Posts Tagged ‘Islamic State’

Homeland Security report finds Americans being radicalized by ISIS at ‘unprecedented’ rate

     The United States has “largely failed” in its effort to keep Americans from joining the Islamic State extremist group in Iraq and Syria, and the government lacks a national strategy for combating the trend, a bipartisan congressional report stated. Released on Monday, the report found that the federal government has generally failed to keep […]

Think tank: Putin offers constructive and realistic approach to Syria

     Russian President Vladimir Putin’s call at the UN to include President Bashar Assad in a compromise peace process in Syria is much more realistic than repeated US calls that Assad be toppled, Institute for Research Middle East Policy Director Grant Smith told Sputnik. In his speech, Smith noted, Putin urged the creation of an […]

Trump: GOP rivals ‘want to start WWIII over Syria,’ should let Russia fight Islamic State

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump shared more of his views on foreign policy Friday, telling an audience in Oklahoma his 2016 rivals want to “start World War III over Syria” and suggesting the U.S. let Russia take up the fight against the Islamic State in the region. “They want to start World War III over […]

Trump: GOP Trying to Start WWIII in Syria, Should Let Russia Deal with It

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer September 26, 2015 ALL ABOARD FOR THE BIG WIN-WIN In a statement which may well anger Jews a whole lot more than what he’s been saying about immigrants, the Donald just said that the GOP warmongers are insane, and that the best thing to do with Syria is back-off and let Putin […]

The Big Lie About Russian Forces in Syria

Washington continues using Islamic State and other takfiri terrorists as US proxy foot soldiers, waging naked aggression on Syria, largely affecting millions of civilians, creating a human flood of internally and externally displaced people along with mass slaughter and destruction. Obama, John Kerry and other US officials firmly oppose Russia legitimately aiding its Syrian ally […]


Putin’s Line in the Sand: No Regime Change in Syria By Mike Whitney “Obama administration officials, who have been negotiating with Turkey for months, said Thursday that they had reached an agreement for manned and unmanned American warplanes to carry out aerial attacks on Islamic State positions from air bases at Incirlik and Diyarbakir. The […]

Russia Says It May Send Troops Into Combat In Syria As A Worried Netanyahu Heads To Moscow

On Thursday evening, we detailed a Reuters report which suggested that the influx of Russian technical and logistical support to Bashar al-Assad’s depleted army at Latakia might have breathed new life into the regime as it seeks to rout Islamic State and a whole host of other armed groups fighting for control of Syria. “Foreign […]

Polls Show Syrians Overwhelmingly Blame U.S. for ISIS

The British polling organization ORB International, an affiliate of WIN/Gallup International, repeatedly finds in Syria that, throughout the country, Syrians oppose ISIS by about 80%, and (in the latest such poll) also finds that 82% of Syrians blame the U.S. for ISIS. The Washington Post summarized on September 15th the latest poll. They did not […]

The delusional conspiracy theories of the State Department

In the mind of State Department spokesman John Kirby, Russia should not back Syria against the terrorists, president Assad is to blame for ISIS, Iraq is much better off because of the US invasion, and it’s ‘absolutely astounding’ anyone would dare to disagree. That is what the press briefing at the State Department on Tuesday […]

50 Defense Dept. Whistleblowers Slam "Stalinist" Pentagon…

The Pentagon has erupted in “revolt” amid claims from 50 intelligence analysts that senior defense officials manipulated intelligence reports to downplay the severity of the Islamic State’s increasing upper-hand in the Middle East. According to allegations made in an official complaint with the Department of Defense Inspector General, the officers in question doctored reports — among other things […]

Excluding Syrian army from fighting ISIS is absurd – Lavrov

READ MORE: Russia backs Syria’s fight against ISIS, not Assad’s regime – Lavrov “To exclude Syrian army from fighting Islamic State [formerly ISIS/ISIL] is absurd… Syrian armed forces will be the most effective military force on the ground,” Lavrov said in an interview to Russia’s Channel One TV. Lavrov added that when there was a […]

All Four Hemispheres Of The World Now Engaged In A Single War

If we peer behind the veil of mainstream media oversimplification, lies and propaganda we find that the humanitarian crises we are faced with today are the straight line consequences of a decades-old policy on the part of the West (defined as the US, the UK, Israel and others ) to subvert and destabilize the very […]

French “Mossadist Philosopher” Deals Truth A Stunning Blow – Veterans Today

The decision announced Monday by French president François Hollande to conduct reconnaissance flights in support of strikes against the Islamic State within Syrian territory is a sensible one. We cannot continue indefinitely to strike at jihadists in Iraq while stopping, absurdly, at the border of the neighboring state. We cannot pretend to wage war against […]

Putin: People aren’t running from Assad in Syria, but from ISIS

Putin: People aren’t running from Assad in Syria, but from ISIS Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the fight against terrorism should be a coordinated international effort, and Russia is taking steps to form such a coalition. He added that in Syria it should go hand in hand with an internal political process. “Of course, […]

Putin: People aren’t running from Assad in Syria, but from ISIS

     Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the fight against terrorism should be a coordinated international effort, and Russia is taking steps to form such a coalition. He added that in Syria it should go hand in hand with an internal political process. “Of course, we know that there are different approaches to Syria. By […]

Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIL) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know

The insidious relationship between Washington and the Islamic State (ISIS) is at the centre of current news and analysis. Is Washington going after the terrorists? If so why are these terrorists receiving money and weapons?   Other important topics covered in today’s GR E- Newsletter include the role of Hollywood in justifying US led wars. It’s called […]

Washington Launches New Drone Assassination Program in Syria

The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) are carrying out a secret drone missile assassination program in Syria, the Washington Post reported late Tuesday. The existence of the so-called targeted killing program has come to light in the wake of last month’s assassination of a British citizen identified as […]

Aussie Jews lash out at PM Abbott for saying ISIS jihadist Jews ‘worse than Nazis’

Pasty white skinned israel jews posing as Muslim terrorists again: The Executive Council of Australian Jewry labeled the comparison “injudicious and unfortunate.” The debate took place while Tony Abbott was interviewed by firebrand broadcaster Alan Jones on Fairfax radio station 2GB. The PM stated that Canberra will decide whether to join airstrikes on Syria against […]

Fake Syrian Passports and ISIS Cells Confirmed among Nonwhite Invasion Flood of Europe

The Islamic State are using fake Syrian passports to help terror cells slip into Europe among the nonwhite invasion flood, new reports have revealed. The ISIS plan to invade Europe under the guise of “refugees” has been long in the planning, and takes full advantage of the insane open doors asylum policies adopted by […]

Recognize that Iraq Is History

 For example, after the Vietnam War in the 1970s, the exhausted and disgruntled American public no longer cared what happened to the poor, faraway land. That same phenomenon initially occurred with Iraq after Barack Obama withdrew U.S. forces at the end of 2011 from the long American occupation on a schedule set by George W. […]

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