Archive for the ‘Jews born to kill’ Category

Oren pushed Random House to hurry his book so American Jews will ‘intercede’ to stop Iran deal and save millions of Jews

Michael Oren said he put “immense pressure” on Random House to publish his new book, Ally, this month, so he could mobilize American Jews against the coming Iranian deal, and they would intercede as they had failed to do in response to the Nazi threat in the 1930s. Speaking at the 92nd Y last night, […]

‘NYT’ article on UN’s Gaza report strains to demonstrate equivalence in suffering

The UN Human Rights Council has issued its report on last summer’s war in Gaza, and the New York Times story about it just went up: “U.N. Report on Gaza Finds Evidence of War Crimes by Israel and by Palestinian Militants.” The Times article is filled with numbers, but there is one conspicuously missing statistic in […]

Israeli court sentences Palestinian man to 13 months in prison for Facebook post

Palestinian sentenced to 17 months over Facebook posts IMEMC 22 June — The Israeli District Court in occupied Jerusalem sentenced, on Sunday morning, a young Palestinian man to 13 months of imprisonment, with an additional four months suspended, for what the court called “incitement” on his Facebook page. Mohammad Mahmoud, a lawyer with the Ad-Dameer […]


The cover of Baddawi The following excerpts are from the graphic novel Baddawi, by Leila Abdelrazaq. Baddawi is the story of a young boy named Ahmad struggling to find his place in the world. Raised in a refugee camp called Baddawi in northern Lebanon, Ahmad is just one of the many thousands of refugee children born to […]

S0 News June 22, 2015 | Radiation Storm and Strong CME Alert

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‘Obama coffee’ is black and weak — racist tweet from wife of Israel’s vice premier

The internet is buzzing with the racist tweet by the wife of an Israeli minister.   Silvan Shalom Mozes is a journalist and radio host. Silvan Shalom is Israel’s vice prime minister and minister of the interior. The Independent says Mozes has since removed the tweet and apologized. Mozes: I apologize, that was a stupid […]

Israeli diplomats ‘are not allowed to speak’ on US campuses, but North Korean diplomats are, Israeli official says

Israeli diplomats “are not allowed to speak” on US campuses, while North Korean and Iranian diplomats are, an Israeli Foreign Ministry official complained last week. Akiva Tor, head of World Jewish Affairs in the Israeli government, spoke at a June 9 panel on “the coming storm” on campus over BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions […]

State Dep’t report on latest Gaza onslaught itemizes children’s deaths for first time

US News & World Report says that the State Department report on international terrorism released Friday includes a subtle shift in its reporting on Israel: it includes UN estimates of civilian killings in Gaza, which State failed to itemize in years gone by. In an article titled, “Does the State Department Terror Report Contain a […]

‘You have to go’

As I write about two heart-breaking acts of terror committed within two historic Christian churches, it is Juneteenth, a holiday that commemorates the date June 19, 1865, when the last slaves in Texas were freed, almost two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863. While its roots […]

Cycles of violence only begin when Palestinians kill Israelis

One only has to read Kate’s compilations to see that there are nearly daily violations of the “ceasefire” by Israel. Their “cycles of violence” have never ended since the beginning! From her agonizing list today, there is this: …”There have been a number of attacks by Palestinians on Israeli military and civilians over the last […]

‘NYT’ focuses on fears of Hamas censorship but leaves out Israeli government’s threats

Today’s New York Times has an interesting story about a satirical political show in Gaza inspired by Jon Stewart. Headlined, “A Show Finds Humor in Gaza’s Headlines. Will Hamas Get It?” the article says the Gaza comics have screened their political show for hundreds at a theater, and aim to put the episodes on Youtube. […]


ABC Family Channel’s lineup already includes several anti-family programs, and that list continues to grow. The newest docu-series “Becoming Us” began airing Monday, June 8, at 9:00 pm ET/8:00 pm CT. The previews airing earlier include the tagline “genders may bend, but family never breaks.” This reality show is about a son’s journey as he […]

Hamas military wing claims responsibility for killing Israeli in the West Bank

Report: Hamas military wing claims responsibility for Friday shooting BETHLEHEM (Ma‘an) 20 June – Hamas military wing Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades reportedly claimed responsibility for Friday’s West Bank shooting that left an Israel man dead and another lightly injured. “One of the fighters ambushed a settler vehicle and shot at them from point-blank range after […]

Charleston: Do Black and Palestinian lives matter?

This is part of Marc H. Ellis’s “Exile and the Prophetic” feature for Mondoweiss. To read the entire series visit the archive page. Do Black lives matter in America? After the murders in Charleston, the historic debate about race in American history rages on a new level. Do Black lives matter to Jews? Another longstanding […]

The living martyr, a visit to the Bakr family in Gaza

Last week, the Israeli military absolved itself of wrongdoing in the killing of the four Bakr boys during the war on Gaza last summer. Israeli military spokesperson Peter Lerner posted a narrative on his Facebook page that was full of holes, which Guardian correspondent and witness to the massacre Peter Beaumont expertly picked apart. Paul […]

Michael Oren misrepresents the truth, ‘Forward’ and ‘NYT’ editor assert

The Michael Oren book on the US-Israel relationship keeps spinning off interesting stories. At the Forward, Larry Cohler-Esses shows a pattern of misrepresenting the truth on Oren’s part. One of Oren’s targets in the book is the New York Times, and he writes that he complained angrily to the Times after it published an Op-Ed […]

‘Fresh Air’ turns a critique of the occupation into an Oedipal issue

On Fresh Air yesterday Terry Gross interviewed Oren Moverman, the screenwriter of Love and Mercy, the new movie about Brian Wilson, the troubled and brilliant member of the Beach Boys. Moverman lives in New York, and he left Israel for political reasons. Gross didn’t really want to hear Moverman’s political thoughts, though. GROSS: You grew […]


Transgenderism – Illuminati’s Way of Mocking God This is a response to the Red Ice Radio:  Sofia Smallstorm on Bruce Jenner’s Trans-formation & Terasem Transreligion By engaging in Transgenderism and Transhumanism Satan wants to make a mockery of God’s glorious creation; man.  Related: Makow- Ten Signs Western Society is Controlled by a Satanic Cult BY […]

‘Fresh Air’ turns a critique of the occupation into Oedipal issue

On Fresh Air yesterday Terry Gross interviewed Oren Moverman, the screenwriter of Love and Mercy, the new movie about Brian Wilson, the troubled and brilliant member of the Beach Boys. Moverman lives in New York, and he left Israel for political reasons. Gross didn’t really want to hear Moverman’s political thoughts, though. GROSS: You grew […]

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey – June 19, 2015

Dear Ones so much is now happening that although we have only been away from you for a short time, events are forever speeding up and in a relatively short time they will reveal our intentions to you. There has never been a time when we have not been active but for reasons of secrecy […]

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