Posts Tagged ‘debunking’

Debunking Bill Maher’s Dehumanizing Caricature Of Gaza

A segment on Bill Maher’s HBO show, Real Time, has recently gone viral on social media and features him making a range of arguments about how Israelis “look like us, in most ways, values wise”, while the culture in Gaza is painted as backwards. He also compares Hamas and the Israeli government, presenting Tel Aviv […]

EI live: Debunking Israel’s latest “mass rape” hoax

Join the Electronic Intifada livestream this afternoon for our ongoing coverage of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and the Palestinian resistance to it. This afternoon’s lineup: Ali Abunimah will cast a skeptical eye on Screams Before Silence, the new YouTube film released by billionaire former Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg — the latest episode of Israel’s […]

Tips on Debunking the Holohoax During Debates

-Debates are usually controlled.  There are usually traps set and sly psychological intimidation tactics utilized.  Make sure you Source

Hitler and Living Space (Lebensraum) – Debunking Lies

Hitler was quite clear… -Nature has not reserved this soil for the future possession of any particular nation Source

Debunking Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s Pro-Israel Talking Points

US Democratic Party Presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr recently sat down with celebrity rabbi Shmuley Boteach at an event in New York to perform a pre-prepared set of pro-Israel talking points. This came after the politician stated that Covid-19 didn’t affect Jewish and Asian people as much as White and Black Americans, drawing complaints […]

Debunking The Myths of Tutankhamun with Top Egyptologist (Video)

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The goal […]

Debunking Abdu Murray’s ‘Ethnic Mosaic’ Of Christian Racial Universalism

(The Christian Post) A recent article appeared in The Christian Post — apparently written by Abdu Murray, an Arab convert to Christianity — extolling the virtues of “Juneteenth” — the day descendants of Africans slaves in America celebrate their emancipation by killing, rioting and looting — while at the same time claiming that “racial diversity” […]

Debunking David Barton’s Favorite Falsehood About the Bible and Circuit Courts

It has been well-documented that Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton routinely misuses and misrepresents both American history and the Bible in order to promote his right-wing political agenda. For decades, Barton has worked diligently to convince conservative Christian activists that the Founding Fathers intended for the United States to be an explicitly Christian nation that […]

What’s real and what’s fake: Debunking misleading content about the Turkey earthquake

As the death toll soars following the Turkey-Syria earthquake, so is the amount of fake information and videos. Source

The Lie Told to Us About Our History | Ancient Greece- Debunking the Homosexual Lies About Ancient Greece

Everyone knows the Ancient Greeks were gay right? How has this lie seemingly permeated the minds of everyone in society? Source

Debunking the myth of ‘de-politicizing’ sports

November 20, 2022  Source: Agencies By Ahmad Karakira  Ahead of the 2022 Qatar World Cup, calls to de-politicize sports seem ridiculous and senseless upon examining the inseparable historical connection between sports and politics. A few days before the 2022 Qatar World Cup, French President Emmanuel said that sport should not be politicized. “I think we must […]

Debunking Common Slanders of Nationalists in Ukraine

Since the start of Russo-Ukrainian war, we have seen many supposed nationalists in the West cheering on the Neo Bolshevik Eurasian war machine, as it maims and slaughters tens of thousands of White Ukrainians. Even though Ukraine is a homogenous White country where patriotism and ethno-nationalism is quite mainstream, we see a majority of nationalists […]

‘Their Failure to Consider the Bible Relevant’: Debunking Christian Nationalists’ Favorite Claim About the Founding Era

Earlier this month, former Rep. Michele Bachmann spoke at an “Understanding The Times” conference in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, where she declared that “it isn’t even debatable” that the United States was founded to be a Christian nation. As “evidence” of this claim, Bachmann asserted that “you can find scripture” throughout both the Declaration of Independence […]

Helicopter Hieroglyphs? Debunking the “Mystery” of the Abydos Carvings

In the ancient city of Abydos, within the famed temple of Seti I, strange hieroglyphs were discovered on the ceiling. Appearing to depict modern or extraterrestrial vehicles, some claim that the Abydos carving Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Writings News Ancient Places Africa Read Later 

Debunking the Shedding, Self-Spreading Vaccines Conspiracy Myth that just won’t Stop

    There has been a lot of talk about “self-spreading vaccines” back in 2021 and now again, articles are being written about future “self-spreading vaccines” but this is one the dumbest possible conspiracy theory that tinfoil hats have ever created because by definition, WHAT IS A VACCINE? It’s a inactivated virus mixed with a […]

Debunking the Government’s ‘Pandemic Made Us Do It’ Lie

“Men are only clever at shifting blame from their own shoulders to those of others.” -Titus Livius (59 BC–17 AD) Children instinctively resort to blame-shifting tactics to offset culpability for bad behavior onto an external entity: “I had to pelt rocks at traffic! Everyone was doing it! I had no choice! The other kids would’ve […]

Debunking the Eternal Economic Growth Model

Can those who advocate hitting the brakes on economic growth get their message across before it’s too late? Over the last three decades, a growing number of scientists and ecologists have argued that economic growth has long outstripped the capacity of the planetary ecosystem. They have developed numerous sophisticated models to demonstrate their point. They have […]

The Structural debunking of the basis of construction of the Summit ON Democracy©

December 15, 2021 By Chris Faure for the Saker Blog The ‘war on terror’ and the ‘war on drugs’ and similar empirical processes have come and gone and left in their wake a truly diabolical ‘Long arm of the Law and Dollar Hegemony’. A few years ago, this was labeled correctly as the rules-based international […]

Debunking Myths About Nicaragua’s 2021 Election

Under Attack By USA/EU/OAS. The US, EU, And OAS Are Launching A New Coup Attempt Against Nicaragua’s Sandinista Government, Refusing To Recognize Its 2021 Elections. The Grayzone Observed The Vote On The Ground, And Dispels Myths Aimed At Discrediting The Process. Managua, Nicaragua – Millions of Nicaraguans went to the polls on November 7, 2021, […]

A Response to the NZ Herald’s VX Debunking PART 2

“In Part 1 we provided some detailed background information around why this piece of so called ‘journalism’ was so out of order for a mainstream media outlet to be acting as the personal PR department for Jacinda Ardern to help with damage control around the avalanche of information and evidence pouring out in contradiction of […]

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