Posts Tagged ‘Barack Obama’

Trump’s BRUTAL Response To Obama Loving Libs Over ‘Muslim’ Remarks Is Getting 1,000 ‘Likes’ A Minute

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – FOX News, Hillary Clinton, Karl Rove and a ton of liberal media outlets went nuts over Donald Trump not defending the Marxist/Muslim Barack Obama at his town hall event in New Hampshire. We reported that some dude (possibly a liberal plant) called Obama a Muslim and said that we […]

Obama’s Fateful Syrian Choice

There is an obvious course that President Barack Obama could follow if he wants to lessen the crises stemming from the Syrian war and other U.S. “regime change” strategies of the past several decades, but it would require him to admit that recent interventions (including his own) have represented a strategic disaster. Obama also would […]

‘Master The Human Domain’?… Obama’s New E.O. Orders Federal Agencies To Begin Behavioral Experiments!… Be Very Afraid!

Obama’s Executive Order is based on research done by Cass Sunstein author of ‘Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas’. ~ Stephan Stanford – Videos Once again, Barack Obama has signed an executive order and as shared by World Net Daily, ‘welcome to President Obama’s brave new world’. Telling us that this new executive order will […]

This West Point Instructor Just Issued A Call To The Military To Overthrow The Obama Regime…

By William N. Grigg / The Free Thought Project – A former West Point instructor who has called for American critics of the “war on terror” to be imprisoned or executed as traitors suggests that the U.S. military would be hailed as the “constitutional and political savior” of the country if it overthrew the civilian government – […]


The United States has been under intense pressure from Israel to launch an “Iraq-style” war in Syria, an escalation that has prompted the refugee crisis in the war-torn country, says a former CIA and NSA contractor. Steven Kelly made the remarks as the Obama administration is under fire over its slow response to the flood […]

TRAITORS: Here’s The List Of Republicans Who Backed Obama’s Iran Nuke Deal… Spread This Everywhere

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – A group of almost 200 retired generals, admirals and top military analysts submitted a letter to Congress asking them to reject Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran. “The agreement will enable Iran to become far more dangerous, render the Mideast still more unstable and introduce […]

Violent Black Mob Attacks Cop Screaming “We Need To Start Killing These Officers…”

Latonya B. James and Nanyamka N. James Photo credit / Channel 3000- WISC TV Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – A crowd of thugs beat up a police officer in Madison, Wisconsin simply for doing his job. This anti-law enforcement garbage is totally out of control. The officer spotted a large number of people in […]

The Criminalization Of The Hunger Strike

Print Friendly Israeli police break up a demonstration in support of hunger striking prisoners, outside of Ramle Prison in Ramle, Israel, May 3, 2012. Scores of Palestinian prisoners have joined a hunger strike that officials say now counts more than 1,500 participants. (Photo: Rina Castelnuovo / The New York Times). Seven years ago, Barack Obama pledged to […]

Trump-o-rama: Clear and present debacle… followed by danger – Veterans Today

@TigNotaro Hey, @realDonaldTrump, need a court jester? I’m thinking of rebranding myself as a conservative comedian. HMU Paying attention to Trump-o-rama is not so much attention to Presidential Politics as watching an unfolding piece of performance art. Perhaps every time he has someone come check his hair, he’s channeling his inner Tig Notaro taking off […]

Recognize that Iraq Is History

 For example, after the Vietnam War in the 1970s, the exhausted and disgruntled American public no longer cared what happened to the poor, faraway land. That same phenomenon initially occurred with Iraq after Barack Obama withdrew U.S. forces at the end of 2011 from the long American occupation on a schedule set by George W. […]

Obama secures Majority for Iran – P5+1 Deal

nsnbc : U.S. President Barack Obama secured a domestic victory on US foreign policy when Democratic Senator Barbara Mikulski voted for the Iran – P5+1 agreement on Iran’s nuclear energy program and the lifting of sanctions against Iran.  Mikulski’s vote gives Obama the margin that would enable Obama to uphold a veto of a congressional […]

VIRAL: Black Activist Learns Deputy EXECUTED… Immediately Issues SCATHING Message To Obama (Video)

  Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – A black political activist named Joe Evans has a message for Barack Obama. He is calling Obama out and wants the POTUS to step up to the plate and “denounce the #BlackLivesMatter movement!” Evans is the former vice-chairman and executive director of the Jefferson County Republican Party in […]

Wasserman Schultz blocked Dems’ vote on backing Iran deal: Zio-Watch, September 1, 2015

Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup A service of Democratic National Committee chair said to have blocked resolution praising Obama, nuke deal; spokesperson says ‘procedural issues’ got in the way By JTA August 31, 2015, 2:56 am Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz reportedly prevented consideration of a resolution at the party’s summer meeting […]

Obama Is Renaming the Tallest Mountain in North America — Here’s Why‏

President Barack Obama will change the name of North America’s tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, bestowing the traditional Alaska Native name on the eve of a historic presidential visit to Alaska. A general view of Mt. McKinley (top center) on May 12, 2014 in Denali National Park, […]

Finally a realisation in the EU that the USA wants to start a war over Ukraine?

Ukraine War: Open Disagreement between the US and the EU There now is open disagreement between three Western leaders regarding how to move forward with regard to Ukraine: Barack Obama of the United States, versus Francois Hollande of France, and Angela Merkel of Germany. On Friday, August 29th, this split became public concerning whether the […]

Obama to speak with Jewish groups on Iran deal

From: President Barack Obama is using a Friday webcast to try to allay concerns from Jewish communities about the nuclear agreement with Iran. Obama will deliver remarks about the agreement and take questions from participants. The webcast is being organized by two major Jewish organizations that have held similar events […]

Ukraine War: Open Disagreement between the US and the EU

There now is open disagreement between three Western leaders regarding how to move forward with regard to Ukraine: Barack Obama of the United States, versus Francois Hollande of France, and Angela Merkel of Germany. On Friday, August 29th, this split became public concerning whether the Minsk II accords for ending the Ukrainian civil war should […]

EPA now a top polluter in America, unleashing a toxic spill full of heavy metals and shutting down the water supply for millions

(NaturalNews) Had it been done by a private company – say, an oil company or via fracking – the massive toxic contamination of a major U.S. river system would have been front-page news for weeks in the environmentally-conscious liberal mainstream media. However, when a government agency causes such damage – especially an agency […]

Gestapo tactics: Obama’s IRS also targets family members of his political enemies, including Bristol Palin

(NaturalNews) A myriad of scandals – nearly too many to track – have plagued the presidency of Barack Obama practically since he took office, and one of the most damaging and frightening involves his Internal Revenue Service. You may recall that circa 2011-2012, Lois Lerner, the IRS’ chief of the Exempt Organizations Unit, […]

This Brilliant Meme Perfectly Explains The Christian Crusades For Children And Democrats…

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS –  Do you all remember when Hussein slammed the Christian Crusades while he defended his beloved MUSLIM TERRORISTS? Yeah, he does that a lot. Of course he is a Muslim commie so it’s par for the course. How this pile of garbage is our president is beyond me. But then […]