […]

Pipeline spills over 1,600 gallons of oil near Los Angeles communities

Image Credit: Associated Press More than 1,600 gallons of oil have spilled in the Inglewood Oil Field — the largest urban oil field in the country, where more than a million people live within five miles of its boundaries, the Sierra Club wrote in a statement on Wednesday. The spill was caused by a human […]

Court Orders Shell To Pay Nigerian Farmers Over Oil Spills

Above photo: The case was initiated by four farmers and the Friends of the Earth campaign group, who were seeking reparations for lost income from contaminated land and waterways. Piroschka Van De Wouw/Reuters. The energy company’s Nigerian subsidiary must pay out over a 2008 case, Court of Appeal in The Hague rules. A Dutch court […]

Tree oil spills into lake to form perfect image of a tree

An Australian amateur photographer has captured a series of stunning arial shots after a storm washed tea tree oil into a lake to form a “tree of life”. Photographer Derry Moroney used a drone to captured the images of the perfect arboreal pattern in Lake Cakora in Brooms Head, New South Wales, after heavy rains. In […]

Celebrity US pathologist Cyril Wecht spills his guts in new tell-all memoir

PITTSBURGH JEWISH CHRONICLE — After penning eight true crime books and writing or contributing to dozens of professional books, internationally acclaimed forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht has written perhaps his most captivating book to date: a memoir of his own life. In “The Life and Deaths of Cyril Wecht: Memoirs of America’s Most Controversial Forensic […]

Brussels ‘gang-bang’ organizer spills details of gay orgy featuring Hungarian MEP

The self-professed organizer of the notorious lockdown-breaching ‘gang-bang’ in Brussels claims all participants were extremely careful, and that he was blissfully unaware that an MEP was in attendance. Speaking to local media, David Manzheley claims that he regularly hosts orgies in his flat and that the event made for a welcome release from the dreariness […]

Volcano in Vanuatu spills heavy ash as acid rain falls from the sky, evacuation fears for 11,000 residents

     A state of emergency has been declared for Vanuatu’s Ambae Island as a volcano continues to spill thick heavy ash. Thousands of residents who call the island home have been warned they may need to evacuate after up to 1cm of ash has fallen in some areas north of the island on Tuesday night. […]

Cop Mistakes Ashes of Man’s Dead Daughter For Drugs, Spills Them Out In His Car

Will County, Illinois – A heartbroken father is now devastated once again after the small vial he had that was filled with the ashes of his late daughter was used and then discarded by police officers who claimed it contained drugs during a traffic stop. Anthony Butler lost his daughter, Mariah, when she was just […]

Standing Rock: Dakota Access Pipeline Leak Technology Can’t Detect All Spills

Nine months after oil starting flowing through the Dakota Access pipeline, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe continues to fight the controversial project, which passes under the Missouri River just upstream from their water supply. In a 313-page report submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the tribe challenged the adequacy of leak detection technology used […]

Keystone Pipeline Spills Over 200,000 Gallons Of Tar Sands

Above photo: It is very difficult to find photos of the leak. Here is one from the TransCanada Twitter page. Google is blocking our site. Please use the social media sharing buttons (upper left) to share this on your social media and help us break through. The leak comes just four days before TransCanada faces an […]

Top Pipeline Safety Official Profits From Oil Spills

Above Photo: CSPAN screenshot Google is blocking our site. Please use the social media sharing buttons (upper left) to share this on your social media and help us breakthrough. Pearce’s company was awarded three different federal contracts and provided waste disposal equipment to the Department of Defense. A newly appointed federal regulator charged with overseeing pipeline […]

More than 700 Oil Spills in North Dakota Reported in the Same Month Pipeline Opens

Connection timed out after 5000 milliseconds Alex PietrowskiWaking Times There’s more reason to be concerned about the Dakota Access Pipeline than you may think. The distress expressed by water protesters at Standing Rock is not just for the sake of opposing big oil. There is a valid reason: the prevalence of oil spills in North […]

INTERVIEW: Agenda 21 Infiltrator Spills NEVER Before Heard Secret – The “Great Replacement” Has Kicked-Off

Hello Zionist Report Followers! As you know, our mission is to EXPOSE THE TRUTH. And, we need your help to achieve it. We are a team of two journalists that are tirelessly working on this mission. We have grown tremendously since we launched in January. And now we are looking to take our growth to […]

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