Archive for the ‘Jews are anti semite’ Category

UNHRC report put criminal, victim in one scale

Days of Palestine, Brussels –Detailed UN report accuses Israeli occupation and Palestinian resistance of committing war crimes. The United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on Operation Protective Edge (last summer’s Israeli offensive on Gaza that killed 2,260 Palestinians) found that Palestinian resistance and Israeli occupation committed abuses in the Gaza war that may amount to […]

Six ladies arrested upon leaving Al-Aqsa Mosque

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem –Israeli occupation forces arrested on Monday morning six Palestinian women while they were leaving Al-Aqsa Mosque. Q Press, a media centre dedicated for Al-Aqsa news, reported that the Israeli occupation forces stopped the six ladies, held their IDs for a while and then arrested them. Like our page on Facebook Follow us […]

Palestinian shot after claims of stabbing Israeli soldier

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem –Israeli forces shot, seriously wounded Palestinian youth in Jerusalem on Sunday, claiming he had stabbed Israeli soldier. The Palestinian youth, who was shot by the Israeli occupation forces at the Damascus Gate of Al-Aqsa Mosque, suffered serious wounds and left bleeding for at least 15 minutes. Like our page on Facebook Follow […]

Occupation shots boy, arrests 3 others in West Bank

Days of Palestine, West Bank –Israeli occupation forces shot late on Saturday Palestinian boy, arrested two others in occupied West Bank. Israeli occupation forces stormed Al-Bireh City in the central of the occupied West Bank, shot a Palestinian boy and arrested another. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Witnesses said that the Israeli occupation […]

Israeli settler runs over 3 year old child

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem –Extremist Israeli Jewish settler ran over 3-year old Palestinian child in occupied Jerusalem on Saturday. The Palestinian child was identified as Yasser Shammas from Wadi al-Hilwa in the village of Silwan, occupied city of Jerusalem. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Witnesses said that the Israeli settler, who was driving […]

Occupation releases Israeli church arsonists

Days of Palestine, West Bank –Israeli occupation authorities released 16 extremist Israeli Jewish settlers who burnt Tabgha Church on Thursday. The extremist Israeli Jewish settlers set fire on Thursday morning to Tabgha Church off Tiberius shores, north-eastern occupied Palestine. Witnesses said the fire came at most of the church, causing much damage that affected the […]

Watch: Israeli soldiers intentionally kill Pal child

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem –Israeli rights group released on Tuesday a video showing Israeli soldiers intentionally targeting child who posed no danger. In March 2014, Israeli soldiers shot and killed Yusef al-Shawamreh, a 14-year-old Palestinian boy, as he went through a gap in the illegal Israeli Apartheid Wall in the area of the village of […]

Israeli Jewish settlers set fire to church in Tiberius

Days of Palestine, Tiberius –Extremist Israeli Jewish settlers set fire on Thursday morning to Church off Tiberius shores, north-eastern occupied Palestine. Witnesses told Days of Palestine that the extremist Jewish settlers broke into Tabgha Church at 03:50am and set fire to several parts of it. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter The fire came […]

‘Israel’ arrests 18, puts 8 in solitary confinement

Days of Palestine, West Bank –Israeli occupation forces arrested on Wednesday 18 Palestinians across the occupied West Bank, put eight already prisoners in solitary confinement. Three were arrested from Al-Khalil, locals identifying one of them as Zaid al-Juneidi, who was arrested after Israeli forces raided his home, as well as several other homes in the […]

Palestinian unity government resigns

Days of Palestine, West Bank –Palestinian unity government formed last year to end internal Palestinian division resigned on Wednesday. PM Rami Hamdallah handed his resignation to the Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas, who ordered him to form a new government, PA official said. Discussions to form a new government would include consultations with the […]

Israeli defamation, slander strategy against rights’ NGOs

Days of Palestine, New York –A credible senior UN source disclosed on Thursday Israeli defamation, slander strategy used to smear independent rights groups. Israeli occupation adopts certain, but a bit complicated strategy to smear independent human rights NGOs, which disclose Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians. A former Israeli official, who was part of the […]

Occupation uproots 100s of olive trees in WB

Days of Palestine, West Bank –Israeli occupation bulldozers uprooted on Tuesday morning hundreds of olive trees in Palestinian farms in occupied West Bank. Witnesses said that the Israeli armoured vehicles stormed the Palestinian farms in the eastern slopes of the West Bank city of Tubas and imposed a military cordon around them. Like our page […]

‘Israel’ bans UN human rights envoy to Palestine

Days of Palestine, Reports –For the second time, Israeli occupation authorities banned UN rights envoy from visiting Palestinian territories. UN’s Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories Makarim Wibisono, has been conducting an investigation into the actions of both the Israeli occupaiton and Palestinian militants during last Israeli last summer’s offensive on […]

‘UN Watch’ receives regular funds from ‘Israel’

Days of Palestine, Geneva –The so-called ‘UN Watch’ which pretends to be independent was revealed to have received frequent funds from the Israeli government. The NGO, which claims to be independent and briefing body for UN member states, is reportedly functioning as a forefront for the Israeli occupation to improve its distorted image due its […]

Israeli troops left Palestinian bleeding for 3 hours

Days of Palestine, West Bank –Israeli occupation troops left Palestinian youth bleeding beneath their military vehicle for three hours before he died. The Palestinian youth, who was killed by the Israeli forces on Sunday in Kafr Malik village near Ramallah, was left bleeding for three hours while a Palestinian ambulance was waiting nearby, but prevented […]

‘Israel’ arrests 8 Palestinians in West Bank

Days of Palestine, West Bank –Israeli occupation forces arrested on Sunday night eight Palestinians across the occupied West Bank. Palestinian sources said two Palestinians were arrested from Nablus, one from Qalqilia, four from Bethlehem, and one from Al-Khalil. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli jails One of the Palestinians was […]

Merkel’s odd remarks: Germany supports terrorism

Days of Palestine, Berlin –Germany has a “special obligation to support [terrorism],” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday in Berlin. In defence of her Germany’s weapons sales to the terrorist occupation state, which continuously commits war crimes against Palestinians, Merkel said that her country has a special interest to help protecting the Israeli occupation. […]

Israeli PM degrades UN rights’ report on Gaza

Days of Palestine, Agencies –In pre-emptive measure, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu described UN report about Israeli crimes in Gaza of “full of lies.” During the Sunday meeting of his cabinet, Netanyahu said that the Israeli report on the 2014 Israeli offensive on Gaza is to go for pubic soon, saying that reading the UN report […]

Israeli forces kill Palestinian in West Bank

Days of Palestine, West Bank �Israeli occupation forces killed on Sunday at dawn a Palestinian youth in West Bank city in Ramallah. In village of Kafr Mali, in the outskirts of Ramallah, the Israeli occupation forces run after Palestinian protesters throughout the narrow alleyways and fired tear gas canisters and rubber bullets at them. Like […]

�Israel�s UN mission deceives member states in NY

Days of Palestine, New York �Permanent Israeli mission at UN was accused on Saturday of misleading envoys of permanent missions of other member states in New York. A credible official at one of the permanent missions for a European country told Days of Palestine that the Israeli mission had circulated misleading information about its human […]

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