Posts Tagged ‘federal government’

Homeland Security report finds Americans being radicalized by ISIS at ‘unprecedented’ rate

     The United States has “largely failed” in its effort to keep Americans from joining the Islamic State extremist group in Iraq and Syria, and the government lacks a national strategy for combating the trend, a bipartisan congressional report stated. Released on Monday, the report found that the federal government has generally failed to keep […]

Total medication LOCKDOWN: People indicted for "smuggling" FDA-approved drugs from Canada that are legal to buy in America

(NaturalNews) Big Pharma firms have such a lock on the U.S. market – the most lucrative in the world – that they have the power of the federal government in their pockets. So much so that if anyone steps outside the box or colors outside the Big Pharma-designated lines, Uncle Sam will smack […]

TSA competing with Subway’s Jared to rack up record number of molestations

(NaturalNews) A screener who worked at the federal government’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for 13 years has been fired after being charged with sexually assaulting women at LaGuardia Airport in New York City. Maxie Oquendo, 40, had reportedly been luring women into bathrooms at the airport under the guise of performing “pat down” […]

Wall Street & Military Are Draining Americans High & Dry

Print Friendly The United States (US) government often cites $18 trillion as the amount of money that they owe, but their actual debts are higher. Much higher. The government in the USA owes $13.2 trillion in US Treasury Bonds, $5 trillion in money borrowed by the US Federal government from Federal government trust funds like […]

Coming To A Sheriff's Office Near You

The sheriff and at least one of his deputies have verbalized opinions that “constitutionalists” are threats to the sheriff’s office, the federal government, and to the country itself. Sheriff Knezovich even went so far as to compare “constitutionalists” with the Sunni Muslim terror group ISIS. The deputy indicated that the presence of armed “constitutionalists” in […]

Federal Court Overturns District Ruling Barring NSA Phone Surveillance

A federal appeals court overturned a district court ruling Friday that barred the NSA’s bulk collection of phone metadata. The three-judge panel ruling for the D.C. Court of Appeals struck down an injunction against the government granted by U.S. District Judge Richard Leon in December 2013, who found that the collection of call times, duration, […]

To Save Bees, Some States Take Aim at Pesticides

The orange groves in Fort Myers, Florida, have turned to poison for David Mendes’ honeybees. The onetime winter havens for bees have been treated with a popular pesticide that he says kills his livelihood. States and the federal government are searching for ways to protect managed bees like Mendes’ and their wild counterparts. The […]

ALERT!… Obama Chooses Six Cities to Test ‘Federal Police’ Scheme!

Under the guise of “restoring trust” between communities and police departments that have been militarized by the federal government, the Obama administration’s Justice Department announced this March that it had selected six U.S. cities to serve as pilot sites, to develop and deploy federal guidance for local police to create better procedures, reduce racial bias, […]

Tech Coalition to Obama: Gov Backdoors Are Open to Anyone

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | The US Independent May 20, 2015   A consortium of tech corporations, security experts and trade groups have joined forces to tell the president in a letter that American citizens would be at a great risk of privacy violations should the federal government require that “backdoors” […]

Update JADE HELM: WTF Are Turkish Missile Launchers Doing Stashed in the Texas Woods

Well it seems that when it comes to the upcoming military psyop known as Jade Helm, things keep getting weirder, and weirder. In this latest update concerning Jade Helm, A Texas man was driving on highway 57 just west of RT 59 when he came across an amazing, and absolutely disturbing discovery, that is of course […]

The One About The “U.S. Cracking Down on Militarization of Local Police”

The One About The “U.S. Cracking Down on Militarization of Local Police” May 18th, 2015 Oh sure, and I guess all of those weapons and other equipment are just going to turn into a giant pumpkin at midnight. Via: MSNBC: The federal government will […]

$25 ATM limit for Kansas welfare recipients may violate federal law

0000000 (Lindsay Wise)  A first-of-its-kind provision that prevents welfare recipients in Kansas from withdrawing more than $25 a day from an ATM might violate federal law – and could jeopardize the state’s federal funding if not amended. The Social Security Act requires states to ensure that recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF, […]

How Convenient: Piece of 9/11 Plane Found in Manhattan? Feds Floundering to Save Their Asses

The video below was posted today, April 27th. Go figure. This evidence just happens to appear when the federal government stooges are implicated in assassinations of innocent US citizens and staging terrorist conspiracies in Canada? Smells like damage control to me. They think we’re really stupid, folks. They’re using 9/11 news now to distract us […]

Americans Made a Pact With the Devil After 9/11/01

Boston and Freedom by Andrew P. Napolitano Recently by Andrew P. Napolitano: Taxation Is Theft The government’s fidelity to the Constitution is never more tested than in a time of crisis. The urge to do something – or to appear to be doing something – is nearly irresistible to those whom we have employed to […]

Earth’s Alpha Predator: The Jewish Plague

— By Rand Clifford — Actions trump lies. Evidence does not lie…so how has the American public been so brainwashed by lies, in light of so much evidence? Are Zionists that intelligent, or is the American public that unintelligent—and how did even that obvious question become a “third-rail issue”? Totally uncool, our tradition of being […]

It was nice knowing you, America

There are now an astonishing 90 million people absent from the US labor force. NPR reports: “Every month, 14 million Americans get a disability check from the government.” “In Hale County, Alabama, nearly 1 in 4 working-age adults is on disability.” As of December 2012, 47 million Americans were on food stamps. The USDA assesses […]

Spending on mental health increasing

SPENDING on mental health services has ballooned by almost half a billion dollars to about $309 for every Australian, according to the latest statistics. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) says figures for 2010/11 show a rise in spending of $450 million from the previous financial year, to $6.9 billion. Of that more […]

Julia Gillard corruption allegations in the AWU

Friction between the Murdoch press and the Federal Government has escalated in the wake of an incorrect article about Prime Minister Julia Gillard published in yesterday’s Australian newspaper. The article led to an embarrassing apology from the newspaper, which acknowledged that not only were allegations about Ms Gillard “untrue” but that no attempt had been […]

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