Posts Tagged ‘turn’

US navy knowingly downed passenger plane in 1988

A senior naval commander dismissed claims that the US Navy had shot down an Iranian civilian plane in July 1988 as a result of a mistaken identity or system malfunctioning. “The radars of missile-launching destroyers are equipped with the Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) system which shows the type of flying planes, clearly differentiating warplanes […]

Zarif: Only diplomatic solution works for Syria

Tehran, June 22, IRNA – Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif said on Wednesday that there are two diplomatic and military solutions for Syria, but the diplomatic choice should be taken. ‘In Syria, we should be after diplomatic solution; military solution in Syria means efforts to meet the needs of one side in exchange for threatening all; […]

FBI Censored Homo Club Shooter Statement

The FBI has now admitted that it deliberately censored the transcript of the Orlando homo club shooter Omar Mateen so that all references to Islam were removed and  “Allah” was replaced with “God.” The FBI said the initial censorship was “not to give publicity platform to hateful propaganda”—in other words, not to confirm the […]

USA’s NATO Exposed as ISIS Springboard into Syria

NATO Exposed as ISIS Springboard into Syria Kurdish fighters allegedly backed by the US, have crossed the Euphrates River in Syria and have moved against fighters from the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (ISIS) holding the city of Manbij. The city is about 20 miles from Jarabulus, another Syrian city located right on the Syrian-Turkish border. Jarabulus […]

‘New era of astronomy’: Gravitational waves detected for 2nd time, backing up theory of relativity

WATCH LIVE: More on gravitational waves from LIGO, Virgo scientists The international collaboration LIGO, with nearly 1,000 scientists working together, made the breakthrough announcement during a media conference taking place simultaneously in Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) and the San Diego Astronomy Association on Wednesday. “Detecting the gravitational waves from the merger of two black holes […]

Catholics Sue California to Block Right to Die Law for Terminal Patients

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Five physicians in California have teamed up with the American Academy of Medical Ethics (AAME) are suing because California allows assisted suicide. The AAME is a Catholic organization that prides itself on having immersed itself into the medical community with thousands […]

What You Need To Know About How Gut Bacteria Makes Us Fat & Thin

Obesity is one of our most pressing health problems today, affecting millions worldwide. In America alone, 35 percent of adults battle with it daily. The main causes are an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and genetics, but considering how many people are affected by this issue and how much strain it is placing on our already overburdened […]

Nasser Kandil: Russia and the situation in Syria and the region

مشق المركزي، لا تُعارض روسيا هذا التوجّه، لبل هي تُشجّعه للحُصول على ورقة ضغط بوجه تركيا، علمًا أنّ موسكو جاهزة لتأييد أي خيار يحفظ مصالحها الإستراتيجيّة في مياه البحر الأبيض المتوسّط، حتى لو كان الأمر عبر قيام فدراليّة في سوريا. في المُقابل، تُعارض إيران محاولات الأكراد الإنفصال، خوفًا من تحوّل كامل الأراضي السورية إلى مناطق […]

Chief Of The CIA’s ‘Bin-Laden’ Unit Tells The World That Al-Qaeda Never Existed

The number of ‘whistleblowers’ that have emerged over the years regarding the ongoing ‘war against terror’ is truly eye-opening. Unfortunately, many remain innocently ignorant given the fact that mainstream corporate media will not touch this stuff. They are, however, very quick to jump on the ‘terrorist’ bandwagon when an alleged attack is carried out, supposedly […]

FLASHBACK: The hospitals that overcharge patients by 1,000 percent

Try to avoid breaking any limbs in Crestview, Florida. You might wind up in North Okaloosa Medical Center, which charges 12.6 times, or 1,260 percent, more than what it costs the hospital to treat patients. North Okaloosa, along with New Jersey’s Carepoint Health-Bayonne Hospital, tops the list of the U.S. hospitals with the highest markups […]

BEST OF THE WEB: NATO just attempted to invade Moldova, thwarted by people’s resistance

     NATO’s invasion of Moldova foiled thanks to coordinated actions of many nations’ patriots It’s hard to overestimate the value of planning in advance, especially when it comes to getting reservations in popular restaurants and invading countries by military force. In the week of the May 9th Victory Day two significant failures took place each […]

Against Jewish will, Palestinian film screened at Cannes

Days of Palestine, Cannes -Palestinian work was screened on Monday at Cannes Film Festival despite Jewish pressure to cancel it. The film, which name is Munich: A Palestinian Story, was screened without any delays as it was previously planned. Speaking to Electronic Intifada Nasri Hajjaj from Cannes, saying that the screening of a 14-minute segment […]

Turkey hinted we’d never be allowed to visit refugee camps – Amnesty to RT

The accounts given by children from the Nizip refugee camp are harrowing. Around 30 kids, some as young as eight, were allegedly raped by a 27-year-old Turkish man working as a janitor at the facility. Andrew Gardner, a researcher from Amnesty International spoke to RT and said the Turkish authorities must take action not only […]

Leaked Docs Reveal TTIP Trade Deal In Jeopardy As "Irreconcilable Differences" Emerge

Several weeks ago we learned that not all is well in the ongoing negotiations to impose Obama’s landmark Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement, also known as the TTIP, when unexpectedly Europe threatened to impose visas on Americans and Canadians. As we commented at the time, this latest tension may have been driven “by the […]

May Day marches sweep through North America, turn ugly in Montreal (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

READ MORE: May Day rallies turn violent in Europe, Turkey as police & protesters clash (VIDEOS) Canada May Day celebrations ended up with crowds scuffling with the police just one hour into the demonstration. Rallying to fight “imperialism, racism, borders and colonialism in an attempt to destroy capitalism,” the so-called anti-capitalist protest […]

Free will illusory, brain tricks us into thinking choices are conscious – Yale study

Adam Bear and Paul Bloom wanted to check the theory that our brain only creates the impression of making a choice after the choice has been made subconsciously. In their study, they asked their testees to repeatedly choose in their head which of the five white circles they were presented with would light up red. The […]

French cave paintings are 10,000 years older than originally thought, oldest in the world

     The cave drawings in the Chauvet-Pont d’Arc, France may be taking back the crown for the oldest animal paintings on Earth, as an international team of scientists have found new evidence that they are 10,000 years older than previously believed. Chauvet-Pont d’Arc is a cave located in the Ardèche département, a region that is […]

Euro Femo-Fascism: Miguel Fraticell’s False-Rape Nightmare

  April 11, 2016 Source Article from

Planet X To Really Cause Mass Extinction?

The celestial body, theorized in many an ancient text – most notably among the Sumerians –  is predicted to be 10 times our size, and is currently still thousands of times further away from us than our sun. But if the latest research is correct, something is having a skewing effect on a group of […]

Breaking: Mayor’s Office In Houston Shut Down VAXXED

By John Rappoport THE MAYOR’S OFFICE DID IT. The film Vaxxed, exposing criminal fraud at the CDC and the CDC’s concealment of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, was shut down in Houston. Locked out 2 days ago. It was supposed to open at the Worldfest Houston International […]

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