Posts Tagged ‘humanitarian crisis’

At Heart of Humanitarian Crisis, Israel Building “Security Fence” to Keep Syrian Refugees Out

Israeli prime minister cites demographic purity, stokes fear about ‘terrorists’ Amid a growing humanitarian crisis in Europe and the Middle East, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday refused calls to admit non-Jewish refugees from Syria and announced plans to build a “security fence” to shut out people fleeing war—directly referencing concerns that admittance would skew demographics. […]

At Heart of Humanitarian Crisis, Israel Building “Security Fence” to Keep Syrian Refugees Out

Israeli prime minister cites demographic purity, stokes fear about ‘terrorists’ Amid a growing humanitarian crisis in Europe and the Middle East, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday refused calls to admit non-Jewish refugees from Syria and announced plans to build a “security fence” to shut out people fleeing war—directly referencing concerns that admittance would skew demographics. […]

Israel Is Building A Wall To Keep Syrian Refugees Out

Photo shows the Israeli West Bank Barrier, which surrounds much of the occupied territory, as it passes through Bethlehem Aida refugee camp. (Photo/The Advocacy Project via Flickr) Amid a growing humanitarian crisis in Europe and the Middle East, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday refused calls to admit non-Jewish refugees from Syria […]

israel & Jewish Lobby pushed for more and more wars, helped terrorists , so what are they doing to help the European refugee crisis?

Refugees Should Seek Refuge In Synagogues September 02, 2015  /  Gilad Atzmon   By Gilad Atzmon Yesterday Germany turned on Britain over the migrant crisis. Germany expects to accept 800,000 asylum seekers by the end of the year. Britain is also preparing for the growing refugee disaster — It closed its gates. The German call makes some […]

The War on Syria: The Major Political Players, Humanitarian Crisis

Foreign intervention has only worsened the situation in Syria. In May 2014, the Syria Centre for Policy Research in Damascus released a report on the economic and social conditions in Syria. Its findings were staggering. More than half the country’s population lives in extreme poverty. Most school-age children no longer attend school, and 45 percent of its […]

Tragedy in Ramadi, denial at the White House and a seismic shift in the balance of power

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The fall of the critically important city of Ramadi to terrorists, the widening humanitarian crisis throughout the country involving millions of displaced persons, and the continuing pressures on a still-fragile central government in Baghdad, bode ill for Iraq’s future stability and security. These setbacks for […]

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