Posts Tagged ‘mountain’

A new wave of wearable devices will collect a mountain on information on us – we need to get wise about the privacy implications

Web and mobile services try to understand the desires and goals of users by analysing how they interact with their platforms. Smartphones, for instance, capture online data from users at a large scale and low cost. Policymakers have reacted by enforcing mechanisms to mitigate the risks inherent in tech companies storing and processing their citizens’ private information, such as […]

Mountain Hotel in Davos Has Denied the Rental of Skiing Equipment to Jewish Guests, Citing Persistent Obnoxious Behavior, Property Damage & Theft

The Pischa mountain restaurant hotel in Davos, Switzerland, has announced it will no longer rent out skiing and other snow-sports equipment to Jewish guests, due to an alleged long history of unruly behavior, property damage and theft. The establishment faced accusations of anti-Semitism, causing a major scandal and a police investigation. The offensive notice appeared […]

The Report From Iron Mountain’s Coming Alien Invasion

Mid last century a study was done on how to better farm the sheep. Long before the False Flag of 9-11 leading to the Fake “War on Terror” which is really a War OF Terror done by the same vile evil soul-less animals who did 9-11, the Report From Iron Mountain foretold the fake War […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Assault on Education Mountain

Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey, and Devlin Barrett @ The Washington Post: Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term. Trump has told advisers and friends in recent months that he wants the Justice Department to investigate onetime officials and allies who have become critical of his time in office. Robert Downen […]

The North Face helped anger-prone black mountain climber DESTROY life of white executive with coordinated, anti-white SMEAR campaign – report

(NaturalNews) A white-hating, The North Face-sponsored outdoor rock climber with black skin by the name of Manoah Ainuu has made a complete and utter fool of… Source

Alt-Market’s Graphic Novel Mountain Hollow Is Now For Sale!

This is the beginning of my book Mountain Hollow, a project started last year as an entry in the culture war.  Tired of far-left ideology in every single piece of entertainment?  The only way to fight back is to produce our own content.  Check out my sales campaign at and consider supporting a liberty minded project. […]

This Mountain Has Been Home to Monks for 12 Centuries (Video)

Nestled on a Greek peninsula stands Mount Athos, a venerable sanctuary for Christian Orthodox adherents.  Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Europe Videos History Read Later  Source

China’s Extraordinary Wuling Mountain Temples (Video)

Nestled in China’s biodiverse Wuling mountain range is the majestic Fenjingshan, the highest peak in Guizhou province, towering about 8,000 feet above sea level. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Videos Read Later  Source

Right Wing Round-Up: The Literal Mountain Mandate

Frederick Clarkson @ Salon: “Unfriending” America: The Christian right is coming for the enemies of God — like you and me. Adam Gabbat @ The Guardian: Well-funded Christian group behind US effort to roll back LGBTQ+ rights. John E. Finn @ Talking Points Memo: Conservatives Are Now Trying To Create ‘Constitutional Counties,’ Which Happen To […]


If you learn the plan you can make sense of what is happening now. This little known report from 1963 explains for instance why we have wars. Or rather, why ‘they’ must have continuing war. WW3 will be the last as wars will no longer be necessary. By then the world will all be under […]

Fathoming the Ruins of Yanmen Shan Mountain and the Biggest Cut Rocks in the World

Along the side of Yanmen Shan mountain, located twenty kilometers to the east of Nanjing, China, the legendary Yangshan quarry can be found. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Unexplained Phenomena Read Later  Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Mountain of Defeat

It seems that MAGA pastor Leon Benjamin will not be able to help right-wing Christians take over “the mountain of government” after he was trounced in Virginia’s special congressional election. Lauren Witzke says the United States is “just drifting farther and farther away from God” and longs for the nation to be liberated by Russian […]

Scientists Discover Mountain Is Really an Ancient Cosmic Observatory

Exequiel Ezcurra is no archaeologist. He’s an ecologist and conservationist, currently investigating the origin and evolution of corn agriculture in Mexico. But while exploring past farming techniques, he discovered something else: early inhabitants of the Basin of Mexico utilized ruins on a nearby mountain to keep an accurate agricultural calendar. Ezcurra published these findings with […]

Battle of Naalan mountain: one town’s fight against the full might of the Israeli settler project

On October 26, 2018, the small town of Mazraa Qabaliya just 11 km northwest of Ramallah witnessed a brutal assault by Israeli settlers and their military vanguard.  As Palestinian men gathered for Friday prayers under a cluster of brown and green leadtrees, they were met with teargas from the Israeli military in tandem with an […]

Christian Nationalist and Seven Mountain Dominionist Lance Wallnau to Speak at Fundraiser for Doug Mastriano

Dominionist author, speaker, and political operative Lance Wallnau is a right-wing anti-LBGTQ activist, conspiracy theorist, and unabashed Trump cultist who has repeatedly praised authoritarian leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. He is also a self-proclaimed Christian nationalist who has urged former President Donald Trump to organize public rallies across […]

Wife Asks You To Get Her A Water, Nail Clippers, And Magical Feather From Mythical Bird Atop Fire Mountain ‘As Long As You’re Up’

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Local woman Sabrina McKenzie asked her husband to please go on an epic quest of mythologic proportions, since he was already up anyways to go to the bathroom. “Babe, since you’re up already,” began Mrs. McKenzie, as her husband froze in fear. “Can you grab me a glass of water? Oh, and […]

Wife Asks You To Get Her A Water, Nail Clippers, And Magical Feather From Mythical Bird Atop Fire Mountain ‘As Long As You’re Up’

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Local woman Sabrina McKenzie asked her husband to please go on an epic quest of mythologic proportions, since he was already up anyways to go to the bathroom. “Babe, since you’re up already,” began Mrs. McKenzie, as her husband froze in fear. “Can you grab me a glass of water? Oh, and […]

Wife Asks You To Get Her A Water, Nail Clippers, And Magical Feather From Mythical Bird Atop Fire Mountain ‘As Long As You’re Up’

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Local woman Sabrina McKenzie asked her husband to please go on an epic quest of mythologic proportions, since he was already up anyways to go to the bathroom. “Babe, since you’re up already,” began Mrs. McKenzie, as her husband froze in fear. “Can you grab me a glass of water? Oh, and […]

Wife Asks You To Get Her A Water, Nail Clippers, And Magical Feather From Mythical Bird Atop Fire Mountain ‘As Long As You’re Up’

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Local woman Sabrina McKenzie asked her husband to please go on an epic quest of mythologic proportions, since he was already up anyways to go to the bathroom. “Babe, since you’re up already,” began Mrs. McKenzie, as her husband froze in fear. “Can you grab me a glass of water? Oh, and […]

Wife Asks You To Get Her A Water, Nail Clippers, And Magical Feather From Mythical Bird Atop Fire Mountain ‘As Long As You’re Up’

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Local woman Sabrina McKenzie asked her husband to please go on an epic quest of mythologic proportions, since he was already up anyways to go to the bathroom. “Babe, since you’re up already,” began Mrs. McKenzie, as her husband froze in fear. “Can you grab me a glass of water? Oh, and […]

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