Posts Tagged ‘fertility’

Big in Japan: Giant wooden penis carried down mountain for fertility fest (VIDEO)

The main attraction – an enormous wooden penis – was carried through the streets before being bathed in the hot springs. The wooden deity, referred to as the ‘Konsei-sama,’ is meant to bless reverents with fertility and safe births. Women hoping to get married or pregnant (or both) typically ride the wooden phallus once it […]

Human egg matured in lab for first time in possible breakthrough for fertility treatment

Modern medical technology allows mature eggs to be extracted and frozen for years, until a patient wants to use them for an IVF procedure. During each harvesting cycle, however, a limited number of eggs can be extracted, which may not be enough to guarantee successful fertilization. In certain cases, such as when a woman is […]

Ibuprofen found to RAVAGE male fertility and threaten testicular health: Just 3 tablets per day can result in lower libido, muscle loss, depression, and eventually ED

(Natural News) Men beware: taking ibuprofen daily can negatively impact your fertility. To be more precise: taking this pain reliever in doses utilized by athletes can lead to sexual hormone dysfunction. This is what a team of Danish and French investigators uncovered in their study. This new research is built on the team’s earlier work, […]

Vitamin D and fertility: Increase your chances of success with this vital nutrient

(Natural News) If you’re having trouble conceiving, boosting your vitamin D intake might help. A recent study revealed that women undergoing fertility treatment are 33 percent more successful if they have healthy levels of vitamin D. Scientists from Birmingham University have determined that women undergoing fertility treatment were 33 percent more likely to get pregnant if […]

Neuroplasticity Sheds Light On The Amazing Fertility Of The Older Mind & How The Brain Can Change Itself

By Alanna Ketler If you are anything like me, you may have thought to yourself over the years, Man, I really wish I would have learned another language in high school, or wondered, Why didn’t my mother put me in guitar lessons? Now I’ll never be able to learn how to play. You can’t teach an old dog new […]

Science is ready to make men pregnant, fertility expert claims

Dr. Richard Paulson told the society’s annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas that there was no anatomical reason why a womb could not be successfully implanted into a transgender woman. “You could do it tomorrow,” he reportedly said in his address. “There would be additional challenges, but I don’t see any obvious problem that would […]

Neuroplasticity Sheds Light On The Amazing Fertility Of The Older Mind – How The Brain Can Change Itself

Next Story If you are anything like me, you may have thought to yourself over the years, Man, I really wish I would have learned another language in high school, or wondered, Why didn’t my mother put me in guitar lessons? Now I’ll never be able to learn how to play. You can’t teach an old dog new […]

If you knew what was in tap water you would never drink it again

(NaturalNews) Water is essential to all life on Earth. When it comes to humans, our bodies require water for virtually every biological process needed to stay alive. Playing a crucial part in the body’s overall digestive system, water helps to flush out your kidneys and liver, and to rid your body of any […]

Followers of Iraqi Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr storm Baghdad’s Green Zone, enter parliament

     Hundreds of supporters of influential Iraqi Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who have been protesting corruption, have stormed Baghdad’s Green Zone. Some have entered the parliament buildings, according to Reuters. The demonstrators decided to break into a heavily fortified area, which holds government buildings and numerous foreign embassies after lawmakers failed to pass a vote […]

Virtual Reality and Zuckerberg’s, “Rictus Grin”

Virtual Reality and Zuckerberg’s, “Rictus Grin” February 22nd, 2016 Har! Via: The Verge: The image above looks like concept art for a new dystopian sci-fi film. A billionaire superman with a rictus grin, striding straight past human drones, tethered to machines and blinded to […]

After Big Drop in Sales, Coca-Cola is Begging You to ‘Taste the Feeling’

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals   Coca-Cola Company has announced a new strategy to convince soda consumers that they are healthy, called “Taste the Feeling” campaign. All Coke trademark brands will be featured in this marketing ploy that includes: • Diet Coke • Coke Zero […]

Jewish Terrorists Indicted for Palestinian Arson Murders

Last July’s immolation murders made world headlines. Three Palestinian Dawabsha family members succumbed to devastating third-degree burns too severe to save them, including 18-month-old infant Ali. Four-year-old Ahmed alone survived, still hospitalized in intensive care. His painful struggle to recover continues. Israel stonewalled for months, knowing the guilty parties, refusing to bring charges on the […]

‘Pope Francis Will Resign in 2016 Following Argentina Visit’… Says Vatican Insider

Pope has transformed the Roman Catholic Church into a monstrosity that has nothing to do with teachings of Jesus Christ! ~ Leo Lyon Zagami – Video Last week I went to visit two of my most trusted sources in the Vatican, one a member of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and the Pontifical Equestrian […]

‘Mossad plotted to harm Egyptian fertility’

  YNet News August 18, 2011 Israeli citizen Ofir Harrari, recently accused by Egypt of spying for Israel, was allegedly involved in a complicated scheme intended to harm Egyptian reproduction abilities, Egypt’s official state paper Al-Ahram has claimed. Harrari, accused by Egypt of being an agent of the Mossad, is set be tried in absentia […]

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