Posts Tagged ‘President Obama’

‘Learn how to beat Russia’: Obama authorizes $20mn in ‘non-lethal’ military aid & training for Ukraine

     One day after Ukraine announced that US instructors would start training the country’s special forces, President Obama has authorized the provision of up to $20 million to Ukraine via the State Department to fund training and other similar activities. “The authority… to direct the drawdown of up to $20 million in defense articles and […]

Orwell at the UN: Obama Re-Defines Democracy as a Country That Supports U.S. Policy

In his Orwellian September 28, 2015 speech to the United Nations, President Obama said that if democracy had existed in Syria, there never would have been a revolt against Assad. By that, he meant ISIL. Where there is democracy, he said, there is no violence or revolution. This was his threat to promote revolution, coups […]

During Pope’s Visit, We Got Distracted From Important Policy Changes

The leaders of the next two most powerful countries in the world (after the United States) did or were scheduled to meet with President Obama, and the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives announced his resignation–all with important implications for U.S. policy. Xi Jinping, the leader of China, a nuclear power and […]

The Fundamentals of US Surveillance: What Edward Snowden Never Told Us?

Janet Phelan (NEO) : Former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden’s revelations rocked the world.  According to his detailed reports, the US had launched massive spying programs and was scrutinizing the communications of American citizens in a manner which could only be described as extreme and intense. In Illustrious company. The US’s reaction was swift and to […]

‘Master The Human Domain’?… Obama’s New E.O. Orders Federal Agencies To Begin Behavioral Experiments!… Be Very Afraid!

Obama’s Executive Order is based on research done by Cass Sunstein author of ‘Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas’. ~ Stephan Stanford – Videos Once again, Barack Obama has signed an executive order and as shared by World Net Daily, ‘welcome to President Obama’s brave new world’. Telling us that this new executive order will […]

BREAKING: Obama Just Signed EXECUTIVE ORDER Authorizing Feds To Do Sickening Experiments On Americans…

Mac Slavo / – President Obama has signed a new executive order authorizing Federal agencies (psychologists) to perform behavioral ‘experiments’ on American citizens. The studies, which will be performed without express permission from participants, are designed to advance government initiatives by “nudging” citizens toward certain behaviors and choices. “A growing body of evidence demonstrates that behavioral science […]

More hysteria? White House on lock down because of ‘unattended package’

     The White House is on lockdown due to an unattended package found in a nearby park, according to the Secret Service. The security procedure was triggered when a package was found across the street in Lafayette Park Secret Service spokeswoman Nicole Mainor told Reuters. Bomb technicians and the DC fire department were called to […]

President Obama Orders Behavioral Experiments On American Public

Donna Hancock Source Article from

Why are we in Hillary Clintons hand basket? – Veterans Today

Hillary Clinton’s favorite “Hitler” these days is Putin, with Assad in close second. Her days of giggling triumphantly over the murder of Gadaffi may be behind her. And one of her favorite ways of demonizing Putin has been denouncing his opposition to gay rights. Yet Hillary, along with Rick Santorum, was a supporter of proposed […]

The Hypocrisy of the US Promoting the “Rule of Law” in Africa

“There’s a lot that I’d like to do to keep America moving. But the law is the law, and no person is above the law, not even the president,” said President Obama in a speech to the African Union in July, in which he also quipped that he could “probably” win a third term if the US […]

Two thorns in Obama’s side, by Thierry Meyssan

John Allen The application of the agreement reached between Washington and Teheran, on the 14th July, 2015, depends mainly on President Obama’s capacity to convince his fellow-citizens, and particularly the Congress of his own administration, to accept it. Here, however, he will be faced with two major obstacles. The Petraeus group On the one hand, […]

Two thorns in Obama’s side, by Thierry Meyssan

John Allen The application of the agreement reached between Washington and Teheran, on the 14th July, 2015, depends mainly on President Obama’s capacity to convince his fellow-citizens, and particularly the Congress of his own administration, to accept it. Here, however, he will be faced with two major obstacles. The Petraeus group On the one hand, […]

Two thorns in Obama’s side, by Thierry Meyssan

John Allen The application of the agreement reached between Washington and Teheran, on the 14th July, 2015, depends mainly on President Obama’s capacity to convince his fellow-citizens, and particularly the Congress of his own administration, to accept it. Here, however, he will be faced with two major obstacles. The Petraeus group On the one hand, […]

Two thorns in Obama’s side, by Thierry Meyssan

John Allen The application of the agreement reached between Washington and Teheran, on the 14th July, 2015, depends mainly on President Obama’s capacity to convince his fellow-citizens, and particularly the Congress of his own administration, to accept it. Here, however, he will be faced with two major obstacles. The Petraeus group On the one hand, […]

Two thorns in Obama’s side, by Thierry Meyssan

John Allen The application of the agreement reached between Washington and Teheran, on the 14th July, 2015, depends mainly on President Obama’s capacity to convince his fellow-citizens, and particularly the Congress of his own administration, to accept it. Here, however, he will be faced with two major obstacles. The Petraeus group On the one hand, […]

What Saudi King wants from Obama meeting

Washington — The first White House visit by a Middle Eastern leader since President Obama secured enough congressional support for the Iran nuclear deal will not be about looking backward, but about US reassurances and commitments going forward. While Iran is indeed likely to dominate the conversation Friday between Mr. Obama and Saudi […]

Losing Our Civil Society

If you watch the evening news, you witness the loss of our “civil society” at an ever-accelerating rate of speed.  Make no mistake, more than a few criminals stalk and kill women.  Snipers shoot at people driving down the highway from California to Michigan.  Over 6,000 African-Americans kill 6,000 African-Americans annually.  That’s 16 black deaths […]

Two thorns in Obama’s side, by Thierry Meyssan

John Allen The application of the agreement reached between Washington and Teheran, on the 14th July, 2015, depends mainly on President Obama’s capacity to convince his fellow-citizens, and particularly the Congress of his own administration, to accept it. Here, however, he will be faced with two major obstacles. The Petraeus group On the one hand, […]

Two thorns in Obama’s side, by Thierry Meyssan

John Allen The application of the agreement reached between Washington and Teheran, on the 14th July, 2015, depends mainly on President Obama’s capacity to convince his fellow-citizens, and particularly the Congress of his own administration, to accept it. Here, however, he will be faced with two major obstacles. The Petraeus group On the one hand, […]

Two thorns in Obama’s side, by Thierry Meyssan

John Allen The application of the agreement reached between Washington and Teheran, on the 14th July, 2015, depends mainly on President Obama’s capacity to convince his fellow-citizens, and particularly the Congress of his own administration, to accept it. Here, however, he will be faced with two major obstacles. The Petraeus group On the one hand, […]

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