Posts Tagged ‘basis’

Biden’s proposed gas stove ban “reckless” with no basis in “sound science,” says utilities group

Biden’s proposed gas stove ban “reckless” with no basis in “sound science,” says utilities group 01/14/2023 / By Ethan Huff A new effort by the Biden regime and Democrats to ban gas stoves due to “climate change” has zero basis in science. According to the American Gas Association (AGA), it would be “reckless” to […]

This Is Not up for Debate: On a Clear and Convincing Basis, These Vaccines Are Causing Death

Is there a large signal? Yes, 13,388 American deaths in VAERS. Is there a temporal association? Yes. 80% of these deaths occur within a week. 50% will occur within a couple of days. Source

Federal Reserve Hikes Rate Target 75 Basis Points

The Fed’s biggest hike since 1994.

Breitbart Business Daily: Why the Fed Is Likely Going to Hike 75 Basis Points

The Federal Reserve is going to have to play catch up to rein in inflation.

Economic Influence as the Basis for China’s Dominance in Southeast Asia

As is well-known, the total length of the state border of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on land is 22,457 km. Of this length, 4,360 km is the border with Mongolia, 4,179 km is the border with Russia and 2,659 km is the border with India, making the three countries leaders in terms of […]

The Structural debunking of the basis of construction of the Summit ON Democracy©

December 15, 2021 By Chris Faure for the Saker Blog The ‘war on terror’ and the ‘war on drugs’ and similar empirical processes have come and gone and left in their wake a truly diabolical ‘Long arm of the Law and Dollar Hegemony’. A few years ago, this was labeled correctly as the rules-based international […]

Space Force general says US satellites are attacked on a daily basis

Space Force general says US satellites are attacked on a daily basis Date: December 1, 2021Author: Nwo Report  Source: New York PostA Space Force general said American satellites are attacked by adversaries every day in ways that flirt with “acts of war,” and the US will lose a space arms race if it doesn’t take […]

Is There Plausible Basis For Fertility Concerns?

sept 30, 2021 In my own community, the most prominent concern on the minds of many of the vaccine hesitant, especially young women of childbearing age, is the fear of an adverse effect on fertility. Possibly because of this, fertility concerns have also been derisively dismissed by the doctors with more passion and vengeance than […]

Land Reforms Need to be Revived on Urgent Basis

In recent times the government has been steadily going back on its commitment to land reforms in India. This is true of the union government as well as several state governments. This has been one of the most unfortunate aspects of development policy in India, leading to increase of inequality as well as reduction of […]

Brown School of Health’s Jha: No Basis for Kids Wearing Masks Outdoors

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Ayman Mohyeldin Reports,” Brown University School of Public Health Dean Dr. Ashish Jha discussed the CDC’s revised guidelines for children at summer camps and stated that children do not need to wear masks outdoors. Jha said, “[O]n unvaccinated kids, obviously, kids under 12 who are not vaccinated, I think outdoors […]

The ideological basis of the new Cold War is clear, and this time the Western powers look set to be on the losing side

 The ideological divisions of today involve the organization of the international system of states. One side, led by the USA, UK, EU and NATO, subscribes to something it calls the “rules-based international order.” (India claims to follow this.)  The other side, led by Russia and China, subscribes to “international law…The principles of this system are […]

The Esoteric Basis of the Apollo Myth

By Edouard ShuréFrom Pythagoras and the Delphic Mysteries [1906] In Orphic thought, Dionysos and Apollo were two different revelations of the same divinity. Dionysos represented esoteric truth, the foundation and interior of things, open to initiates alone. He held the mysteries of life, past and future existences, the relations between soul and body, heaven and […]

FCC and Big Telecom use outdated & faulty testing method as basis for claims that cell phones and wireless devices pose no health risks

Big Tech and its Federal Communications Commission (FCC) toadies have used a fraudulent test to license cell phones, wireless technology and now 5G to push a technology that causes catastrophic biological damage. Tech Titans have us addicted to devices they claimed were safe because these devices, especially 5G, are the vital cornerstone for billionaire data […]

Biden Claims ‘No Basis’ For Accusations Against Hunter ‘It’s A Last Ditch Effort To Smear Me & My Family’

Joe Biden has claimed that there is “no basis” for the accusation that his son, Hunter Biden, profited from foreign business partners by selling access to his father during his tenure in office. Biden was being interviewed by Wisconsin reporter Adrienne Pedersen at his home in Delaware on Tuesday evening, after ‘calling a lid’ for […]

Joe Biden Claims ‘No Basis’ for Hunter Biden Accusations; Cites Romney, Clapper, Brennan

Former Vice President Joe Biden told a Wisconsin reporter Tuesday evening that there is “no basis” for the accusation that his son, Hunter Biden, profited from foreign business partners by selling access to his father during his tenure in office. Adrienne Pedersen of Milwaukee ABC affiliate WISN 12 News’ interviewed Biden, who was at his home […]

This is the scum Palestinians have to deal with on a daily basis

jewish settler hate Filed under: Jewish terrorism, Jewish violence, Nazi Israel, Netanyahu, Palestine, Settlements and settlers | Source Article from

How They Do It– Israel claims there is ‘no basis’ to the charge that paraplegic Gaza protester was shot by IDF sniper

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ICC: ‘Reasonable Basis’ to Believe UK Committed War Crimes in Iraq

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has said that there is a “reasonable basis” to believe that British soldiers committed war crimes during their campaign in Iraq. In its report on the “Preliminary Examination Activities 2017”, delivered in New York to an assembly of countries, the Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, declared that her office was going to […]

‘Reasonable basis’ to believe UK soldiers committed war crimes in Iraq: ICC. Actually just being in Iraq was a “war crime”

The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said on Monday that there is a “reasonable basis” to believe that some British soldiers committed war crimes after the US-led invasion of Iraq. The disclosure came in a 74-page report on preliminary inquiries as ICC member states gather in New York for an annual nine-day meeting […]

How to Connect to the Deeper Part of Yourself on a Daily Basis

Next Story In our busy lives, we might find it tough at times to connect to deeper parts of ourselves on a daily basis. Yet, it’s so important that we not only take the time to meditate, but also to check in with ourselves to see more clearly how we’re feeling, what we want to do […]

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