Posts Tagged ‘Livestock’

Denmark to tax livestock farts and burps starting in 2030

(NaturalNews) In order to achieve its planned 70 percent reduction in “greenhouse gas” emissions by the year 2030, Denmark will soon start taxing burps and farts… Source

Watchdog group calls on USDA to end “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy about GMO vaccines in livestock

(NaturalNews) OrganicEye, a consumer watchdog group, is demanding that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) hold a public hearing – or else face a… Source

Truck Spills 20,000 Pounds Of Ohio Toxic Waste, The EUA Deception & mRNA Livestock Injections

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/11/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

American Farmers to Begin Injecting Livestock with mRNA Shots this Month

American Farmers to Begin Injecting Livestock with mRNA Shots this Month April 5, 2023 The latest video by Greg Reese. *** TRANSCRIPT The genetic editing of plants to contain vaccines is well underway. Work is being done with bananas, potatoes, lettuce, rice, wheat, soybeans and corn. Companies like Medicago are using gene editing to turn […]

mRNA Vaccines for Livestock? – Questions For Corbett #097

Are mRNA vaccines being developed for livestock? You bet they are! So what does this mean? As usual, it depends who you ask. Find out the bad, the worse and the putrid of third generation vaccines and the future of food in this week’s edition of Questions For Corbett. The post mRNA Vaccines for Livestock? […]

Federal government raids Amish farm for raising livestock and growing crops the natural way

(Natural News) The Biden administration recently sent armed federal agents to Miller’s Organic Farm and demanded the farm cease its operations immediately. The authorities also ordered $300,000 in fines, an amount enough to put the small, family-owned farm out of business. The farm, which is located in the remote Amish village of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, has been […]

Federal government raids Amish farm for raising livestock and growing crops the natural way

(Natural News) The Biden administration recently sent armed federal agents to Miller’s Organic Farm and demanded the farm cease its operations immediately. The authorities also ordered $300,000 in fines, an amount enough to put the small, family-owned farm out of business. The farm, which is located in the remote Amish village of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, has been […]

Livestock producers now just DAYS away from running out of animal feed due to supply chain disruptions

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Food and other consumer goods are no longer making their way from point A to point B in the United States, which faces crippling supply chain bottlenecks that threaten to cause mass starvation.The latest complaint comes from the livestock industry, which says it is just days away from an animal feed crisis […]

 What’s the link? Food, human health, livestock, environment, and antimicrobial resistance

by Shobha Shukla and Bobby Ramakant  Medicines which aim to relieve pain and suffering, may cure us of diseases and avert untimely deaths, are at increasing risk of becoming ineffective against disease-causing microbes. Antimicrobial resistance occurs when microbes such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites no longer respond to medicines. This makes common infections harder […]

National projects launched to develop livestock, poultry industry

National projects launched to develop livestock, poultry industry – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Increasing the reproduction and breeding of livestock and poultry will be promoted by implementing six national projects supported by the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology. The livestock and poultry industry is one of the sectors that with the help of new technologies […]

Dead Livestock Litter Parts of Central China After Flood

Widespread flooding in central China has devastated farmers’ livelihoods, and their lost livestock are now a potential pathogenic threat. Waterlogged animal carcasses and temperatures over 90 degrees Fahrenheit have combined to create the risk of airborne diseases. Floods hit cities, towns, and villages in Henan Province on July 20 and not long after, photos of […]

Dangerous livestock drug kills vulture from threatened species in Spain, sparking renewed calls for European ban on it

An anti-inflammatory livestock drug, which was banned in several Asian countries after killing tens of millions of birds, has killed at least one of a threatened species of vulture in Spain, where the drug is still legal. The death of a cinereous vulture – which is classed as a near-threatened species by the International Union […]

COVID is Cover for Tracking People Like Livestock

COVID is Cover for Tracking People Like Livestock Henry Makow “It’s not just air travel that the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum intend to regulate. In their imagined future, presentation of tokenized credentials will be required to go to work, to school, to the store, to access public buildings and events.” Makow- You […]

Tigers found to assist farmers and livestock owners by protecting domesticated animals from other threats

(Natural News) There have been a lot of stories about tigers and other predators attacking people and livestock. While this may have created a negative perception of tigers, a new study asks us to reconsider: In a paper in the journal Biological Conservation, researchers from Bhutan found that farmers and livestock can actually benefit […]

‘Appetite For Destruction’: How Feeding Livestock Strains The Planet

Above Photo:  From Google is blocking our site. Please use the social media sharing buttons (upper left) to share this on your social media and help us break through. We are eating more meat than at any other time in history, and the largest environmental impact actually comes from what the animals are being […]

Organic Trade Association sues the USDA for refusing to enforce its own organic livestock standards

(Natural News) On January 18, 2017, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) published its final rule on organic livestock and poultry production practices, known as the Organic Animal Welfare Rule. This legislation represented the culmination of 14 years of hard work by Congress and organic stakeholders, and contained rules that had to be implemented in […]

Superbugs to devastate humanity as last antibiotic chemicals prove useless

(NaturalNews) As drug-resistant infections become more prevalent, more and more people are now being treated with “last-resort” antibiotics, warns a new report by Public […]

Standardized Testing Mess in U.S. Public Schools

Standardized Testing Mess in U.S. Public Schools October 27th, 2015 Via: Washington Post: The number of standardized tests U.S. public school students take has exploded in the past decade, with most schools requiring too many tests of dubious value, according to the first comprehensive […]

Australian Live Export animal abuse continues

  In late 2013, alarming cruelty was filmed at the Festival of Sacrifice in Gaza. The live exporter at the heart of this exposé was not new to this type of controversy — they had already been exposed for recurring breaches in Jordan. So despite an official Government investigation, Animals Australia remained concerned that abuses […]

Australian cattle in the Middle East tortured by Zionist Meat Industry

Footage shows Australian cattle ‘tortured’ by Zionist Meat Industry 2:28pm December 12, 2013 The live animal export debate has reignited again in the senate (Supplied) Share 426 Email The Australian Jewish government is investigating a shocking case of cruelty against Australian cattle in the Middle East that has reignited the call to cease live exports. […]

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