Posts Tagged ‘encourage’

White House on Concerns Expanding TPS Will Encourage Crossing Border: We’ve ‘Met’ Pledge to Act on Illegal Migration

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Way Too Early,” White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton responded to concerns that the Biden administration’s move to grant temporary status to Venezuelan migrants will incentivize more people to cross the border by Source

Making Monsters: How media encourage hatred of immigrants

Is it virtually impossible for Americans to accept migrants as human when the news persistently degrades, brutalizes and distorts their image? Source

Maine Schools Now Permit and Encourage Outright Child Abuse, Then Criminally Conspire to Prevent Parents from Finding Out

Maine School Secretly Gender-Transitioned 13-Year-Old Girl by Jackson Elliott The Epoch Times When a 13-year-old girl said she actually was a boy, teachers at her Maine school allegedly started using male pronouns for her and a counselor gave her a breast binder to wear to create the appearance of a flatter chest. Children’s books containing transgender and homosexual […]

Watch: Disney Used Pride Special to Encourage Children to Support Gay, Transgender Group GLSEN

The Walt Disney Co. used its Disney+ This Is Me gay pride special last year to encourage kids to support the gay and transgender activist group GLSEN, which promotes LGBTQ awareness in kindergarten through 12th grade.

Expert: Israel exploiting war in Ukraine to encourage Jewish migration

Israel is using the Russian war on Ukraine to encourage Jewish migration to Israel, expert in Israeli affairs Iyad Hamdan said yesterday. Speaking to Quds Press, Hamdan said that the Israeli occupation received hundreds of secular Jews who immigrated from Ukraine in order to maintain the balance between the secular and religious Jews in Israel. He pointed out that Israel does not stop […]

Turkey’s Erdogan announces moves to encourage lira savings

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday announced a series of measures to encourage lira-denominated savings, easing the pressure on the beleaguered Turkish currency. Earlier in the day, the lira had tumbled to an all-time low of 18.36 against the dollar, after Erdogan over the weekend stood firm on his much-criticised policy to lower interest […]

Encourage your children to garden (Wally Richards)

We need to encourage our children and grandchildren to appreciate Nature by including them in some gardening activities. I believe that young children have a natural affinity with plants and insects when they are allowed to explore our gardens. Children learn many things by mimicking their parents and are often keen at a young age […]

How to encourage children to be more sustainable?

Photo by Charlein Gracia on Unsplash Your kids belong to a new eco-conscious generation. But it doesn’t mean that your kids will learn everything about sustainability on their own. Being a parent, you should guide your children and explain the difference between eco-friendly and non-eco-friendly choices.  In this article, you will find a few tips […]

Cybersecurity Experts Encourage System of Reporting Workers to Employers for “Online Abuse”

After a controversy surrounding racist messages sent to black England footballers led to calls for people to be forced to provide identity documents to create a social media account, some pointed to evidence suggesting the vast majority of the messages were posted by users from South Asia and the Middle East. Italy beat England on […]

How Uncle Sam can encourage corporations to be more patriotic

Image Credit: Glen Lowry Since the struggle for American independence, times of national crisis have called for shared sacrifice. In World War II, for example, a number of top business executives became “dollar-a-year men” who donated their know-how to the war effort for a token sum. To those on the front lines, that sort of […]

Beto O’Rourke, Jaime Harrison encourage Manchin voting rights compromise

O’Rourke clarified his stance on Manchin’s proposal Sunday in an interview with POLITICO, calling it a “good start” but arguing that it doesn’t go far enough. “I’m hopeful that as he continues to talk with and listen to, both his colleagues in the Senate and his constituents in West Virginia, where the provisions in the […]

PA: Anti-Semitism claims encourage Israel to continue its aggression

The Palestinian Authority (PA) announced on Friday that anti-Semitism claims encourage Israel to continue its aggression and racism against Palestinians and encourages it to violate international law, Wafa news agency reported. In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, the PA expressed its concerns that some countries deal with the occupied Palestinians in the same […]

‘Joints for Jabs’: Washington States Bribes Residents With Free Marijuana To Encourage Innoculation

‘Joints for Jabs’: Washington States Bribes Residents With Free Marijuana To Encourage InnoculationDate: June 10, 2021Author: Nwo Report   Source: NworeportIn yet another desperate move by the government to encourage more vaccination, Washington State has introduced a new program called “Joints for Jabs.”The state’s Liquor and Cannabis Board announced this week that it grant state-licensed cannabis […]

Catholic group will hold processions across America to encourage Heroic Fatherhood

Home » North America, Religion » Catholic group will hold processions across America to encourage Heroic Fatherhood     Catholic Father’s Day, an apostolate dedicated to Catholic fatherhood, has announced Eucharistic processions across the U.S. for the Year of St. Joseph, and is calling on lay members to help plan more. An apostolate devoted to […]

Ohio Lottery to Give 5 People $1 Million Each to Encourage Vaccination

Ohio Lottery to Give 5 People $1 Million Each to Encourage VaccinationMay 13, 2021 by 1EarthUnited LMAO, the human depopulation agenda is strong in Ohio! What good is a million $ if ur dead?To bolster slumping demand for the vaccine, the state will use federal coronavirus relief funds to pay for a weekly lottery beginning May […]

YIKES! McYuk’s & Uber Going To Help White House Encourage Vaccine- Hesitant Americans

McDonald’s & Uber Going To Help White House Encourage Vaccine- Hesitant AmericansDate: May 12, 2021Author: Nwo Report  Source: The Guardian McDonald’s and Uber are helping to encourage ‘vaccine-hesitant’ Americans with messages on coffee cups and free rides to ‘vaccine’ centers.The burger chain has announced that it is partnering with the White House to promote vaccination information […]

Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Encourage Vaccine Equity: ‘Can’t Leave Anybody Behind’

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have a new mission: vaccine equity.  Global Citizen, an international advocacy group, announced on Tuesday that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Tuesday are the Campaign Chairs for the upcoming event: “Vax Live: The Concert to Reunite the World.” The concert, which will take place on May 8, “calls for […]

Health Experts Encourage CDC to Implement Permanent Mask Mandates

Health experts are insisting that the CDC should implement permanent mask mandates even after the COVID-19 pandemic ends. Despite many areas of the U.S. beginning to open up again and anecdotal evidence suggesting a significant drop in the number of people routinely wearing masks, some are loathe to go back to normal. “We have seen […]

New US guidelines encourage more interaction with Taiwan amid tensions with China

The US State Department has issued new guidelines making it easier for American diplomats to meet with officials from Taiwan. The move may seriously clash with Beijing’s “One-China” policy of sovereignty over the island territory. Released on Friday, the guidelines “liberalize guidance on contacts with Taiwan, consistent with our unofficial relations,” the State Department said. […]

Iran Says US Air Strikes in Syria Encourage Terrorism in the Region

A closer view of an Iraq-Syria border crossing and buildings before airstrikes, seen in this February 3, 2021 handout satellite image provided by Maxar. Photo: Satellite image (copyright) 2021 Maxar Technologies/Handout via REUTERS Friday’s US air strikes against Iran-backed militias in eastern Syria encourage terrorism in the region, Iran’s top security official, Ali Shamkhani, said […]

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