Posts Tagged ‘savings’

85,000 Users locked out of savings accounts at “YouTube Bank” as fears over bank failure grow

(NaturalNews) America’s next big bank failure is only a matter of time, and the current problems of the so-called “YouTube Bank†should serve as a reminder… Source

FBI Sued For Stealing Innocent Americans Life Savings

Nothing says Law and Order like an organization founded & run for generations by a closet cross dressing Pedo Tranny who used to illegally record Rev.Martin Luther King having sex with his own wife in their own bedroom and play the recordings to the president of the US in the Monica Full Service Oval Office […]

Apple’s new savings bank refusing to let customers withdraw cash: “You’re keeping our life savings hostage!”

(Natural News) It has been one month since Apple launched its new savings account service with Goldman Sachs, and customers everywhere are reporting that they are having trouble accessing their cash. After attracting more than $1 billion worth of deposits in the first four days of launch, Apple has apparently restricted withdrawals and transfers. One […]

Pope Tells Christians To Spend Less On Christmas & Send Savings To Ukraine

Pope Francis has urged Christians to spend less on Christmas this year and to send whatever they save to the people in Ukraine. Speaking to the crowds gathered for his weekly General Audience on Wednesday, the Pope said: “Brothers and sisters, I tell you, there is so much suffering in Ukraine, so much, so much” […]

Globalist Pedophile Pope Francis: Cut Back on Christmas Spending, Send Your Savings to Ukraine

Christmas is the time of year where people generally share the holiday with those they love and with their community. Pope Francis, however, requested his audience adopt his globalist mindset at the Vatican Wednesday. Pope Francis lamented the harrowing conditions facing the people of Ukraine during his weekly General Audience address and called on his […]

Spectre of Blackouts Loom as Cold Weather Threatens German Energy Savings Plan

The spectre of future energy blackouts is once again looming in Germany, with the country’s plan to cut consumption falling significantly short amid cold winter weather. Source

Turkey’s Erdogan announces moves to encourage lira savings

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday announced a series of measures to encourage lira-denominated savings, easing the pressure on the beleaguered Turkish currency. Earlier in the day, the lira had tumbled to an all-time low of 18.36 against the dollar, after Erdogan over the weekend stood firm on his much-criticised policy to lower interest […]

Bolshevik Australia to Seize Savings, Homes, Driver’s Licenses of People with unpaid COVID Fines

    Australians have racked up so many fines for violating their governments’ draconian COVID-19 mandates that the state of Queensland is now threatening drastic action against those who haven’t paid up, including the loss of their bank accounts, homes, or driver’s licenses. According to the Brisbane Times, Queensland, whose capital is Brisbane, has issued […]

Australian State to Seize Savings, Homes, Driver’s Licenses of People With Unpaid COVID Fines

Australian State to Seize Savings, Homes, Driver’s Licenses of People With Unpaid COVID Fines Date: November 1, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source:  Michael TennantAustralians have racked up so many fines for violating their governments’ draconian COVID-19 mandates that the state of Queensland is now threatening drastic action against those who haven’t paid up, including the loss […]

FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steals People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like Drugs

FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steals People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like Drugsby Matt Agorist, The Free Thought ProjectSeptember 21, 2021 Los Angeles, CA — For decades now, federal government and their cohorts in law enforcement have been carrying out theft of the citizenry on a massive scale using Civil Asset Forfeiture (CAF).The 1980’s-era […]

The DEA seized an innocent man’s life savings without charging him with a crime

Kermit Warren shined shoes at a hotel and collects scrap metal for a living. Besides serving in the Army Corps of Engineers, he is a deacon at his church and is a proud grandfather. None of that mattered to the Drug Enforcement Administration which used civil forfeiture laws to swipe his life savings that he was going […]

Brits Ramped Up Savings in 2021 Lockdown, Data Show

Brits squirrelled away their wages, profits, and pandemic handouts during this year’s spring lockdown, taking household savings to near-record levels, according to official figures. The data from the Office for National Statistics also show that GDP contracted during that first quarter of the year by more than expected, dropping by 1.6 percent compared with the previous […]

Planning for Retirement: 5 Smart Savings Strategies when Inflation Looms Ahead

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is often used as a standard way to follow inflation. It measures the average change in prices from one year to the next. When the CPI increases, it’s a sign that overall living costs are on the rise. In May 2021, the CPI for all items increased 5 percent before […]

Sunshine Protection Act: Senators bid to keep daylight savings time all year round

A group of bipartisan senators has re-introduced a bipartisan bill that aims at making Daylight Savings Time (DST) permanent, arguing that the change will bring “stability” across the US. On 14 March, clocks will move forward an hour, which means days will get sunnier and progressively longer. It became a federal law in the US […]

The American Savings Crisis, Explained

The American Savings Crisis, Explained Americans are terrible at saving money. Since the 1970s, our personal savings rate has fallen from 12 percent to just 3 percent today. Almost half of all households don’t have enough money socked away to meet a $400 emergency. At least one-third of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. It’s easy to blame this on failings […]

The Middle Class Is Being Destroyed: Only 25 Percent Of All Americans Have $10,000 Or More In Savings

We just got more evidence that the middle class is being systematically eviscerated.  According to a GOBankingRates survey that was just released, more than half the country has less than $1,000 in savings.  So in the event of a major economic disaster of some kind, over 50 percent of the nation is going to be completely out […]

The Middle Class Is Being Destroyed: Now Only 25 Percent Of All Americans Have $10,000 Or More In Savings

  We just got more evidence that the middle class is being systematically eviscerated.  According to a GOBankingRates survey that was just released, more than half the country has less than $1,000 in savings.  So in the event of a major economic disaster of some kind, over 50 percent of the nation is […]

Financial Scams and the Bush Family: The Savings & Loan Scandal, the BCCI, the Mexican Drug Cartel, NAFTA

Financial Scams and the Bush Family: The Savings & Loan Scandal, the BCCI, the Mexican Drug Cartel, NAFTA By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Featured image: Left to Right: Carlos Salinas de Gortari, George H. W. Bush, Brian Mulroney  This article was first published by Global Research in February 2002 The Enron scandal is but the tip of the […]

Is Your Mutual Fund or 401(k) Plan Draining Your Potential Retirement Savings?

If you think your bank balance looks paltry, you are not alone. Most of us were brought up on the myths of our parents’ generation—that one day, we would retire from work, maybe in our 50s or 60s, and we would live out our golden years behind a white picket fence […]

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