Posts Tagged ‘sinai’

Egypt’s Sinai construction does not provide safety for Palestinians, it supports Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Gaza

Israel has been clear about its plans to force Palestinians from Gaza, and Egypt is now reportedly building an area to receive them. Palestinians need a respite from Israel’s brutality, but mass displacement into the Sinai would be a catastrophe. Source

Egypt says NO to Israel’s push for Gaza’s 2+ million residents to be forced into the Sinai Peninsula

(NaturalNews) It is a completely unrealistic war aim for Israel to expect to rid the entire Gaza Strip of Hamas, according to the government of Egypt.Officials… Source

Mount Sinai Long Beach hospital fired 72 healthcare staff due to vaccine mandate, and then closed down due to staff shortage.

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Templar Treasure Said to Lie Under Sinai House in Burton, Says Expert

An English historian is claiming a historic building in Burton is the final resting place of the legendary, lost Templar treasure. While not a jot of evidence supports the notion that the Templar’s had any treasure left when the organization fragmented in 1312 AD, an English researcher believes he has located the final resting place […]

Sinai crossing to open Tuesday as Israelis flock to Eilat hotels for Passover

The Taba border crossing with Egypt will open Tuesday for the first time in a year to Israelis seeking to visit the Sinai Peninsula, and will stay open until April 12. Up to 300 people will be allowed to pass — on foot only — daily on weekdays (Sunday to Thursday), provided that they are […]

Elusive Mount Sinai, Hidden In Plain Site In Egypt

Many locations have been proposed for the biblical Mount Sinai. One of the latest sites is Jebel Madhbah near Petra, and while this and the classical site for Mount Sinai are all possibilities, there exists a radical new alternative which is more logical, evidential and far more provocative. The rugged desert mountains previously suggested would […]

Passover in Sinai? Government to formulate tourism plan within a week

Some Israelis may be allowed to spend the upcoming Passover, which celebrates the Jewish Exodus from Egypt, on vacation in the Sinai Peninsula. The government on Thursday approved a proposal by Tourism Minister Orit Farkash-Hacohen to form a ministerial committee that will within a week formulate a plan to let a limited number of Israelis […]

Israel to provide COVID vaccines to Sinai peacekeepers, official says

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Roadside bomb kills Egyptian officer in Sinai, wounds three

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Seven peacekeepers killed in Sinai helicopter crash; One survivor is in critical condition

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3,000 year old drawing of god found in Sinai could undermine our entire idea of Judaism

     More than four decades after its excavation wound down, a small hill in the Sinai Desert continues to bedevil archaeologists. The extraordinary discoveries made at Kuntillet Ajrud, an otherwise nondescript slope in the northern Sinai, seem to undermine one of the foundations of Judaism as we know it. Then, it seems, “the Lord our […]

VIDEO: Mossad Behind Sinai Mosque Terror Attack?

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Sinai Mosque Attack is a Fake and a Hoax

Egypt Mosque Attack: 230+ Martyred in Sinai Massacre

Local Editor 25-11-2017 | 11:01 Militants martyred more than 230 people at a mosque in North Sinai Friday, detonating a bomb and gunning down worshippers in the deadliest such attack of Egypt’s modern history, state media and witnesses said. No group immediately claimed responsibility, but since 2013 Egyptian security forces have battled a stubborn Wahhabi […]

At Least 235 Killed in Mosque Attack in Sinai, Egypt

At least 235 people were killed and 109 injured when gunmen armed with explosives attacked a Sufi-linked mosque in Egypt’s restive Sinai Peninsula, according to officials quoted by the state media, the deadliest assault in the country’s modern history. The assailants detonated a bomb at the Al Rawda mosque in the town of Ber al Abd, […]

At least 85 dead, scores injured in bomb & gun attack at northern Sinai mosque – reports

The explosion took place in the vicinity of a mosque during Friday prayer and was accompanied by an armed attack carried out by suspected militants, Reuters reports, citing eyewitnesses and security sources. Witnesses said the explosive device was detonated next to the Al-Rawdah mosque in the center of the town of Bir al-Abd, according to […]

Google Earth Discovers Evidence Exodus Was Via Arabia And Not Sinai

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At least 18 policemen killed in attack in Egypt’s North Sinai

nsnbc : At least 18 policemen have been killed and three were wounded on Monday, in a terrorist attack in the city of Arish […]

West could sleepwalk into a Doomsday war with Russia – it’s time to wake up

Richard Sakwa (TC) : Since the Ukraine crisis exploded into civil conflict and war in 2013, we have known that we live in troubled times. It has become increasingly clear that the peace order in Europe, established at the end of the Cold War in 1989, is unstable. The arrangements made at that time appear […]

Santos Forms New Colombian Cabinet – Marginalizes Uribe’s Democratic Center

nsnbc : Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos reshuffled his Cabinet to include a number of leftist MPs. The move comes amidst growing opposition against peace talks with the FARC-EP and ELN from the Democratic Center party led by ex-president Alvaro Uribe, and the recent terror campaign launched by ultra right-wing militants in northern Colombia. Santos won the […]

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