Posts Tagged ‘breastfeeding’

Techno-Hell: ‘Natural’ Breastfeeding Condemned as ‘Ethically Problematic’

One would be hard-pressed to imagine a human activity more natural than a mother breastfeeding her infant, aside from, perhaps, eating, sleeping, and sex. The pharmaceutical front group American Academy of Pediatrics, which touts the virtues of transing children just as soon as it can wrangle their doomed genitals into its vice grip, disagrees. Source

UK government now says pregnant and breastfeeding women should NOT get “vaccinated” against covid

(Natural News) British officials have reiterated their position that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) because “sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine” for this demographic “cannot be provided at this time.” Unlike the United States, which has been pushing the shots on pregnant and […]

UK government now says pregnant and breastfeeding women should NOT get “vaccinated” against covid

(Natural News) British officials have reiterated their position that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) because “sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine” for this demographic “cannot be provided at this time.” Unlike the United States, which has been pushing the shots on pregnant and […]

Academy Of Breastfeeding Advises Hospitals Use The Term ‘Father’s Milk’ To Be More ‘Gender Inclusive’

The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine in the US is advising hospitals and health carers to change their language to be more “gender-inclusive”. The new guidelines suggest using terms like “chestfeeding” “lactating person” or “human milk […] The post Academy Of Breastfeeding Advises Hospitals Use The Term ‘Father’s Milk’ To Be More ‘Gender Inclusive’ appeared first […]

Besides Fetal Deaths, Breastfeeding Babies are Dying and becoming Sick following Mothers’ COVID Shots

From Health Impact News As more and more data is entered into the government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), we are now seeing cases where babies that are breastfed are suffering adverse reactions to the COVID shots that their mothers are taking. The shots have not yet been authorized for infants, although such an […]

Uncensored Breastfeeding Ad to Air During Golden Globes

The first ad to explicitly show lactating breasts on network television will air during the Golden Globes Sunday evening. Frida Mom — which sells postpartum recovery essentials — released an ad titled “Stream of Lactation” online this week, promoting a new line of breastfeeding accessories. The ad follows exhausted women trying to nurse their babies […]

Academics Push ‘Chestfeeding’ Term for Inclusivity, Claim ‘Breastfeeding…May be Ethically Problematic’

By Matt Agorist Controversy has erupted online this month after a hospitals began issuing guidance to midwives to concentrate less on the term breastfeeding in order to be more supportive of transgender and nonbinary parents. Midwives are being instructed to use terms like “chestfeeding” and “chest milk.” According to a report from the UK Times, […]

Some Paediatricians Are Being Advised To Call Breastfeeding Dangerous & Unnatural

By Alexa Erickson Is it dangerous to use the term natural? Paediatricians are now being advised to think so, particularly when it comes to describing breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is natural though, and while it is certainly not the only way to feed your baby, and not physically an option for some women, it is nevertheless, and I think […]

Medela Offers Breastfeeding Advice through Alexa. Alexa Uses WiFi. No “Safe” Level of Cell Phone or WiFi Radiation Scientifically Determined for Kids or Pregnant Women

April 30, 2018 By B.N. Frank Medela is a breastfeeding supplies company.  Posted on their website: Alexa, Ask Medela About Breastfeeding Medela is expanding its breastfeeding support with a new skill for Amazon Alexa. With the Medela skill, Alexa can answer the most frequently asked questions about breast milk feeding. Just […]

Nursing baby is good for mom too: Breastfeeding found to reduce risk of heart attack, stroke later in life

(Natural News) Many studies have proven time and again that breastfeeding has many long-term and short-term benefits for infants, but did you know that it can also benefit mothers? In a recent study, researchers analyzed data from 289, 573 mothers in China who breastfed their babies. Based on the results, at least […]

Breastfeeding and food allergies: Moms who eat the most common allergy-causing foods and breastfeed provide their babies with protection

(Natural News) “Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.” This line may have been said over a millennium ago, but it still holds true today as another study once again proves the benefits of breastfeeding. Researchers have determined that breastfeeding mothers who ate the most common allergy-causing foods, such […]

Know Your Rights When It Comes To Breastfeeding (Infographic)

Next Story It seems everyone has an opinion about breastfeeding. I’ve highlighted some controversy in the past regarding diet while pregnant and breastfeeding, which you can read more about here, but in addition to this research, it’s also important to take into account the rights you have as a breastfeeding mother. Registered Nursing created the following infographic […]

Breastfeeding boosts baby gut health from bacteria found on nipples

(Natural News) In addition to fostering the bond between mother and child, breastfeeding also promotes healthy guts in babies. The beneficial bacteria in breast milk that get transferred through feeding can lead to positive, long-lasting effects in babies, according to researchers from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). In the study, published in the […]

Paediatricians Now Advised It’s ‘Dangerous To Call Breastfeeding Natural’

Is it dangerous to use the term natural? Paediatricians are now being advised to think so, particularly when it comes to describing breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is natural though, and while it is certainly not the only way to feed your baby, and not physically an option for some women, it is nevertheless, and I think inarguably, […]

‘It’s dangerous to call breastfeeding natural’ – Pediatricians promoting disinformation

     When making decisions that affect your health, and the health of your children, it’s important they are grounded on clear, fact-based information, and not influenced by those who may stand to gain financially. In past years, this was sufficiently demonstrated in results from industry-funded studies that are widely divergent from results of non-industry biased […]

Eighth Grader’s Attempt to Buy School Lunch With $2 Bill Sparks Counterfeit Investigation

Earlier this week, it was reported that school officials confiscated the $2 bill an eighth grade student in Houston had tried to pay for lunch at school with thinking it was counterfeit. What followed was a full city-wide investigation by the Fort Bend Independent School District Police Department. During that quest for justice the child […]

EU parliament votes to re-approve glyphosate despite ‘concerns about carcinogenicity’

The weedkiller glyphosate is to be given market approval for another seven years, instead of 15 as originally requested, while its use should be limited to professionals only, the European Parliament said in a non-binding resolution approved on Wednesday. The body also advised the chemical shouldn’t be used in public locations, such as parks and playgrounds. […]

Alex Jones Claims Trump Campaign’s Battery Charge Is ‘False Flag’

Donald Trump’s favorite conspiracy theorist Alex Jones says the arrest and battery charge of by Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, over an attack on a woman reporter, was a “false flag” event by the establishment. Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields at a campaign event in Florida was trying to interview Donald Trump. Before she was able […]

General Mills surrenders to GMO labeling; reluctantly decides to label foods but still believes in fundamentally deceiving its own customers

(NaturalNews) General Mills, a highly unethical food corporation that bitterly fought against labeling GMOs in California and Oregon, has now surrendered to Vermont’s labeling laws and announced it will start labeling GMOs across the country. “General Mills has announced it will start labeling products with genetically modified (GMO) ingredients, becoming the second major […]

‘On wave of migration’: Kosovo PM admits his brother, other relatives sought asylum in EU

PM Isa Mustafa said on Facebook that his brother Ragip and his children had tried to escape a doubtful future in Kosovo, which declared unilateral independence in 2008, and joined other Kosovars that infiltrated Europe through the so-called Balkan corridor. It was earlier reported by the Pristina-based Insajderi media outlet. “I read that my brother […]

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