Archive for the ‘Jewish Ritual Murder’ Category

Turkey’s AKP open to all parties for coalition

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has said the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Party is open to negotiate coalition possibilities with the other three parties with seats in the parliament. Speaking at an iftar event in Istanbul on Sunday hosted by the state-owned poorhouse organization Darulaceze, Davutoglu said he would speak with the three leaders […]

Sisi names Egypt’s first ambassador to Israel in three years

CAIRO – Egypt has named a new ambassador to Israel in a move that fills a position that has been vacant since former President Mohamed Morsi recalled the envoy three years ago. Hazem Khairat, an assistant foreign minister for diplomatic and consular affairs, was named the Egyptian ambassador to Israel, the Foreign Ministry said in […]

Outrage in Israel as Arab MP says to join Gaza flotilla

An announcement by an Arab Israeli lawmaker that he plans to join a pro-Palestinian flotilla seeking to break Israel’s blockade on Gaza caused outrage Monday among the country’s political class. Basel Ghattas, an MP with the Joint Arab List, sparked controversy after he announced he would join other parliamentarians and public figures from around the […]

Syrian rebels split over coalition al-Qaeda links

The Syrian opposition has split over the presence of al-Qaida affiliated groups in one of the most prominent opposition coalitions. In a series of statements released through social media, various units of the Southern Front of the Free Syrian Army have stated that they will not work with the Jaish al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) coalition, […]

Our jihadis and theirs

The real (armed) dangers of American life Consider this paragraph a holding action on the subject of getting blown away in America. While I write this dispatch, I’m waiting patiently for the next set of dispiriting killings in this country. And I have faith. Before I’m done, some angry – or simply mentally disturbed – […]

S0 News June 22, 2015 | Radiation Storm and Strong CME Alert

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​’Flawed & biased’: Israel fires back at UN report accusing it of potential war crimes

A Palestinian woman hangs laundry at her damaged house as ruins of houses that witnesses said were destroyed by Israeli shelling during a 50-day war last summer are seen, on a rainy day east of Gaza City. (Reuters / Suhaib Salem) A UN report has accused both Israel and Palestinian armed groups of possible war […]

Hitler’s drawings of fairytale castles, flowers sold for $450,000 at Nuremberg auction

Reuters / Kai Pfaffenbach Watercolors and drawings by Adolf Hitler made in the early 1900s have been sold for about 400,000 euros ($450,000) at an auction in Nuremberg, Germany. The 14 controversial pieces of art ranging from images of ornate German castles and Austrian churches to still life were sold at an auction organized by […]

NATO plans 40,000-strong rapid response force in E. Europe

Reuters / Kacper Pempel NATO’s rapid response Spearhead Force in Europe might reach 40,000 troops, a tenfold growth from the initial 4,000-strong force deployed last year, the military alliance’s chief said. Most of these troops will be stationed near Russian borders. “NATO defense ministers … [will] make a decision to further increase the strength and […]

Member of Kiev’s top brass ‘defects’ to anti-govt forces, predicts more like him

Aleksandr Kolomiyets, claiming to be a major general of the Ukrainian army, speaking at a news conference at the Donetsk news agency. (RIA Novosti/Igor Maslov) A man claiming to be a Ukrainian major general and former assistant to the country’s defense minister has announced he is now working with the forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk […]

​Fountain of youth? Starfish age slower when they reproduce by cloning, research says

Reuters / Natasha Elkington Humans’ search for the fountain of youth is nothing new – but now we may be one step closer to finding it. Swedish scientists say that starfish age at a slower rate if they reproduce through cloning, rather than sexually. Unlike humans, starfish can reproduce through cloning or sexually. But those […]

Honor of Charleston Shooting Victims, Unity Chain Overflows the Ravenel Bridge

Over ten thousand people spanned the Ravenel Bridge Sunday night as part of the Bridge to Peace event honoring the nine people who were killed during a Bible study at the Emanuel AME Church Wednesday. A sea of faces as far as the eye can see on the #RavenelBridge tonight. #UnityChainCharleston #BridgetoPeace — The […]

Thousands of dogs, cats slaughtered during annual Chinese festival (VIDEO)

AFP Photo/Philippe Huguen Thousands of cats and dogs have been killed, burned and skinned alive at the annual Chinese Yulin festival – in spite of the government’s pledges to put a stop to the practice regarded across the globe as barbaric and outrageous. The festival saw hundreds of meat traders come to the country’s southern […]

‘Black & weak’?! Israeli minister’s wife all apologies for bad Obama joke

Judy Shalom Nir-Mozes (Photo from The spouse of the Israeli Interior Minister has apologized for an “inappropriate joke” about US President Barack Obama. “Do u know what Obama Coffee is? Black and weak,” Judy Shalom Nir-Mozes posted on Twitter, addressing her 74,400 followers. The tweet caused outrage online, with hundreds accusing the wife of […]

2 blasts in Kiev outside branches of Russia’s biggest bank

ARCHIVE PHOTO. Windows that unidentified persons broke at a Kiev branch of Sberbank of Russia. June 22, 2014 (RIA Novosti/Evgeny Kotenko) Two explosions have targeted two branches of Russia’s Sberbank in the Ukrainian capital Kiev on Monday night. Local police are investigating the attacks, which damaged buildings and startled nearby residents. Reports of loud blasts […]

Watch more cat videos on internet to be happy – study

Reuters/Vasily Fedosenko Enjoy watching clips with Grumpy cat or Colonel Meow? Or do you feel “positive” just looking at Snoopy the Cat? Then don’t stop browsing YouTube for more adorable felines, as a recent study shows these videos are a form of low-cost pet therapy. READ MORE: Stealing cat lands Russian armed robbers in jail […]

Fidel Castro in rare meeting, Venezuela’s top official posts images (PHOTOS)

Retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro (Reuters/Alex Castro/CUBADEBATE) Source Article from Castro in rare meeting, Venezuela’s top official posts images (PHOTOS) – NewsRT : News

Leaks allege assassination plot hatched by Egypt and Sudan

Egypt and Sudan collaborated in a plot to assassinate the president of South Sudan seemingly after the country secured independence in 2011, according to a document allegedly leaked from Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A document released on Friday by WikiLeaks, part of the first batch of 500,000 set to be published in the […]

Sanaa’s Old City through a centenarian’s eyes

Hamedi Saleh was slightly disoriented. She had just been forced to evacuate her house in the al-Qassimi quarter of the Old City in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, after Saudi Arabia-led bombing had obliterated five houses and claimed six lives. Saleh lived in Old Sanaa for more than 90 of her 99 years. Now it […]

Iran lawmakers curtailed on power to veto nuclear deal

Iran’s parliament curtailed its own power to block a nuclear deal with world powers Sunday, effectively removing a longstanding threat that a final accord could be torn up by lawmakers. A draft bill presented Wednesday, which laid down strict criteria for Iran to accept any agreement, had threatened to complicate talks on a final accord, which […]

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