Archive for the ‘white house’ Category

President Biden says it is Trump’s Fault that the Southern Border is Not Secure

    Joe Biden attacked former President Donald Trump and his Republican allies for opposing the Senate border bill and claimed they are responsible for the collapsed open border. After arriving 90 minutes later than scheduled to deliver remarks at the White House on Tuesday, Biden railed against Congressional Republicans for opposing the Senate’s $118 […]

Biden under Pressure by Republicans to Declare War on Iran

The recent assault on Tower 22, a remote outpost near Jordan’s northeastern border with Syria, resulting in the tragic loss of three American soldiers and injuries to several dozen others, has thrust President Joe Biden into a challenging position, heightening the political pressure to devise a measured yet impactful response to Iranian-backed militants. This incident […]

Massive Pro-Palestinian Protests at White House, Secret Service Intervenes

Pro-Palestinian protesters swarmed the White House perimeter on Saturday, forcing the Secret Service and D.C. Police to intervene. Hundreds of thousands of protesters marched toward the White House in response to the U.S. and UK’s joint air strikes on Houthi militias in Yemen on Friday. The protesters were seen shaking the fence as they yelled, […]

The grifter defense: The Bidens move to embrace influence peddling with a twist

It is a curious defense that we are not corrupt because we just ripped off dupes who were corrupt people. Source

Fake Corrupt Democracy in Action: Biden Sends FCC to Oppress Elon Musk

    For further proof that the Biden administration is weaponizing government agencies to target Elon Musk, Commissioner Brendan Carr stated in an X post, “President Biden gave federal agencies the green light to go after him [Musk].” Musk recently described the apparent ‘beef’ that the Biden administration has with him. In September, he told […]

US Blocks Transfer Of Over 20,000 Rifles To Israel Over Settler Violence

There’s been some serious mixed messaging and contradictory signals coming from the White House of late regarding Israel and the Gaza War. President Biden on Tuesday had for the first time offered criticism of Israel’s “indiscriminate bombing” of Gaza – even while keeping the massive defense aid flowing to Israel’s military on an unconditional basis. He […]

Claim: Israelis Killed Palestinian Women, Kids, Babies ‘Execution-Style’

Palestinians say that Israeli forces shot Palestinian women, children, and babies “execution-style” inside a school in northern Gaza, where civilians displaced by the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas were seeking refuge. Al Jazeera obtained and published exclusive photographs and video footage reported to be from inside the Shadia Abu Ghazala School in the area […]

Israel Ignores UN Res. To Pause Gaza Fighting, Calls It “Disconnected From Reality”

Authored by Kyle Anzalone via, AFP via Getty Images The UN Security Council passed a resolution earlier this week (Wed) that called for a temporary pause to the fighting in Gaza. Tel Aviv said the call for a short peace was a decision “disconnected from reality and holds no significance.” The resolution passed the UN’s most powerful body […]

White House on Iran Proxies Continuing to Strike Troops: ‘Not Uncommon’ for Them to Retaliate when We Strike

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby reacted to U.S. troops facing further attacks from Iranian proxy groups in the wake of the U.S. strikes on Wednesday by stating Source

White House Gloats over Republican Daniel Cameron’s Failed Gubernatorial Bid in Kentucky

The White House took pleasure in gubernatorial candidate Daniel Cameron’s (R) failed bid in Kentucky at the hands of incumbent Gov. Andy Beshear (D). Source

Israeli Government Calls for Censorship of Americans Not Supportive Enough of Their War

The Israeli government is calling for the censorship of American citizens who don’t support Israel in its ongoing war against Hamas, which has quickly evolved into a carpet bombing campaign of the Gaza Strip, with thousands of children and other civilians dying as a result. The official X account of the Israeli government “liked” a […]

Zelensky Complains War In Gaza Is “Taking Away The Focus” From Ukraine

He really spoke the words out loud… Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said Saturday that the war in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas is “taking away the focus” from the Ukraine conflict. He made the remarks in a press conference in Kiev while standing alongside EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen, at a moment […]

WATCH: Anti-Israel Protesters Try to Storm White House, Demand Destruction of Israel

A group of anti-Israel protesters who participated in a large demonstration Saturday in Washington, DC, attempted to storm the White House and chanted slogans such as “Allahu Akbar” while calling for the destruction of Israel in favor of a Palestinian state. Source

White House denounces Fox News anchor’s CNN comments

The White House joined CNN in denouncing Fox News radio host Mark Levin after he attacked the Jewish heritage of two CNN anchors. On his radio show this week, Levin — who is also Jewish — described CNN anchors Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper as “self-hating Jews” during a diatribe criticizing the network’s coverage of… […]

Biden’s White House Will Not Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Foreign Students

Biden’s White House has no plans to revoke the visas of those foreign students engaging in pro-Hamas demonstrations across the United States. Source

Biden: Jordan ‘got his rear end kicked’ in Speaker bid

President Biden on Friday took a swipe at House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), after the congressman failed to secure the speakership following three separate votes. “He just got his rear end kicked,” Biden said at a fundraiser in Washington, D.C. The president recounted to supporters how Jordan failed to bring in the majority of… […]

White House: We’re Not Behind Countries That Already Got Citizens out of Israel Because We’re ‘Exploring Options’

During an interview with NewsNation aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of “The Hill,” White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby stated that America isn’t behind nations that have already evacuated people from Israel or announced evacuation flights Source

Joe Biden: At Least 11 Americans Killed in Hamas Terror Attacks in Israel, Others ‘Likely’ Held Hostage

President Joe Biden posted Monday evening on social media that at least 11 Americans were killed in Saturday’s terrorist attacks in Israel. Source

White House preps lawn to commemorate Jimmy Carter’s 99th birthday

The White House is paying homage to former President Jimmy Carter ahead of his upcoming 99th birthday on Sunday. A special installation that reads “Happy Birthday President Carter” has gone up on the White House’s North lawn, according to a photo posted to X. The tiered red, white and blue wooden cake display also has… […]

White House condemns attack on Cuban embassy in D.C.

The White House condemned an attack on the Cuban embassy in Washington, D.C., in which a man reportedly threw two Molotov cocktails at the building on Sunday night. “Attacks against diplomatic facilities are unacceptable. We are in contact with Cuban embassy officials and law enforcement authorities to ensure an appropriate and timely investigation as well… […]

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