Posts Tagged ‘White House’

Israel after false flag bid to get US into war with Iran if they don’t get a Zio puppet President

Israel would resort to a “false flag incident” to torpedo the recent Iranian nuclear agreement and lure the United States into military action against the Islamic Republic, says a former US Senate candidate. “If the Israelis wake up in January 2017 and don’t have a person that they want in the White House, who would kill the P5+1 deal, […]

Obama and the pope defend ‘religious liberty’ but where and for whom?

Pope Francis made an impassioned defence of religious freedom at the White House on Wednesday in remarks that were swiftly interpreted as a warning shot over demands for exemptions from the law on the grounds of faith. The issue of “religious liberty” has become a flashpoint between the Obama administration and faith campaigners, […]

More hysteria? White House on lock down because of ‘unattended package’

     The White House is on lockdown due to an unattended package found in a nearby park, according to the Secret Service. The security procedure was triggered when a package was found across the street in Lafayette Park Secret Service spokeswoman Nicole Mainor told Reuters. Bomb technicians and the DC fire department were called to […]

White House uses Cheney to bolster support for Iran Deal

“It is madness,” Dick Cheney said today, of the Iran Deal. And the White House loves it! Notice the brilliant use of Megyn Kelly of Fox News in this White House video that just went up today, below. “You were so wrong about so much at the expense of so many,” she said to the […]

What Saudi King wants from Obama meeting

Washington — The first White House visit by a Middle Eastern leader since President Obama secured enough congressional support for the Iran nuclear deal will not be about looking backward, but about US reassurances and commitments going forward. While Iran is indeed likely to dominate the conversation Friday between Mr. Obama and Saudi […]

Obama Is Renaming the Tallest Mountain in North America — Here’s Why‏

President Barack Obama will change the name of North America’s tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, bestowing the traditional Alaska Native name on the eve of a historic presidential visit to Alaska. A general view of Mt. McKinley (top center) on May 12, 2014 in Denali National Park, […]

How The US Elections Manipulate Voters, Prevent Progress

Print Friendly Rhetorical misdirection is used to maintain status quo that benefits a few U.S. President Barack Obama finishes a statement to the media about the government shutdown in the briefing room of the White House in Washington September 30, 2013. Obama said on Monday a government shutdown was entirely preventable and accused Republicans in […]

Virginia ‘Shooting’… Trump Shuts Down Gun Grabbers Who Want More Gun Control

It didn’t take long for the gun control lobbyists, including the White House, to call for more gun control after two journalists were shot and killed on live TV Wednesday in Roanoke, Virginia. ~ Justin Koski – Videos “It breaks my heart every time you read about or hear about these kinds of incidents,” President […]

Virginia ‘Shooting’… Trump Shuts Down Gun Grabbers Who Want More Gun Control

It didn’t take long for the gun control lobbyists, including the White House, to call for more gun control after two journalists were shot and killed on live TV Wednesday in Roanoke, Virginia. ~ Justin Koski – Videos “It breaks my heart every time you read about or hear about these kinds of incidents,” President […]

Virginia ‘Shooting’… Trump Shuts Down Gun Grabbers Who Want More Gun Control

It didn’t take long for the gun control lobbyists, including the White House, to call for more gun control after two journalists were shot and killed on live TV Wednesday in Roanoke, Virginia. ~ Justin Koski – Videos “It breaks my heart every time you read about or hear about these kinds of incidents,” President […]

Virginia ‘Shooting’… Trump Shuts Down Gun Grabbers Who Want More Gun Control

It didn’t take long for the gun control lobbyists, including the White House, to call for more gun control after two journalists were shot and killed on live TV Wednesday in Roanoke, Virginia. ~ Justin Koski – Videos “It breaks my heart every time you read about or hear about these kinds of incidents,” President […]

Senate Votes on NSA Stalled by Paul’s Filibuster

Tentatively scheduled for Saturday, a pair of votes attempting to extend Section 215 of the Patriot Act, the authority which the White House (illegally, according to the courts) uses for NSA surveillance, remains stalled amid a filibuster by Sen. Rand Paul (R – KY). Sen. Paul is seeking amendments to the bills, one of which […]

Defense Intelligence Agency: “Establish a Salafist Principality in Syria”, Facilitate Rise of Islamic State “In Order to Isolate the Syrian Regime”

On Monday, May 18, the conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch published a selection of formerly classified documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Defense and State Department through a federal lawsuit. While initial mainstream media reporting is focused on the White House’s handling of the Benghazi consulate attack, a much “bigger picture” admission and confirmation is contained in one of […]

Baltimore Mayor Spotted At The White House

0000000 (African Spear)  Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and a trio of Maryland lawmakers were at the White House on Wednesday to meet with senior administration officials in the aftermath of the violent protests that rocked her city. Sens. Barbara Mikulski (D), Ben Cardin (D) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D), who represents Baltimore, huddled with White House senior […]

Tragedy in Ramadi, denial at the White House and a seismic shift in the balance of power

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The fall of the critically important city of Ramadi to terrorists, the widening humanitarian crisis throughout the country involving millions of displaced persons, and the continuing pressures on a still-fragile central government in Baghdad, bode ill for Iraq’s future stability and security. These setbacks for […]

Defense Intelligence Agency: “Create a Salafist Principality in Syria”, Facilitate Rise of Islamic State “In Order to Isolate the Syrian Regime”

On Monday, May 18, the conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch published a selection of formerly classified documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Defense and State Department through a federal lawsuit. While initial mainstream media reporting is focused on the White House’s handling of the Benghazi consulate attack, a much “bigger picture” admission and confirmation is contained in one of […]

Hillary Clinton’s lucrative life of crime

     Bill and Hillary Clinton “earned” — can a mortal earn such stratospheric sums? — “at least $30 million over the last 16 months, mainly from giving paid speeches to corporations, banks and other organizations,” The New York Times reports. “They have now earned more than $125 million on the [lecture] circuit since leaving the […]

Obama looks to anchor Tunisia’s democratic gains

By Andrew Beatty WASHINGTON – Barack Obama and Tunisia’s president will on Thursday discuss increased military and economic aid designed to ensure the brightest democratic light to emerge from the Arab Spring is not extinguished by militants or joblessness. Obama will host President Beji Caid Essebsi at the White House, hoping to strengthen a man […]

Obama meets with advisers on reaffirms support for Iraq

World Bulletin / News Desk  President Barack Obama was briefed by his top national security advisers on Tuesday on the situation in Iraq and the strategy to counter Islamic State militants, the White House National Security Council said in a statement. Obama “reaffirmed the strong U.S. support” for Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi […]

Meaningful reform or cop-bashing? Lawmakers hold hearings on police

Reuters/Mike Segar Heated debate and partisan politics marked the House and Senate committee discussions on how to reform US law enforcement after a White House task force recommended a number of changes following the events in Ferguson, New York and Baltimore. The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism focused on the issue of body […]

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