Posts Tagged ‘aussies’

Aussies scammed by their telcos to update their phone

There is a new scam going around, not from an Indian call centre (surprise, surprise), where this time it is by one of the ‘Big Three’ Australian telecommunications carriers, that being Telstra, Optus or Vodafone Sales staff within the telco are telling their customers that their phone is not a 4G (or LTE) one, where […]

Australia now offering up to $600k in compensation for Aussies seriously injured by Covid-19 Vaccines

Australia now offering up to $600k in compensation for Aussies seriously injured by Covid-19 Vaccines Tap News / Weaver Due to the fact that so many Australian citizens are falling ill post-Covid-19 vaccination, the Australian government is rolling out a new compensation scheme to keep people quiet. Local media, which is based in Sydney, reported […]

Voices of Concern: Aussies for Assange’s Return

With Julian Assange now fighting the next stage of efforts to extradite him to the United States to face 18 charges, 17 of which are based on the brutal, archaic Espionage Act, some Australian politicians have found their voice.  It might be said that a few have even found their conscience. Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister […]

Authorities Threaten Jail Time For Unvaccinated Aussies Who Try to Enter Businesses

The Washington Department of Health is advertising job opportunities for employees to work in quarantine and isolation facilities that will be used to house Americans who are unable to quarantine at home, prompting fears that the program could eventually be used to forcibly detain people. Titled ‘Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultants’ – the job offers […]

Locked Down Aussies Now Having Their Alcohol Consumption Controlled by the Government

Desperate Aussies trying to cope with endless lockdowns are now having their alcohol consumption controlled and limited by the government. Yes, really. “Residents in apartment blocks locked-down by NSW Health are having their alcohol deliveries policed as part of a policy to limit the number of drinks being consumed each day,” reports In a […]

Google admits: We’re keeping Aussies in the dark

Google admits: We’re keeping Aussies in the darkDate: September 8, 2021Author: Nwo Report Google has revealed exactly what Australian viewers are missing out on – and why it is happening. Source: Charles Miranda and Jennifer Dudley-NicholsonGoogle algorithms are automatically selecting videos from news channels to be censored from Australian viewers that it deems offensive, inaccurate or dangerous, a […]

Unfree Aussies Protest; They Are Under Control of the ZIONIST Cabal Same as U.S., Britain, New Zealand, Canada & All the Countries U.S. Occupies With Military

by Admin · Published July 26, 2021 · Updated July 26, 2021 Tens of Thousands Join Anti-Lockdown Protests in Australia Amid New RestrictionsPosted: 24 Jul 2021 09:17 AM PDTTens of thousands of anti-lockdown demonstrators took to the streets of Sydney and other Australian towns on Saturday to protest new lockdown measures amid a tiny increase of […]

Aussies Could Soon Get Vaccinated at Local Woolies, Bunnings, or Officeworks

Australian businesses are putting up their hands to provide public vaccinations sites to their local communities as the rollout is expected to ramp up in September. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Lieutenant-General John Frewen met with business leaders to discuss how industries could get involved in the national vaccine rollout effort. “Commonwealth GPs and hubs, and […]

More Aussies Have Died Of Clots Than COVID In 2021, CDC Lies & Study Shows Jab Reduces Antibodies

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/25/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and […]

Hundreds of Aussies Job Seekers Reported for Compliance, Behaviour

Only weeks after opening its Employer Reporting Hotline, Services Australia has said that it is investigating hundreds of unemployed individuals after they submitted inappropriate job applications and wasted employers time by skipping interviews or refusing to work. Employment Minister Stuart Roberts said in a media release on Friday that it was disappointing for more than 300 […]

“That’s Not Orwellian, THIS Is Orwellian”: Aussies Mulling ID For Access To Facebook, Twitter, Tinder

The Australian government is mulling a proposal which would require citizens to provide at least two forms of identification if they want to use social media, under the guise of ‘battling online bullying’ and more easily report users to authorities. Under the guise of preventing online bullying, the Morrison government’s plan would require ‘100 points […]

Two Aussies and one Kiwi in Israel’s cycling 2021 team

December 1, 2020 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article The Israel Start-Up Nation 2021 cycling team will consist of 32 riders from Israel and 16 other countries. Two Australians, Sebastian Berwick and Taj Jones, and New Zealander Patrick Bevin are among those who have signed for the coming season, including nine new riders headed […]

In move to recognize Palestine, South Australia has overwhelming majority of Aussies behind it

Australia is a federation of six states which, together with two self-governing territories, have their own constitutions, parliaments, governments and laws. The state where I live, South Australia, has a long and proud history of firsts especially in the area of social justice.  In 1856 South Australia was the first state to introduce universal male […]

More young Aussies watch porn, boys’ first exposure at about 13yo – study

Burnet Institute researcher Dr. Megan Lim, who headed the study of 940 Australians aged 15 to 29 years old, said she was surprised by the results. “All the young men in our study said they’d seen pornography, and so did the majority of women. They also reported seeing pornography at quite high frequency,” Lim told […]

New NASA find suggests Mars resembles Earth more than previously thought

READ MORE: NASA: Unexpected discovery on Mars may revolutionize planet’s history  “The only ways on Earth that we know how to make these manganese materials involve atmospheric oxygen or microbes,” said Nina Lanza, a planetary scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, while commenting on the potentially groundbreaking discovery. The researchers point out that, […]

Lawmakers Seek Geoengineering Disclosure for Rhode Island

Phillip Schneider, StaffWaking Times In a battle to halt government sponsored wide-scale climate modification, also known as ‘solar radiation management,’ two Rhode Island legislators have introduced a bill that seeks to stop geoengineering in the state. The two representatives, Karen MacBeth (Dem), and Justin Price (Rep), have teamed up in a […]

Aussies visit Buckingham Palace

ACTOR Hugh Jackman and supermodel Elle Macpherson were among hundreds of Australians at Buckingham Palace for a reception hosted by the Queen, but it was a cheeky Corgi-print outfit that really took the elderly monarch’s fancy. The Queen, 85, who was suffering a cold and cancelled her daytime engagements yesterday, the same evening welcomed 350 […]

Aussies sick of refugee blame game

THE Greens say it’s time Prime Minister Julia Gillard and opposition leader Tony Abbott stopped blaming each other and got on with building a better onshore processing system for refugees. The federal government should resettle more people directly from Malaysia and Indonesia to lessen the number of boat arrivals, Greens immigration spokeswoman Sarah Hanson-Young told […]

Bali arrest a warning to young Aussies

AAP The arrest of a NSW teenager in Bali for alleged drug possession should serve as a warning to all Australian youngsters, the state’s police commissioner says. The 14-year-old boy is being held by Indonesian authorities after allegedly being caught with a small amount of marijuana. “This should serve as a very important warning for […]

Aussies hurt in Vietnam park accident

An Indonesian tourist was killed and several Australians injured when a tree toppled onto them at a Vietnamese waterfall park, officials said on Monday. An Indonesian embassy spokesman confirmed that Agustinus Adri Aristiono died in Saturday’s incident at the Datanla Waterfall Tourist Park near Dalat in south-central Vietnam. Three other Indonesians were slightly hurt. Several […]

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