Posts Tagged ‘Asia’

The Warsaw Communiqué: NATO’s leaders planning the crime of aggression

     I have been a defence lawyer most of my working life and am not used to gathering evidence for a prosecution, but circumstances impelled me to open a file for the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, or perhaps some future citizen’s tribunal, in which is contained the evidence that the NATO leaders are […]

CNN Cuts Off Reporter When She Mentions Hillary’s Role in Mass Incarceration

CNN Cuts Off Reporter When She Mentions Hillary’s Role in Mass Incarceration July 14th, 2016 Via: CNN: <!– –> […]

Iran sells 1st ATK cargos in IRENEX

Iran says it has sold its first cargoes of jet fuel to buyers from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Armenia through transactions at Iran Energy Exchange (IRENEX).  The announcement has been made by the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC).  The company put the overall volume of the traded jet fuel – also known as known […]

WPP’s Kantar Signs Agreement with Major Iranian Market Agency

Kantar has signed the affiliation agreement with Rahbar Bazaar market research institute in Iran, giving global insights network a foothold in Iranian market. Following the signing ceremony, Kantar Insights CEO MENAP Stephen Hillebrand said, “There’s been a very high level of interest in Iran among our clients since the easing of the sanctions,” More About […]

Colombian Gov & ELN Peace Talks Stalled over “Hostages”

nsnbc : A row between the Colombian government and the second-largest leftist guerrilla group ELN threatens to delay or stall peace talks that had been scheduled to begin last month. The administration of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has delayed the official peace talks between the government and the second-largest leftist guerrilla organization, the National Liberation […]

Time for negotiations between Hamas, Tel Aviv

Alwaght- Former Mossad Chief, Efraim Halevy, has claimed the time has come to head to the negotiating table with Hamas and even noted that the next War Minister Avigdor Lieberman might be the initiator of talks. Speaking at the Jerusalem Post Conference in New York City on Sunday, Halevy said “the leadership of Hamas knows […]

Photos: Iran’s 9th parliament closes today

The closing of 9th Parliament of Iran was held in today’s open session, in the presence of First Vice Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Mohammad Hassan Aboutorabifard. The 10th Parliament of Iran is scheduled to start on May 28, 2016.   By IRNA Source Article from

Venezuela Expands State of Exception Citing Threats of Foreign Intervention

Lucas Koerner(VA) : Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced Friday the expansion of the country’s state of exception in a bid to confront a deep economic crisis as well as national security threats posed by international right-wing forces. Venezuela’s Bolivarian Armed Forces have begun military exercises in response to the decree (Ultimas Noticias). The Constitutional State […]

Peruvian Drug Kingpin Caracol Arrested in Colombia

nsnbc : Alleged Peruvian drug kingpin Gerson Galvez, a.k.a. Caracol has been arrested in the El Poblado neighborhood of the city of Medellin, Colombia. Galvez was arrested on Saturday, in a sting operation. National police of both Colombia and Peru participated in the preparations of the sting operation that resulted in the arrest of “Caracol”. […]

Australia must act now to preserve its culture in the face of global tech giants

Julianne Schultz (TC) : We now live in the Age of Fang – the shorthand term for the new global era dominated by the oligopoly of Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google and others. These companies have made globalisation real and personal thanks to the intimate objects we carry with us and access, unwittingly transmitting all […]

Submerged Russian nuclear sub fires Kalibr cruise missile in Arctic drills (VIDEO)

The crew of the latest multipurpose nuclear submarine of the Northern Fleet, Project 885 Severodvinsk, successfully launched the missile from the Barents Sea, the Russian military said in a statement. Russian Navy to have nigh-unstoppable hypersonic missiles by 2018 – report The missile hit its target in the Arkhangelsk region “with high accuracy”, the statement […]

Iranian MPs to visit nuclear facilities in Arak soon

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency on Sunday, Mohammad Hassan Asafari said that according to schedule, a number of members of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission will visit the heavy-water reactor near Arak soon. The Parliamentarian further said the exact date of the visit has not been determined yet, adding that the visit […]

Viral Meme Crowns Denmark As Best Country, But Denmark Has Some Secrets

True Activist recently posted and circulated a meme that made some pretty bold statements about Denmark and their economy and raised a lot of questions about whether such an economical structure really leaves its citizens satisfied. The meme was set in the format of the Blobla meme that went viral on Facebook, which inserted your name […]

Lawmakers Seek Geoengineering Disclosure for Rhode Island

Phillip Schneider, StaffWaking Times In a battle to halt government sponsored wide-scale climate modification, also known as ‘solar radiation management,’ two Rhode Island legislators have introduced a bill that seeks to stop geoengineering in the state. The two representatives, Karen MacBeth (Dem), and Justin Price (Rep), have teamed up in a […]

Incest and necrophilia ‘should be legal’ according to youth branch of Swedish Liberal People’s Party

From: ‘Incest can be considered unusual and disgusting, but the law cannot stem from it being disgusting’ Incest between siblings and necrophilia should be legalised, a branch of the Swedish Liberal People’s Party has argued.The Stockholm branch of the party’s youth wing (LUF) voted on the controversial motion at its […]

Incest and necrophilia ‘should be legal’ according to youth branch of Swedish Liberal People’s Party

From: ‘Incest can be considered unusual and disgusting, but the law cannot stem from it being disgusting’ Incest between siblings and necrophilia should be legalised, a branch of the Swedish Liberal People’s Party has argued.The Stockholm branch of the party’s youth wing (LUF) voted on the controversial motion at its […]

Tourism, ground for further Athens-Tehran relations

Tehran, Feb 17, IRNA – A Greek minister said tourism industry can be a good ground for exchange of cultural commonalities between Athens and Tehran that can lead to intimacy between the two nations. Visiting Greek Alternate Minister for Tourism Ms. Elena Kountoura made the remarks in a meeting with Massoud Soltanifar, Head of Iran’s […]

Pennsylvania Fracking Water Contamination Higher Than Reported

Print Friendly Above: Fracking well pads are six-acre plus industrial zones that concentrate many gas wells on one location. The headline flew around the globe like wild fire.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published their long-awaited draft fracking drinking water study and concluded: fracking has had no widespread impact on drinking water. But if you’ve had your […]

Pennsylvania Fracking Water Contamination Higher Than Reported

Print Friendly Above: Fracking well pads are six-acre plus industrial zones that concentrate many gas wells on one location. The headline flew around the globe like wild fire.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published their long-awaited draft fracking drinking water study and concluded: fracking has had no widespread impact on drinking water. But if you’ve had your […]

Pennsylvania Fracking Water Contamination Higher Than Reported

Print Friendly Above: Fracking well pads are six-acre plus industrial zones that concentrate many gas wells on one location. The headline flew around the globe like wild fire.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published their long-awaited draft fracking drinking water study and concluded: fracking has had no widespread impact on drinking water. But if you’ve had your […]

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