Posts Tagged ‘United Nations’

Sacred Owls, DarkDox, & Resist The Grove new DVD out now!

This is the first DarkDox & Sacred Owls full length documentary film Available now on DVD and FREE digital download here! Although we made the digital download free, please consider purchasing the DVD. Order before July 4th and we will double your order! Give them to friends, strangers! Spread the TRUTH! Also consider donating to […]

Bohemian Grove Protest 2018 Sacred Owls 10 Year Anniversary Tour

[embedded content] Sacred Owls BEWARE! TAKE CARE! SACRED OWLS 2018 U.S. TOUR TO BOHEMIAN GROVE’S CREMATION OF CARE PROTEST This is it. The big one. The thing we have been fighting for almost 10 years now. So technically it is also the 10 YEARS OF THROWING IT THE FUCK DOWN TOUR, as well. We are […]


We are excited to announce that we are pressing GOVERNMENT SPONSORED TERRORISM on RED VINYL for the first time! We have 9 days left to fill our preorder goal and need your help! This limited edition, hand numbered pressing is being funded by all of you! We just need to sell 100 pre-orders to get […]

Orwell at the UN: Obama Re-Defines Democracy as a Country That Supports U.S. Policy

In his Orwellian September 28, 2015 speech to the United Nations, President Obama said that if democracy had existed in Syria, there never would have been a revolt against Assad. By that, he meant ISIL. Where there is democracy, he said, there is no violence or revolution. This was his threat to promote revolution, coups […]

Will Saudi Arabia Prevent the UN From Investigating Its War Atrocities in Yemen?

As Saudi government launches diplomatic blitz against human rights probe, Obama administration remains silent The Saudi Arabian government is unleashing a vigorous diplomatic campaign to block a United Nations proposal for a human rights investigation into the country’s six-month-old military assault on Yemen—waged with the backing of international powers including the United States. President Barack Obama […]

UN General Assembly Votes For Raising Palestinian Flag

IMEMC : The United Nations General Assembly voted, Thursday, in an overwhelming majority for raising the Palestinian flag at the United Nations, despite aggressive opposition led by the United States and Israel. The UN proposal achieved 119 votes out of the 193 UN member states, while only eight countries, headed by the United States and Israel, […]

UN to Back Raising of Palestinian Flag: Israel asks UN to rebuff flag initiative

IMEMC : A draft resolution on raising the Palestinian flag at the United Nations will likely be adopted next week in time for president Mahmoud Abbas’ visit to New York, the Palestinian envoy said on Thursday. According to AFP, the UN General Assembly will vote on September 10th on the measure that is almost certain to […]

Gaza will be uninhabitable in less than 5 years – UN report

     A hard-hitting new United Nations report says Gaza could become uninhabitable in less than five years if current economic and population trends continue. It cites what it describes as the “de-development” of the blockaded coastal strip, which is at present home to some 1.8 million Palestinians but is expected to grow to 2.1 million […]

Connected Dots Reveal that UN Military Forces Are Now Prepared to Invade the United States

  The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United States.   Yesterday, and despite being a speed reader, I spent almost three hours reviewing a mountain of material that I have been sent by people from around the country. About half way through my review, I had […]

ISIS In Greater Israel’s Scheme

KathJuliane May 26, 2015 @ 9:04 pm Terrific and powerful Video, dear +BN! Oren is the biggest giveaway about Israeli strategy. I can just read his thoughts through the static whitenoise his Jewbrain throws off: “ISIS not as bad as President Assad, …and besides that, look at all the Christians they murder in Iraq, Syria, […]

South Sudan fighting prompts harsh UN reaction

  United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al Hussein denounced on Friday the abuses of rights and lack of justice and accountability in South Sudan, where civilians are being killed in retaliatory attacks between two warring sides. “For more than 17 months, women, men and children have […]

Yemen govt says no peace talks with Houthis yet

World Bulletin / News Desk Yemen’s exiled government will not agree to peace talks with Houthis until they implement a United Nations Security Council resolution requiring they quit cities and hand over captured weapons, Vice President Khaled Bahah said on Tuesday. The United Nations had hoped all Yemeni parties, including the Houthis and […]

25,000 fled ISIL attack on Ramadi in Iraq

World Bulletin / News Desk  Close to 25,000 people fled the Iraqi city of Ramadi after it was attacked by ISIL members and most of them headed towards Baghdad, the United Nations said on Monday. U.N. and other aid agencies have begun distributing food, water and medical supplies as well as setting up […]

Wagners Pty Ltd

Please read and share…. Robert Letkiewicz researched beyond the details as mentioned in the interview Alan Jones had with Heather Pascoe… Great research!! Thanks Robert. The Den of Vipers That Own and Control Australia After finally listening to Heather Brown’s interview conducted by Alan Jones, I decided to investigate the company that has been approved […]

Australian Live Export animal abuse continues

  In late 2013, alarming cruelty was filmed at the Festival of Sacrifice in Gaza. The live exporter at the heart of this exposé was not new to this type of controversy — they had already been exposed for recurring breaches in Jordan. So despite an official Government investigation, Animals Australia remained concerned that abuses […]

Turkey’s Jewish CIA Muslim Brotherhood Massacre 80 Syrian Christians In Horrific Massacre, And Desecrate Churches!

Muslims [Brotherhood] entered the Armenian village of Kessab, Syria on March 21st, and killed eighty Christians and desecrated several churches. They forced the civilians to flee up to the hills. The Syrian Army and the Self Defense Force militia (SDF) fought for three days [protecting The Christians] and drove the [Muslim Brotherhood] jihadists out, on March 25th. […]

The Baruch Plan for Jew World Government

The Baruch Plan for World Government Peter Myers, September 5, 2001; update March 14, 2012. My comments are shown {thus}. Write to me at contact.html. You are at In 1946, the US government put to Stalin a plan for World Government, created by Bernard Baruch & David Lilienthal, both Jews. This plan was put […]

10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Jews Don’t Want You to Talk About

10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Jews Don’t Want You to Talk About Wesley Messamore in World 10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn’t Want You to Talk About Washington doesn’t merely lack the legal authority for a military intervention in Syria. It lacks the moral authority. We’re talking about a government with a history of using […]

UN claims Syrian (CIA Mossad) rebels used sarin gas

Updated: 19:19, Monday May 6, 2013   Syrian rebels have made use of the deadly nerve agent sarin in their war-torn country’s conflict, UN human rights investigator Carla del Ponte has said. ‘According to the testimonies we have gathered, the rebels have used chemical weapons, making use of sarin gas,’ del Ponte, a former war […]

Israel Rushes to Rescue Al-Qaeda (CIA Mossad) Terrorists in Syria

As expected as a result of the sweeping gains by Syrian Arab Army all over Syria and especially in Qussayr countryside surrounding the city, the failure of the sleeping cells in the coastal countryside to make any progress, Damascus countryside, and throughout the northern countrysides between Idleb & Hama, it was expected when these terrorists […]

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