Posts Tagged ‘fertility’

Dramatic declines in global fertility

Mar 20 2024 Dramatic declines in global fertility rates set to transform global population patterns by 2100, new GBD Capstone study suggests. Explore the data — The Lancet (@TheLancet) March 20, 2024 Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Free Book Download Share this with friends and family, and anyone that is […]

The State Of Global Fertility

South Korea broke its own record when it announced this week that as of 2023, its fertility rate had fallen to just 0.72 births per woman. The rate at which a population replaces itself between generations without migration stands at around 2.1. As Statista’s Katharina Buchholz reports, the following map with comparable data between countries from 2021, shows that […]

A Pesticide You Probably Never Heard of Could Be Affecting Your Fertility

Introducing chlormequat, a potentially toxic chemical “linked to reproductive issues,” which is found in several wheat and oat products, like Cheerios and Quaker Oats. The worst part: it turns out that 4 out of 5 of you, or 80% of Americans, have been exposed to this substance. A recent peer-reviewed study published in the JESEE […]

Study Finds 80% Of Americans Exposed To Fertility-Lowering Chemicals In Cheerios, Quaker Oats

The peer-reviewed study, published in the JESEE journal on Feb. 15, looked at urine samples from American citizens to determine their exposure to chlormequat chloride—a plant growth chemical. Exposure to the chemical can result in lower fertility and harm developing fetuses even at doses below acceptable levels set by regulators. Researchers detected chlormequat in 80 percent of […]

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Fertility rates are dropping dramatically, we are on an extinction curve

BY RHODA WILSON ON NOVEMBER 20, 2023 • ( 15 COMMENTS ) Fertility rates in both men and women are dropping dramatically for many unknown reasons, Dr. Andrew Wakefield told Mike Adams, host of Health Ranger Report, last year shortly before the release of his latest film. “Sperm counts are plummeting, infertility in women in general is so much worse particularly, apparently, in […]

Beyond Fertility: Goddess Heqet’s Extensive Influence on Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, the goddess Heqet reigned supreme as a symbol of fertility and childbirth. Read more Section:  News Human Origins Religions Myths & Legends Africa Read Later  Source

Population Expert Says UK Needs to Raise Fertility Rates or Face a Stark Choice Between Decline and Immigration

Britain needs to raise its fertility rates or face a stark choice between economic decline or rising levels of immigrant labour, says one of the country’s most prominent population experts. Demographer and author Paul Morland said if British people did not start having more children the country faced a “demographic nightmare” like Japan, which has […]

Fertility Rates In Australia Plummet To All-Time Low as Vaccination Rate Hits Record High

Fertility rates in Australia have plummeted to an all-time low, according to recent data, at the same time as the country announces record-breaking Covid-19 vaccination rates, with over 95% of the population fully vaccinated. The number of births recorded in public maternity facilities has experienced a significant decline over the past two years, prompting concerns […]

Covid Fertility Crisis

From irony to tragedy   Dr. James Thorp.   Video is inside the link to tis article:   Fertility Crisis: Top OBGYN Slams Pfizers Deadly Plot Against Babies and Women (Exclusive Interview) – RAIR (   Covid injections definitely cause blood clots:     Stay tuned to EFR for the TRUTH  about the medical mafia and […]

A Mediterranean diet not only boosts health but also improves fertility

With an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and legumes, the Mediterranean diet has long been applauded for its multiple health benefits. New research shows that it may also help overcome infertility, making it a non-intrusive and affordable strategy for couples trying to conceive. Conducted by Monash University, the University of the Sunshine Coast, and the University… […]

Coatlicue: Fearsome Fertility Goddess of the Aztecs

Coatlicue was one of the most important gods in the Aztec pantheon. Not only was she the goddess of fertility, but she also gave birth to Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec god of war and the sun. Her high ranking in the pantheon doesn’t mean she received the respect she deserved, however. Many Aztec gods came to […]

Male fertility down 62% worldwide and it’s still falling

New research published in the journal Human Reproduction Update points to accelerating rates of male infertility all around the world. In less than 50 years, average sperm counts have plummeted by 62 percent, we are told. And the rate at which this decrease is occurring is on the rise, meaning sperm counts are dropping progressively […]


19 nov 2022 Worldwide fertility has dropped more than 50 percent in the past 50 years, and the decline shows no sign of slowing. Shanna H. Swan, PhD, a leading environmental and reproductive epidemiologist, has spent more than two decades studying the impact of environmental chemicals and pharmaceuticals on reproductive tract development and neurodevelopment. In […]

Tlaltecuhtli: Fearsome Fertility Goddess of the Aztecs

Tlaltecuhtli was a Mesoamerican earth goddess predominantly worshiped by the Aztec people. Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Americas Read Later  Source

Studies Show Fertility Rates Plummet Worldwide Following COVID-19 Vaccines

Studies Show Fertility Rates Plummet Worldwide Following COVID-19 Vaccines   Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News A presentation recently made by Dr. Christof Plothe, a German Doctor of Osteopathy who is also a member of the World Council for Health, reveals the most startling evidence yet that COVID vaccines are causing massive cases […]

Rise of the Sperm Bro: The Touring Men Fathering Children and Undercutting the Fertility Industry

Serial sperm donor Adam Hooper has children in Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Sweden—but he’d never been to New Zealand, where his first international sperm tour kicked off this week. The two-month stint, which he's dubbed “Lord of the Donors: A Journey to Middle Earth,” will see the 36-year-old father-of-20-something travelling in a motorhome for a […]

The vaccines damage fertility. Is this part of a depopulation agenda or ‘just’ a terrible mistake?

June 28 2022 ➨ Given everything we know about the pandemic – that Covid is eminently treatable, the vaccines are neither safe nor effective, millions have been injured as a direct result – why is the vaccine roll-out being allowed to continue? More to the point, why were vaccines even rolled out in the […]

India’s Fertility Rate Drops Below Replacement Level For First Time

The world’s second-largest population is about to shrink as data shows that India’s total fertility rate has dropped below the replacement level for the first time. According to data released by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) the fertility rate has fallen to 2, which below the level at which a generation is producing enough […]

Study concludes women’s fertility harmed in vaccinating countries

4 oct. 2021 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute of Microstructure Technology Professor Dr. Hervé Seligmann examined fertility in countries that have massively vaccinated against COVID-19 compared to those that have not, and concludes that women’s fertility decreases the more women are vaccinated. According to the data presented by Shimabukuro et al (2021), of the 127 women who […]

Is There Plausible Basis For Fertility Concerns?

sept 30, 2021 In my own community, the most prominent concern on the minds of many of the vaccine hesitant, especially young women of childbearing age, is the fear of an adverse effect on fertility. Possibly because of this, fertility concerns have also been derisively dismissed by the doctors with more passion and vengeance than […]

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