Archive for the ‘Jewish Tyranny’ Category

Multiculturalism is a zionist war weapon.

Multiculturalism is a zionist war weapon. You will notice they do not want it in THEIR country, only in YOURS, gullible goyim white folks. Why only white nations? Because white nations are the most prosperous, and prosperous people are strong, and have the ability to resist tyranny. Cant have that when you are working on […]

Bernanke Blasts Lew’s $10 Bill Woman-ification

Authored by Ben Bernanke via The Brookings Institute, I must admit I was appalled to hear of Treasury Secretary Jack Lew’s decision last week to demote Alexander Hamilton from his featured position on the ten dollar bill. My reaction has been widely shared, see for example here, here, here, here, and here. Hamilton, the first […]

Goldman’s "Conspiracy Theory" Stunner: A Greek Default Is Precisely What The ECB Wants

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Obama’s "Single-Payer" Monopoly Looms As Healthcare Merger-Mania Heats Up

It would appear, whether by plan or unintended consequence, Obama’s dream of a single-payer socialized healthcare is getting closer by the day, and as WSJ reports, drastically increasing the risk that ObamaCare is creating oligopolies, with the predictable results of higher costs, lower quality and less innovation. The five largest commercial health insurers in the […]

European Bonds, Stocks Explode Higher As "Optimism" Trade Gets Second Wind

Contact Information: Tips: tips [ at ] General: info [ at ] Legal: legal [ at ] Advertising: ads [ at ] Abuse/Complaints: abuse [ at ] Suggested Reading: Make sure to read our “How To [Read/Tip Off] Zero Hedge Without Attracting The Interest Of [Human Resources/The Treasury/Black Helicopters]” Guide […]

"Greece Is Rescued", Economy Minister Tells BBC

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Dr. Joseph Goebbels’ ‘Total War’ Speech (VIDEO)

Dr. Joseph Goebbels’ ‘Total War’ Speech (VIDEO) Dr. Goebbels’ addresses a mass rally in Berlin on February 18, 1943, just a few weeks after the catastrophic defeat of German and allied forces in the Battle of Stalingrad. The Reich Minister frankly explains the mortal danger that threatens all of Europe. Germany could lose the […]

Twitter Responds Hilariously to Hullabaloo About Obama’s Use of ‘N-Word’

Photo Credit: Everett Collection/ President Barack Obama used the n-word during a podcast with comedian Marc Maron in which the two discussed race relations and gun control in the wake of the Charleston shootings, CNN reports. In the podcast “WTF with Marc Maron,” which was released this morning, […]

Supreme Court Will Make Shock Waves No Matter How It Rules on Same-Sex Marriage and Obamacare Subsidies

Photo Credit: No matter which way it decides, the U.S. Supreme Court will send cultural and political shockwaves across the country when it issues two rulings to finish its current term by the end of June—with the possibility that one could come as early as today, June […]

10 Careers With the Most Psychopaths

Are you a psychopath? Happens to the best of us. James Fallon, a neuroscientist studying Alzheimer’s effects on the brain, accidentally discovered that he was a psychopath and then he wrote a book about the experience. Fallon, like most people with psychopathic brains, wasn’t a violent person or a serial killer. But after discovering […]

WATCH: John Oliver’s Perfect Suggestion for What to Do With South Carolina’s Confederate Flag

Photo Credit: via YouTube Leave it to a Brit to come up with the perfect solution for what America should do to make a gesture at dealing with its racist past (and present). In the wake of the mass shootings at a black South Carolina church last week, […]

In U.S., Domestic Terror, Cop Killings and Violent Gun Deaths with Suicides, Dwarf Anything "Jihadis" Have Produced

Consider this paragraph a holding action on the subject of getting blown away in America.  While I write this dispatch, I’m waiting patiently for the next set of dispiriting killings in this country. And I have faith. Before I’m done, some angry — or simply mentally disturbed — and well-armed American “lone wolf” […]

UNHRC report put criminal, victim in one scale

Days of Palestine, Brussels –Detailed UN report accuses Israeli occupation and Palestinian resistance of committing war crimes. The United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on Operation Protective Edge (last summer’s Israeli offensive on Gaza that killed 2,260 Palestinians) found that Palestinian resistance and Israeli occupation committed abuses in the Gaza war that may amount to […]

Six ladies arrested upon leaving Al-Aqsa Mosque

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem –Israeli occupation forces arrested on Monday morning six Palestinian women while they were leaving Al-Aqsa Mosque. Q Press, a media centre dedicated for Al-Aqsa news, reported that the Israeli occupation forces stopped the six ladies, held their IDs for a while and then arrested them. Like our page on Facebook Follow us […]

Oren pushed Random House to hurry his book so American Jews will ‘intercede’ to stop Iran deal and save millions of Jews

Michael Oren said he put “immense pressure” on Random House to publish his new book, Ally, this month, so he could mobilize American Jews against the coming Iranian deal, and they would intercede as they had failed to do in response to the Nazi threat in the 1930s. Speaking at the 92nd Y last night, […]

‘NYT’ article on UN’s Gaza report strains to demonstrate equivalence in suffering

The UN Human Rights Council has issued its report on last summer’s war in Gaza, and the New York Times story about it just went up: “U.N. Report on Gaza Finds Evidence of War Crimes by Israel and by Palestinian Militants.” The Times article is filled with numbers, but there is one conspicuously missing statistic in […]

Israeli court sentences Palestinian man to 13 months in prison for Facebook post

Palestinian sentenced to 17 months over Facebook posts IMEMC 22 June — The Israeli District Court in occupied Jerusalem sentenced, on Sunday morning, a young Palestinian man to 13 months of imprisonment, with an additional four months suspended, for what the court called “incitement” on his Facebook page. Mohammad Mahmoud, a lawyer with the Ad-Dameer […]


The cover of Baddawi The following excerpts are from the graphic novel Baddawi, by Leila Abdelrazaq. Baddawi is the story of a young boy named Ahmad struggling to find his place in the world. Raised in a refugee camp called Baddawi in northern Lebanon, Ahmad is just one of the many thousands of refugee children born to […]

Video: Protesters rally against compulsory vaccination in Brisbane

June 22, 2015 | 5 Comments Advocating for freedom of choice in Australia. Photo: TOTT News Protesters rallied at Queens Park in Brisbane yesterday to oppose proposals to revoke family tax benefits of conscientious objectors to vaccination, through means of legislative reform, and to promote the ideals of freedom of choice from state-enforced measures through […]

Turkey’s AKP open to all parties for coalition

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has said the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Party is open to negotiate coalition possibilities with the other three parties with seats in the parliament. Speaking at an iftar event in Istanbul on Sunday hosted by the state-owned poorhouse organization Darulaceze, Davutoglu said he would speak with the three leaders […]