Posts Tagged ‘boxes’

Court Docs Show FBI & DEA Stole Millions From Safe Deposit Boxes During Raid-USA-USA-USA

A squad of FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration agents in March 2021 raided the Beverly Hills location of a company, U.S. Private Vaults, suspected of criminal activity. Over several days, agents wearing masks photographed evidence, seized jewels, gold bullion, and coins, and confiscated some contraband (mostly drugs) from 1,400 safe-deposit boxes rented by an array […]

Trump Bashes, DeSantis Shadow Boxes in Display of Contrasting Campaigns in North Carolina

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is shadowboxing while former President Donald Trump is going in for the knock-out punch even before the fight officially begins. The contrasting styles of the leading contenders in the 2024 Republican presidential primary race were evident in speeches on successive nights before the 2023 North Carolina Republican Convention. While DeSantis alluded […]

Biden Shows Off New Electric Car That Can Hold Over 17 Boxes Of Classified Documents

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Biden took to the streets of D.C. today to promote a brand new electric car, capable of holding at least seventeen boxes of highly-classified documents. Source

This Week’s Coolest Drops, From Dickies Skatewear to Japanese Snack Boxes

If you’re anything like us, you're currently straddling the line between excitement about taking a few days off and the unshakeable dread of being with your relatives for too long. Don't freak out, though, we’ve got the cure: a heady cocktail of watching Falling For Christmas, Lindsay Lohan’s holiday-themed return to the spotlight, and a […]

All New EU Vehicles To Be Fitted With Surveillance Black Boxes

All new vehicles sold in the EU will now have mandatory black boxes fitted that record technical data which will be accessible to authorities. At the moment drivers can opt-out of using the feature, but […] The post All New EU Vehicles To Be Fitted With Surveillance Black Boxes appeared first on News Punch. Source

Georgia GOP to Test Support for Ballot Drop Boxes, Buckhead Cityhood in May Primary

The Georgia Republican Party announced eight “advisory questions” Wednesday that it plans to include on Republican primary ballots for the May 24 election. Source

UK Will Protect Thousands Of Red Phone Boxes From Being Removed

LONDON (AP) — Thousands of Britain’s iconic red phone boxes will be protected from removal under new rules, the U.K.’s telecommunications regulator said Tuesday. The public payphone boxes may look like obsolete relics in an age of ubiquitous smartphones, but regulator Ofcom said they can still be a “lifeline” for people in need. Advertisement The […]

FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steals People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like Drugs

FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steals People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like Drugsby Matt Agorist, The Free Thought ProjectSeptember 21, 2021 Los Angeles, CA — For decades now, federal government and their cohorts in law enforcement have been carrying out theft of the citizenry on a massive scale using Civil Asset Forfeiture (CAF).The 1980’s-era […]

Mystery of the 100 Ton ‘Boxes’ at the Serapeum of Saqqara

Located North West of the Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, we find the Serapeum of Saqqara. According to archaeologists, it was the burial-place of the Apus Bulls, literally speaking the living manifestations of the Egyptian God Ptah. This necropolis found near Memphis, Egypt is believed to have been built sometime around 1300 BCE, by Ramesses […]

Boxes shaped like miniature shops used as food donation points

Using wood, paint and 3D-printed plastic ornaments, London-based artist Sean Rodrigo builds boxes shaped like miniature shops, aimed to be used as a relay for food banks. Placed in different areas of his borough, the boxes will allow people to donate cans of non-perishable food that will then be collected by a charity. Source

Kentucky Teen Abandoned as Newborn Advocating for Safe Haven Baby Boxes

<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> (LEX 18) — Louisville teenager, Isabella Lamkin, is advocating to bring Safe Haven Baby Boxes to Kentucky. Safe Haven Baby Boxes allow a parent to surrender their child safely, securely, and anonymously if they cannot take care of the newborn. They are installed at […]

Legacy Charitable Foundation Distributes 162 Food Boxes for Thanksgiving

The Legacy Charitable Foundation’s third annual Thanksgiving Turkey Brigade looked a little different this year. The non-profit’s Executive Director Jennifer Brown, who started the holiday turkey distribution tradition in 2018, said that in its first two years, the Turkey Brigade served dinner boxes to 625 families and fed 4,964 mouths. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, […]

‘GOP loses a big one in their war on drop boxes’: Federal judge bars Ohio from limiting ballot sites to one per county

A federal judge on Thursday blocked an order by Ohio’s Republican secretary of state limiting the number of absentee ballot drop boxes to one location per county, a move civil rights groups decried as a last-minute attempt to erect yet another barrier to safe and accessible voting amid the coronavirus pandemic. The scathing decision by […]

YouTube To Introduce Conspiracy Theory Debunking Information Boxes On Videos

By Aaron Kesel YouTube has announced a crackdown on conspiracy themed videos, which will soon feature informative debunking boxes linking back to Wikipedia and other sources, Yahoo News reported. In light of the recent conspiracy driven narratives after shootings, with many claiming mere minutes after an event that a situation was a false […]

Trump Wants to Replace Food Stamps with Government Picked Food Boxes to Save Money

The Trump administration wants to scrap food stamps for low-income Americans and replace them with boxes of non-perishable food items selected by the government, Politico reported Monday. The proposal was touted by White House budget director Mick Mulvaney and included in the White House fiscal budget, released Monday. According to the administration, it […]

Girl Scout sells 300 boxes of cookies in front of San Diego marijuana dispensary

     A young San Diego girl has found a novel way of bolstering sales of her Girl Scout Cookies – selling them outside a local marijuana dispensary. The Urbn Leaf center posted a picture of the innovative Girl Scout outside its store in the Mission Bay area of the city Friday. The cheeky post calls […]

(Video) This Woman Built A House From Milk Boxes

Next Story There is no doubt about it, humans have produced an astronomical amount of trash. In fact, the average American consumes about 4.4 pounds of trash every single day and America alone sent 254 million tons of trash to the landfill in 2013.  Where does it all go? Thankfully, there are certain efforts in […]

Malaysia Airlines MH17: Airliners have Black Boxes to keep the public in the dark

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : In mid-May 2016 Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said investigators had narrowed the list of suspects in the downing […]

SUGAR BOMB: General Mills set to raffle off 10,000 boxes of "Marshmallow Only" Lucky Charms

(Natural News) If you think that sugar is an essential part of a complete breakfast, then this cereal was made for you. General Mills has heard your prayers and is ready to distribute 10,000 boxes of “Marshmallow Only” Lucky Charms via a special sweepstakes. According to, all one has to do to try and […]

Greek Authorities To Launch Mass Confiscation Of Safe Deposit Boxes, Securities, Homes In Tax-Evasion Crackdown

That may be changing. According to Kathimerini, Greek Finance Ministry inspectors are about to start seeking out the owners of all local undeclared properties, while the law will be amended to allow for financial products and the content of safe deposit boxes to be confiscated electronically. The plan for the identification of taxpayers who […]

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