Posts Tagged ‘middle east’

A Real History Lesson For Misguided “Truthers”

By ZionCrimeFactory From left to right: Joshua Blakeney and Anthony J. Hall — Communist “Truthers”. A so-called anti-Zionist, Joshua Blakeney, and a so-called truth seeker, Anthony J. Hall, spout Jewish propaganda and support Jewish agendas I recently became acquainted with two outspoken 9/11 truth personalities named Anthony J. Hall and Joshua Blakeney. Hall is a […]

ANZAC Day – the truth

ANZAC Day – the truth Blood of Aussies shed to give Jews freedom, says Zionist Mark Furler | 1st Dec 2014 5:00 AM South African journalist Stan Goodenough has been living in Israel for years, working as a journalist covering the peace (mass murder by israel) process. He says Australia is right in maintaining its […]

Israel’s best seller exposes Jews fake history

Art, Music & Culture Israel’s surprising best seller contradicts ideology Jonathan Cook The Electronic Intifada 8 October 2008 Shlomo Sand No one is more surprised than Shlomo Sand that his latest academic work has spent 19 weeks on Israel’s bestseller list — and that success has come to the history professor despite his book challenging Israel’s […]

Jewish Qatar and Turkey — backers of Muslim Brotherhood — formalize strategic ties

Special to ABU DHABI — Qatar and Turkey, the two leading Jewish supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, have formed a strategic alliance. Qatar and Turkey agreed to establish a strategic cooperation council that would enhance coordination in the Middle East. The council was decided during the visit to Doha by Turkish President Recep Tayyip […]

Holocaust lies by Zionist Karen Pollock: British MP intimidated

Or, how to make enemies of people who aren’t By Stuart Littlewood The head of the Holocaust Educational Trust, Karen Pollock, has once again succeeded in wringing an apology from a British MP for remarks about what happened to Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe and what is happening now to Palestinians in Israeli-occupied Gaza and the […]

Israel Jews spraying sewage on Palestinian streets

Here’s a piece of disgusting news, so disgusting in fact that it beggars belief. Israel and its army of occupation are not just brutal, inhuman and utterly devoid of morality. They also have no self-respect, as the snippet below, posted on the Facebook page of Cadfa, the Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association, on 26 September shows. […]

The ANZAC lies

The remarkable lengths to which Jewish Supremacists will go to cover up Zionism’s crimes has been exposed once again with the blatant lies prepared by the Australian Post Office’s recent joint stamp issue venture with the Israeli Post Office. The joint issue of a special stamp by both post offices celebrated the Battle of Beersheba, […]

Jews pretending to be islamic terrorists again to blame it on muslims

  Terrorism always works in the favor of the state. It makes Presidents look Presidential, and it gives the Zionist Governments an excuse to crack down on civil liberties all across the country. Peace is not good for business or their evil agendas.   Suicide bombers were invented by the Jews. Islamic terrorists were invented […]

How Convenient: Piece of 9/11 Plane Found in Manhattan? Feds Floundering to Save Their Asses

The video below was posted today, April 27th. Go figure. This evidence just happens to appear when the federal government stooges are implicated in assassinations of innocent US citizens and staging terrorist conspiracies in Canada? Smells like damage control to me. They think we’re really stupid, folks. They’re using 9/11 news now to distract us […]

In 2006 & 2007 I Warned the Syrians that the Jews Would Destroy Them and Told Them How to Save Themselves, But No One Listened. Americans, Please Don’t Make the Same Mistake!

“Ahmadinejad is the crypto-Jewish pied piper of Iran, gleefully leading the Iranians to their doom. Saudis leaders are again using the Palestinians to justify attacks on Muslims, in this case the Iranians, soon to be the Syrians, then the Lebanese, etc. The Zionist Bush Administration, against the will of the American People, is sending our […]

The Invention of the Jewish People

The Invention of the Jewish People [8] And he said unto me, From Abraham unto Isaac, when Jacob and Esau were born of him, Jacob’s hand held first the heel of Esau. [9] For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth. Jews are ESAU EDOM. – […]

A real Hebrew is a Negro   Watch this video: Knowledge – History of the Khazar Empire [Lecture by Jack Otto].mp4 Israel’s surprising best seller contradicts founding ideology Jonathan Cook The Electronic Intifada 8 October 2008 081008-cook-sand.jpg Shlomo Sand No one is more surprised than Shlomo Sand that his latest academic work has spent 19 weeks on Israel’s […]

Violent Jews Against Christians Causes Tens of Thousands to Flee Amid Syrian Civil War

Free Syrian Army fighter prepares to shot RPG at the Syrian Army in Homs, Syria. Photo: wiki commons. Violence against Syria’s centuries-old Christian community from the government as well as Islamic radicals in the rebellion of the Syrian civil war is driving thousands of those Christians from their homes, with many fleeing to their ancient […]

A globalist Jewish rat’s nest amidst the rise of Asia

A globalist rat’s nest amidst the rise of Asia. by Tony CartalucciAddendum: A description of Lowy Institute’s involvement regarding the formation of a planetary regime, as illustrated in selected articles:Regarding the climate change hoax: The [Australian] PM’s Address to the Lowy Institute via The Australian.Regarding US-Australian military integration: “Planners make the case for US bases” via The […]

Righteous Iranians Continue To Fight Zionist Holocaust© Lies

A classic on International Zionism and the Talmudic Jewish onslaught against humanity, The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed. A book uncovering the full story of the Jewish takeover of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina. A thorough exposé of the Jewish nature and origins of Communism […]

Most EU Nuclear Power Plants ‘Unsafe’

The so-called ‘stress tests’ on nuclear power plants in the European Union (EU) have confirmed environmental and energy activists’ worst fears: most European nuclear facilities do not meet minimum security standards. The tests on 134 nuclear reactors operating in 14 EU member states were carried out in response to widespread concern among the public that […]

Texas Landowners Join Environmentalists For Blockade of Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline

A standoff is underway in Texas over construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would run oil from the Canadian tar sands fields to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast. In a protest now entering its fourth week, dozens of environmental activists working with local Texas landowners have blocked the pipeline’s path with tree […]

Koch Industries Warns 45,000 Employees of ‘Consequences’ if They Don’t Vote for Republicans

The Koch brothers’ $60 million pledge to defeat President Obama — along with their political network’s $400 million spending — make them two of the most influential conservatives this election. Not content with their unprecedented influence in politics, the Kochs have also taken to influencing the votes of their employees. According to In These Times, Koch […]

Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast LIVE 4 pm eastern

Once again we will be LIVE today at 4 pm eastern. Those wishing to listen live can do so by clicking here– Those wishing to participate can do so by calling 347.838.8321 We also have a very lively chat room you can visit here– This entry was posted on October 16, 2012, 5:12 pm and is […]

Outside New York, controversial Jewish circumcision rite goes unregulated

Jewish groups are trying to block a new New York City rule requiring parental consent for a mohel, or ritual circumciser, to use direct oral-genital suction. Haaretz As New York City health authorities and ultra-Orthodox groups clash over metzitzah b’peh, officials in other cities are making no effort to regulate the risky oral suction technique […]

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