Posts Tagged ‘reserve’

Status of US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency: Central Banks Diversify from USD-Assets to Other Currencies and to Gold


Ukrainian generals warn that Kyiv’s reserve forces are DEPLETED as Russian forces advance in Kharkiv

(NaturalNews) As Russian forces advance in the northeastern city of Kharkiv in Ukraine, the Ukrainian military has warned that Kyiv’s reserve forces are… Source

Gold Has Set Historic Highs this Year as the Federal Reserve Has Reported Historic Losses

An interesting market action is happening in tandem with the Fed’s growing operating losses. The price of gold has been setting historic new highs this year. From a futures front month price of around $2050 at the beginning of March, gold has topped $2,400 in recent days – dramatically outperforming the year-to-date performance of the […]

How the foreign-owned Federal Reserve was built on nothing but absurd lies.

By E.J.AntoniThe Epoch Times In 1913, Woodrow Wilson and his progressives promised that the Federal Reserve would avert both depressions and inflation, while preventing the wealthy from controlling America’s financial markets at the expense of the poor. More than a century later, it’s clear that was all a lie, and the Fed has helped create a permanent American underclass. The Fed was designed […]

County prosecutors charge Navy reserve veteran with HATE CRIME for decapitating Iowa Satanic statue

(NaturalNews) Polk County prosecutors charged a former U.S. Navy fighter and instructor pilot with a “hate crime” after he pushed over and beheaded the horned… Source

Beijing Set To Refill Strategic Oil Reserve After Draining It For Most Of 2023

Beijing Set To Refill Strategic Oil Reserve After Draining It For Most Of 2023 It’s not just the US that is in desperate need of refilling its strategic oil reserve after Biden drained it to score some quick political points ahead of the 2022 midterms. China also needs to refill its oil tanks after steadily […]

China “Unexpectedly” Cuts Required Reserve Ratio In Desperate Bid To Contain Market Collapse

In a move many said was very long overdue, this morning China which has paradoxically waited too long until deflation reigns across the country, said it will cut the required reserve ratio (RRR) by 50bps within two weeks and hinted at more support measures to come, which while coming largely in time with the easing […]

Robert Shiller Warns Of ‘Cataclysm’ For US Dollar Reserve Status If Confiscated Russian Assets Given To Ukraine

If the United States shifts frozen Russian assets to Ukraine, it would be cataclysmic for the US Dollar’s status as the global reserve currency, says Nobel Prize winning Yale professor, Robert Shiller. “If America does this to Russia today… then tomorrow it can do this to anyone,” he told Italian news outlet La Repubblica in […]

The Babylonian Whore: Fractional Reserve Banking

Fritjof and Eli on a very important subject of prophetic fulfillment. PASTOR JAMES/Fritjof Persson: The Babylonian Whore Fractional Reserve Banking Collapsing ( Extra credit reading:  Barbara Villiers: History of Monetary Crimes: Barbara Villiers; or, A history of monetary crimes : Del Mar, Alexander, 1836-1926 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Share this: […]

Fractional Reserve Banking and the Rothschilds

Money and the jooz: MONETARY MANAGEMENT – Explained by Fritjof ( History of the Rothschild banks.   Excellent documentary: Empire of Shadows: True Story of the Richest Family in History – YouTube Tell everyone you know about EFR.   We report what other sources ignore.  “All the news the Jews refuse.” Share this: Source

Either Shore-Up Reserve Forces Or Bring Back Conscription, Romanian General Says

Either Shore-Up Reserve Forces Or Bring Back Conscription, Romanian General Says Via Remix News, Romania must either rebuild its reserve forces or reintroduce conscription, retired Romanian and NATO General Virgil Bălăceanu has said. Bălăceanu, former head of the Multinational Brigade South-East, said on Monday that a law that is absolutely necessary for the replenishment of […]

Will The Federal Reserve Be PROHIBITED From Issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency?

US House Committee Passes Bill To Block Federal Reserve From Issuing A CBDC ByDaniel WoodsPRO INVESTOR Updated:  21 September 2023 DisclosureWe sometimes use affiliate links in our content, when clicking on those we might receive a commission – at no extra cost to you. By using this website you agree to our terms and conditions and […]

Federal Reserve CBDC Will Be Run by Pedophiles: Prosecutor Says JP Morgan Chase, Fed Kingpin, Helped Epstein

Nationally chartered big banks each own shares in the Fed worth 3% of their assets. JP Morgan Chase, the largest bank in the US, easily tops all other banks in the size of its stake. The Fed is a private bank masquerading as a quasi-public, policy-making body. Its fundamental interests are the interests of the […]

Biden orders 3,000 Army reserve troops to prepare for European deployment

(NaturalNews) Last week, President Biden authorized the Pentagon to call on as many as 3,000 reserve troops to support American troops in Europe in Operation… Source

Hundreds of Israel reserve doctors suspend military services to protest judicial overhaul

Hundreds of Israeli reserve doctors have suspended their military services in the Israeli army in protest against the Israeli far-right government’s plan to weaken the judiciary, Rai Al-Youm reported on Friday. The doctors, including physicians and psychiatrists, penned a letter to the Military Medicine Club asking it to send an urgent message to the army […]

Sinking of the Titanic: A False Flag Operation to Establish the Federal Reserve

Sinking of the Titanic: A False Flag Operation to Establish the Federal Reserve Undeniable Proof Emerges That JP Morgan Sunk The Titanic To Form Federal Reserve The biggest false flag in history orchestrated by banksters By: Daniel Newton  |@NeonNettle Shocking new evidence has emerged that JP Morgan carefully orchestrated the sinking of the Titanic so that he could […]

President of a Federal Reserve Bank Says CBDC Not Needed, Would Allow China-Like Monitoring of People

Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, has broken with central bankers controlled by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and has sounded the alarm that hotly-debated CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency – would allow the federal government to “monitor every one of your transactions.” “ I get why China would be […]

Status of US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency and Exchange Rates: Slow Long-Term Decline on Track


Fractional Reserve Banking and Your Personal Data

Artificial Intelligence nightmare! PASTOR JAMES – FRITJOF PERSSON – The Stockholm Conference ( Tracking People with AI PROOF THE JABBED ARE TRACKABLE EVERYWHERE: THE VACCINATED ARE MARKED AND CANNOT BE UNMARKED! ( “Everybody must get chipped!!” Share this: Source

The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA #BIS, IMF, World Bank

The privately owned Federal Reserve Bank is one giant conflict of interest central planning scam. This criminal institution has not only deliberately been responsible for exacerbating the boom bust cycles since its creation in 1913, distorting the price of money via interest rates, perpetually extracting wealth from We the People via deleterious stealth taxation that […]

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