Archive for the ‘Jews Run the World’ Category

How To Make Whiteheads And Blackheads Disappear

Nobody likes blemishes, I know that I don’t, but I also do not like chemical creams. This natural remedy works wonders and you will never have to worry about another blemish again! There are two categories for acne: pimples and cysts and whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads and blackheads aren’t […]

Honor of Charleston Shooting Victims, Unity Chain Overflows the Ravenel Bridge

Over ten thousand people spanned the Ravenel Bridge Sunday night as part of the Bridge to Peace event honoring the nine people who were killed during a Bible study at the Emanuel AME Church Wednesday. A sea of faces as far as the eye can see on the #RavenelBridge tonight. #UnityChainCharleston #BridgetoPeace — The […]

US Defense Secretary Sees German Military Buildup as Cure-All for NATO

Making a tour of Europe this week, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter will first stop off in Germany, where he will push the centerpiece of his view for NATO policy, which is trying to convince Germany to dramatically increase military spending and willingness to intervene abroad. Present estimates put Germany at between 8th and 9th […]

Ukraine’s Right Sector Demands End to Ceasefire With Eastern Rebels

A new statement from Ukraine’s far-right Right Sector party today demands an end to the Minsk ceasefire deal, negotiated between Ukraine and eastern rebels with the help of Russia, Germany, and France. The ceasefire was reached back in February, and has mostly held since. The Right Sector was critical of the negotiations in the first […]

Taliban Offensive Nears Major Northern Afghan City of Kunduz

Afghan officials today confirmed that the Taliban’s offensive against Kunduz Province, launched back in April, has successfully expanded to take control of the entire Chardara District, leaving the forces closer to Kunduz itself, a city of 300,000 people. Afghan military officials reported 70 troops remain surrounded in the district, and promised to launch a new […]

19 Civilians Killed in South Afghanistan Roadside Bombing

A roadside bombing in Afghanistan’s tense Helmand Province has killed at least 19 civilians, nine of them children, in the Marjah District. The civilians were from a village that was the site of recent fighting, and were trying to return since the fighting was over. There has been no claim of responsibility for the incident, […]

Commanders Report Splintering in Taliban Leadership as ISIS Grows

Facing growing pressure from a fledgling ISIS affiliate, Afghanistan’s long-standing Islamist group the Taliban is struggling to remain united, with a pair of commanders quoted in NBC News as saying there is a growing three-way split among the faction’s leadership.  “The Afghan Taliban who want to continue to fight are led by Mullah Omar,” the […]

Magical Drink – A Glass Of Warm Saline Water Removes All Toxins From Your Body

by HealthyLifeTricks, The positive ions from the salt tie with negative ions of the molecule of water and vice versa. The result is a new structure which is wonderfully absorbed by the body. So the water is not clear anymore and the salt is not just salt. This combination […]

Tamir Rice’s Father Releases Statement On Eve of Fathers Day

Cleveland – Attorneys for Tamir Rice’s family released a statement today from Tamir’s father, Leonard Warner, on his son’s death on the eve of Father’s Day. The statement reads: “As Father’s Day approaches on Sunday, I think of the many fathers, who like me, will experience another wave of grief at the loss of a young […]

Unspeakable Violence Against Children in South Sudan

The head of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Thursday has called for a halt to the unspeakable violence against children in South Sudan involving the castration of boys who were left to die and the gang rapes and killings of girls as young as 8. Children were also tied together and their throats […]

Over a Quarter Million People Demand an End to Austerity Now

Massive protests under the banner #EndAusterityNow were held in England, Germany, Scotland and France drawing well over a quarter of a million people, united for the same cause. The marches were intended to highlight how homelessness, income inequality, child poverty, suicides and evictions have increased in the past five years. The austerity crisis is how […]

LAPD Shoot Unarmed Man Cause He Had a Towel on His Arm -GRAPHIC

Los Angeles – LAPD shot and critically injured a man who flagged them down after he raised an arm he had wrapped in a towel toward officers Friday in Los Feliz, police said. Police said officers thought the man had a gun but turned out to be unarmed. The man flagged down officers about 6:35 […]

3 Factors That Speed Up The Manifestation Process

by Andrea Schulman,Guest writer, Most of us would like to know how long it will take for the Law of Attraction to bring us the things we want.  The answer to this question is different for every person and every dream because there are several factors at play […]

Dash Cam Video Shows Chicago Cop Open Fire on Car Full of Black Teens

A dashboard camera video obtained by the Chicago Reporter shows a police officer firing more than a dozen shots into a car filled with black teenagers in apparent violation of Chicago Police Department policy. Retired Cook County Judge Andrew Berman was so troubled by the video that he provided it to the Reporter. Berman was […]

4 Year Old Shot By Columbus, Ohio Police Officer

WHITEHALL, Ohio – A 4-year-old child was struck by a bullet fired from a Columbus Police Officer’s gun in Whitehall. 10TV has confirmed a patrol officer was answering a call on Chandler Drive just after 3 pm. Friday when a family in the area started screaming for help because of a medical emergency. Columbus Police […]

US Veterans Call On Drone Operators to Refuse Orders

By Commondreams Joint statement signed by 45 US military veterans urges drone operators to follow their consciences and say ‘no’ to surveillance and assassination missions. Dozens of U.S. military veterans released an open letter this week urging drone operators to “refuse to fly missions” or support them in any way—and letting them know that if […]

US Justice Department Investigating the Charleston Shooting as an Act of Domestic Terrorism

The murders of nine black church members in Charleston, South Carolina, is to be investigated by the US Justice Department as both a hate crime and act of domestic terrorism. Dylann Roof, the suspected terrorist, has been charged with nine counts of murder and possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime […]

Unprosecuted Murder Protest Leaves 17yr Old Dead, Police Station Destroyed

Woman holds image of Wong Hui showing her beaten face. Shuangfeng, China – The mysterious death of Wong Hui, a 28yr old woman and mother of two young children aged 3 and 1 on June 7th, who residents say was killed in a domestic violence incident by her husband (from a neighboring village) who was […]

Hezbollah Kills Nine, Including ISIS Leaders, in Lebanon Border Attacks

Hezbollah’s television station, al-Manar, is reporting that their forces launched two separate attacks on ISIS forces along the Lebanon-Syria border, killing nine fighters including two who they identified as ISIS commanders. The fighting took place on the outskirts of the border town of Arsal, where ISIS and al-Qaeda have repeatedly launched attacks on Lebanese forces. […]

Yemen Peace Talks Collapse as Pro-Saudi Faction Withdraws

The Yemen peace talks, being held in Geneva, effectively ended today with the announcement that the pro-Saudi Hadi faction will withdraw from the talks and return to exile in Saudi Arabia, which is presently attacking Yemen with the goal of reinstalling them as the government. The talks began inauspiciously Monday, with demands from the Hadi […]

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