Posts Tagged ‘Residents’

‘For the resistance’: Tulkarem residents face Israeli airstrikes and assassinations

Members of the Tulkarem resistance in the northern West Bank remain defiant as community members rally around them after an Israeli airstrike assassinated one of their leaders. Source

Wild Weather: Powerful Storms Turn Downtown Houston into the Apocalypse and Send Residents Fleeing in Terror – At Least Four People Dead (VIDEOS)

Wild Weather: Powerful Storms Turn Downtown Houston into the Apocalypse and Send Residents Fleeing in Terror – At Least Four People Dead (VIDEOS) Source

Washington offers $2,000 rewards to residents who report neighboUrs.

The Washington state legislature has passed a bill to create a statewide snitching infrastructure for residents to report their neighbors for “wrongspeak.” Senate Bill 5427, which passed both the Senate and the House and now awaits Gov. Jay Inslee’s signature, allows private individuals, including non-citizens and illegal aliens, to reports “bias incidents” to the state attorney […]

THOUGHT POLICE SNITCHES: SB 5427 in Washington offers $2,000 rewards to residents who report neighbors guilty of “wrongspeak”

(NaturalNews) The Washington state legislature has passed a bill to create a statewide snitching infrastructure for residents to report their neighbors for… Source

Arizona residents drive entire Maricopa County Board of Supervisors out of meeting after serving them for TREASON

(NaturalNews) The entire Maricopa County, Ariz., Board of Supervisors was driven out of a recent meeting by a cohort of We the People who served them for… Source

This Is Weird: City Officials Warn Residents in Elyria Township, Ohio to Stockpile Supplies and Stay at Home During the Total Solar Eclipse in April

This Is Weird: City Officials Warn Residents in Elyria Township, Ohio to Stockpile Supplies and Stay at Home During the Total Solar Eclipse in April Source

Michigan Gov Calls On Residents To House & Settle Illegal Migrants

Michigan has become the latest state to push a migrant housing scheme as cities find it increasingly difficult to deal with the massive influx of illegals pouring in from the open border. Michigan Governor Gretchen […] The post Michigan Gov Calls On Residents To House & Settle Illegal Migrants appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Many East Palestine Residents Question Intentions Of Biden’s Visit A Year After Toxic Train Derailment

Authored by Jeff Louderback via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), On the day of President Joe Biden’s first visit to East Palestine more than one year after a Norfolk Southern freight train derailed and spilled hazardous chemicals, most residents of his eastern Ohio village echoed the same sentiment— that the trip is too late and […]

Kansas City Cops Raped and Terrorized Black Residents With Impunity: Lawsuit

Five Black women who say they were violently victimized by a former Kansas City, Kansas, police detective have filed a federal lawsuit against him, ex-police chiefs and detectives, and the local government, alleging law enforcement was given permission to “terrorize, abuse, and violate” Black citizens for decades.  The women said were subjected to a range […]

Trump to U.S.-Hating, Jihadist-Celebrating Alien Residents: ‘We Will Find You, and We Will Deport You’

American-hating alien residents who have joined pro-jihadist protests and “became very violent and started destroying our Capitol and many other places” have been put “on notice” and will be deported, former President Donald Trump said during his counter-programming rally in Hialeah, Florida. Source

Egypt says NO to Israel’s push for Gaza’s 2+ million residents to be forced into the Sinai Peninsula

(NaturalNews) It is a completely unrealistic war aim for Israel to expect to rid the entire Gaza Strip of Hamas, according to the government of Egypt.Officials… Source

Exclusive: D.C. Residents Fear Crime Surge Turning Area into U.S. War Zone

Many Washington, DC, residents cannot walk their dog, enjoy a local park, or pick up groceries without fear of being stabbed, robbed, or gunned down in the District, a 68 square mile area that local residents described as a “war zone” to Breitbart News. Source

Israeli Village Near The Gaza Border Lies In Ruin, Filled With The Bodies Of Residents And Militants

An Israeli village that was attacked by militants lies in ruin, not far from the border with Gaza. Source

Hamas Issues Statement to Gaza Residents following Warning of Impending Israeli Invasion: Do Not Evacuate from Areas About to be Targeted by Airstrikes

Hamas Issues Statement to Gaza Residents following Warning of Impending Israeli Invasion: Do Not Evacuate from Areas About to be Targeted by Airstrikes Source

Oakland Police Tell Residents Not To Confront Auto Burglars

Police in Oakland, California are telling residents not to confront people breaking into their cars after seven suspects were arrested in three incidents late last month. “The individuals involved in locked auto burglaries have become extremely brazen. Something that’s typically a non-violent crime has become much more dangerous for police and for the community,” said Oakland interim […]

BLUE CITY CHAOS: Portland officials tell residents not to call 911 because system is overloaded

(NaturalNews) Rene Gonzalez, the city commissioner of public safety in Portland, is urging residents not to call 911 unless absolutely necessary because the system… Source

MI Sheriff Warns Residents in Wealthy, Majority Democrat-Voting County: “Organized Transnational Gangs” Are Breaking Into Exclusive Homes… Here’s What He Says They’re Stealing…

MI Sheriff Warns Residents in Wealthy, Majority Democrat-Voting County: “Organized Transnational Gangs” Are Breaking Into Exclusive Homes… Here’s What He Says They’re Stealing… Source

Cape Cod Residents Outraged At Democrat Governor’s Migrant Housing Plan

(ZH) Earlier this month, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey declared a state of emergency in response to the surging Source

Cape Cod Residents Outraged At Democratic Governor’s Migrant Housing Plan

Earlier this month, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey declared a state of emergency in response to the surging number of migrants in state-managed shelters. Then, last week, the governor mobilized the National Guard to assist with the migrant crisis. Now, residents are outraged with the governor’s decision to house the migrants as Biden’s southern border crisis […]

Watch: Chicago Residents Rage As Illegal Migrant Housing Takes Over Their Neighborhoods

(ZH) Cook County, the home of the city of Chicago and Hyde Park township, voted with an astonishing Source

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