Posts Tagged ‘steals’

Vivek Ramaswamy Stuns Nikki Haley, Steals the Show in the Fourth GOP Presidential Debate

In the fourth GOP presidential debate, Vivek Ramaswamy delivered a performance that not only captivated the audience but also visibly stunned fellow candidate Nikki Haley. Known for his assertive and articulate style, Ramaswamy dominated the stage with a blend of incisive arguments and bold statements on the subjects of climate change, the Ukraine war, and […]

Moment KILLER JABBED thief steals motorbike form elderly rider – then drops dead from “sudden illness” seconds later in Brazil

US Which Illegally Invaded Syria & STEALS Syria’s oil, refuses to assist Syria after devastating earthquakes

“Syrian President Bashar Assad has accepted Russia’s offer of assistance following a series of deadly earthquakes that rocked the region on Monday, the Kremlin has said. Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke to Assad by phone to convey his condolences and offer help. The earthquakes rocked the northern part of Syria and central and southeastern Türkiye, […]

Christmas Canceled After Sam Brinton Steals Santa’s Sack

ANCHORAGE, ALASKA — Christmas 2023 has been canceled after Sam Brinton stole Santa Claus’ sack. Brinton, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel, was seen on security footage taking the sack from Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport on Saturday afternoon. Source

United States Steals 45 Million Dollar Jet Plane

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION THE USA, ALL OF THE USA, WHICH IS A FOR PROFIT (AMERICANS ARE THE CATTLE) CORPORATION, LESS THE TAN PART THE EVIL SOB’S STOLE FROM Robert E Lee! Which Helped Israel do the cowardly false flag of 9-11 when 3,000 Americans were Holocausted in a matter of hours Then […]

ACH (1805) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of How Our Government Steals From Us

In today’s show originally broadcast on June 1 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of How Our Government Steals From Us.” We discussed: how the Bible forbids taxation to be above 10%; how governments make more out of fuel sales than the oil company and the […]

The Biden Administration Steals Afghanistan’s Money

After keeping it under direct occupation, destroying the country for 20 years – and failing to militarily defeat the Taliban (banned in Russia) – Joe Biden’s executive order to simply seize half of Afghanistan’s little over US$7 billion to use it to pay to the victims of 9/11 is just a mockery of the “values” […]

Leopard Steals Lion Cub Because Nature Shows No Mercy

A lion cub left in the bush while its mother went hunting became the hunted in a stunning video posted Tuesday. (Watch it below.) A leopard stole the baby lion and carried it alive up a tree in Tanzania’s Ruaha National Park, the clip shared by Latest Sightings shows. “At first I was shocked by […]

FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steals People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like Drugs

FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steals People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like Drugsby Matt Agorist, The Free Thought ProjectSeptember 21, 2021 Los Angeles, CA — For decades now, federal government and their cohorts in law enforcement have been carrying out theft of the citizenry on a massive scale using Civil Asset Forfeiture (CAF).The 1980’s-era […]

InfoWars Steals/Alters TLAV Content, EUA & The Pandemic Of The Vaccinated

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/23/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Dog steals reporter’s mic, viewers’ hearts on live TV

A Russian reporter had a ‘ruff’ time on live TV when a dog grabbed her microphone and took off, starting a chase that stunned newscasters and melted viewers’ hearts.Nadezhda Serezhkina was just starting her live standup on Mir TV about warm weather coming to Moscow when Martin, a golden retriever, made a high jump that […]

Former employee steals excavator, rams gate & destroys 50 vans at Mercedes-Benz factory in Spain

Revenge is a dish best served cold. A former worker went on a wrecking spree in a stolen JCB at a Mercedes-Benz factory in Spain, causing millions of euro in damage, four years after leaving the company. On Thursday night, an excavator rammed the gates of a car factory in Vitoria – the main city […]

Woman threatens rabbi with a knife on street in Vienna, steals his kippah

An unidentified woman stole the kippah of a rabbi whom she threatened with a knife on a street in the Austrian capital of Vienna, police said. The woman fled the scene of Thursday’s incident in Vienna’s 3rd district, the OE24 website reported. The assault happened after several minutes in which the woman shouted antisemitic slogans […]

‘Nodding Woman’ Steals the Show at NBC News Trump Town Hall

President Donald Trump participated in an NBC News town hall on Thursday night, but one woman seated behind the president immediately caught the attention of the viewers. When President Trump denounced white supremacy, spoke against rioting and looting, and on other issues she quietly nodded in approval. She also gave a big thumbs up at […]

Black Boy Steals from 5-Y.O. White Boy, Evil Black Daycare Worker Backhands, Throws White Boy

Many Black people have intense tribal loyalty, which often involves complete contempt for White people, especially as jewish media incites anti-White hatred constantly. This is just one example amongst many during the times of White genocide. Seriously, I could post multiple of these kinds of stories per day.

Chicago: Man Steals 14-Year-Old’s Bike And Calls Him A Racist

    A 22-year-old African-American man was arrested earlier this week in Chicago and charged with two counts of felony robbery after he allegedly stole a 14-year-old boy’s bike and called him a racist. CWB Chicago reports that Isaac Lacy on Tuesday allegedly robbed a boy of his bike outside a Logan Square cycle shop […]

Chicago: Man Steals 14-Year-Old’s Bike And Calls Him A Racist

    A 22-year-old African-American man was arrested earlier this week in Chicago and charged with two counts of felony robbery after he allegedly stole a 14-year-old boy’s bike and called him a racist. CWB Chicago reports that Isaac Lacy on Tuesday allegedly robbed a boy of his bike outside a Logan Square cycle shop […]

Chicago: Man Steals 14-Year-Old’s Bike And Calls Him A Racist

    A 22-year-old African-American man was arrested earlier this week in Chicago and charged with two counts of felony robbery after he allegedly stole a 14-year-old boy’s bike and called him a racist. CWB Chicago reports that Isaac Lacy on Tuesday allegedly robbed a boy of his bike outside a Logan Square cycle shop […]

Soldier Steals "Tank", Takes Police On 60 Mile Chase Across Virginia Streets

It was a joy ride that the soldiers at Ft. Pickett won’t soon forget. A soldier was arrested late Tuesday after he stole an armored personnel carrier – or “tank” as everyone on social media called it during a brief frenzy late on Tuesday night – from Ft. Pickett in Blackstone, […]

Gazprom guarantees gas deliveries to Europe, unless Ukraine steals them

     The head of Russian energy giant Gazprom Aleksey Miller has guaranteed gas deliveries to Europe, as long as Ukraine doesn’t steal transit gas intended for the continent. Earlier, Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak also confirmed this information, saying that Gazprom’s natural gas supplies to Europe are seeing the highest volumes ever. Speaking to Prime […]

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