Posts Tagged ‘park’

Genuine Holocaust in RNC Livestream Comments Section

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 22, 2016 Since the end of World War Two, when they spread an idiotic, goofy lie about Hitler mass-murdering them using fake shower gas chambers, the Jews have been able to get everything they want by simply whining, invoking this retarded fantasy story called “THE HOLOCAUST.” Recently, this method of whining […]

Swedish Politician Says It’s "Worse" When Swedish Men Rape Women Compared To When Immigrants Do

In most sane circles, the act of rape is reprehensible and it makes absolutely no difference who perpetrated the act. However, in what will inevitably make blood shoot out of one’s eyes to read, a politician in Sweden actually makes a distinction on the severity of the act depending on who committed it. Swedish Left […]

Iran-Turkmenistan cooperation deal finalized

TEHRAN, June 28 (Shana) – Special envoy of Minister of Petroleum for Export of Technical and Engineering Goods and Services Mohammad-Taqi Amanpour says the Iran-Turkmenistan $2.5 billion agreement was finalized. Amanpour told Shana more than 150 Iranian companies are now active in Turkmenistan. He said Iran will import about 30 billion worth gas from Turkmenistan […]

Hitler’s Invasion of the Soviet Union

The last weeks of June offer opportunity for mainstream media (MSM) to recall the Reich’s pre-emptive strike on Bolshevik Russia. Their claim is that genial Uncle Joe Stalin was victim of Hitler’s biggest blunder. We are led to believe that the unprepared Red Army fought gallantly, but faced by overwhelming odds fell back. Their duped […]

Stunning Emails Reveal How Clinton Foundation Donor Bought Seat As Hillary’s Nuclear Weapons Advisor

Forget Hillary’s personal email server: this is what true cronyism and criminal corruption looks like, and this is the biggest threat from a Hillary presidency. It has been widely speculated, if not proven, that donors to the Clinton Foundation who over the years have transferred hundreds of millions of dollars to the “charitable […]

“German” MPs Warned if They Travel to Turkey They will be Assassinated

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 11, 2016 Turkey is a great and noble ally. But be warned: if you do something that hurts their feelings, they will assassinate your politicians. RT: Eleven German MPs of Turkish descent, who voted for recognition of the Armenian genocide, have reportedly received a travel warning from the German Foreign Ministry. […]

A third of cash is held by 5 U.S. companies

Source: USA Today The rising cash holdings of U.S. corporations is increasingly in the hands of a few U.S. companies, with just five tech firms having grabbed a third of it. And nearly three-quarters of cash held by non-financial U.S. companies is stashed overseas, outside the long arm of Uncle Sam. […]

The Suppressed Medical Technology Of Royal Raymond Rife

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife may very well be the father of holistic cancer research. Born in 1888, Royal Raymond Rife was an American inventor known for his belief that he could observe and render inert a number of viruses which he thought were causal factors in several diseases, most notably cancer. His Rife machine can […]

Velayati arrives in Syrian capital

Damascus, May 6, IRNA – Head of the Expediency Council’s StrategicResearch Center Ali Akbar Velayati arrived in Syrian capital Damascus on Friday evening following his trip to Lebanon. Velayati is expected to examine latest regional developments and bilateral ties between Tehran and Damascus in his meetings with the Syrian top officials. In Beirut on Thursday, […]

N Korea must follow Iran’s strategy to join intl. community

Making remarks during a joint news conference with Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, Park Geun-hye said on Monday she called for Iran’s cooperation in the faithful enforcement of UN sanctions resolution against North Korea that were imposed after Pyongyang carried out its fourth nuclear test and a long-range rocket launch earlier this year. Park and Rouhani […]

Eighth Grader’s Attempt to Buy School Lunch With $2 Bill Sparks Counterfeit Investigation

Earlier this week, it was reported that school officials confiscated the $2 bill an eighth grade student in Houston had tried to pay for lunch at school with thinking it was counterfeit. What followed was a full city-wide investigation by the Fort Bend Independent School District Police Department. During that quest for justice the child […]

Alert: Hackers Can Spy On You Just By Knowing Your Phone Number

All that hackers need to listen in on your phone conversation or to read your text messages or to track your movement is your smartphone number. The Daily Mail reports: They can do this by exploiting a flaw in a global telecom network called Signal System 7 (SS7) that helps phone carriers across the world route […]

Rising malnutrition & death linked to low wages, welfare cuts in Britain

     Foodbank use has risen to record highs in the UK, with over a million three-day emergency food supplies being handed out by the Trussell Trust charity last year. Government figures also indicate a shocking rise in deaths linked to malnutrition. The charity’s latest figures point to delays and changes to benefits as the biggest […]

No more space debris: Russia developing satellite that will burn up in Earth’s atmosphere

     A Moscow-based team of physicists and engineers has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise the $45,000 required to assemble a unique satellite, which will shine brighter than most stars and leave no space debris once it stops operating. The satellite will be exceptionally bright as once it reaches orbit it will extend an ultra-shiny, […]

Anti-Trump at AIPAC conference 2016 protestors show their hypocrisy!

From: Watch the hypocrisy as they hate it when Trump says it, but when Israel says it then it’s good. Source: Source Article from

Putin appoints Kadyrov to stay on as Head of Chechen Republic

     Vladimir Putin has appointed Ramzan Kadyrov acting head of the Chechen Republic and said that he personally hoped that voters would do justice to their incumbent leader at the September elections. Speaking with Kadyrov during a meeting in Moscow on Friday, the Russian president said: “As you have just said, your powers will expire […]

Israel Urge All Citizens To Evacuate Turkey

Israel have urged all citizens travelling in Turkey to evacuate “as soon as possible” following intel of an impending ISIS attack.  An upgraded travel advisory warning predicts a follow-up attack to the March 19 suicide bombing in Istanbul. A statement by the Israeli counter-terrorism bureau said there is a “high concrete threat” that ISIS will attack […]

ALERT: Air Force Warns Of Massive TERROR ATTACK, You Could Be Without THIS For MONTHS

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– A new briefing from the U.S. Air Force is warning about the increasing possibility of attacks on America’s power grid via a direct physical terror attack or an electromagnetic pulse explosion from our enemies such as ISIS and North Korea. “Experts have suggested that North Korea, for example, is testing missiles to launch […]

Microsoft’s New Twitter Bot Becomes Nazi Sympathizing Maniac Within 24 Hours

Anytime there’s a new development in robotics or artificial intelligence, popular culture almost instantly regurgitates the Skynet Terminator narrative. To wit, when Anti-Media reported on a new robot getting pushed around by its handlers, even we couldn’t resist alluding to the coming robot apocalypse. The machine uprising is so ingrained in our psyche that we […]

SOTT Exclusive: Syrian ceasefire bulletin: Israel’s collusion with the moderate terrorists exposed, increase in ceasefire violations

     Yesterday, two more Syrian towns joined the ceasefire agreement, making for a total of 44 who have signed on. The number of armed groups who have signed the truce remains 42, but active negotiations are being held with three more. Consultations have been ongoing with Syrian opposition political parties, religious leaders, and public representatives […]

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