Posts Tagged ‘bay’

Children in 7th grade will be forcibly injected with HPV vaccine if they wish to remain in public school

     In a highly controversial, unprecedented motion, members of the Allegheny County Health Department in Pittsburgh, PA, have publicly revealed that they’re considering administering a countywide mandate to require all 7th grade girls and boys to receive the HPV vaccine before receiving admittance into school for the 2017 – 18 school year. Since the news […]

Big Oil’s “Long Twilight”

Print Friendly Above Photo: From All eyes this morning will be on the half-yearly OPEC meeting in Vienna. Although pundits are not expecting a production freeze, the oil price is creeping towards $50, up 80 per cent since its slump of $30 in January. As the press pack hunt the OPEC oilmen round Vienna searching for […]

Reserve Deputy Sentenced To Four Years For Fatal Eric Harris Shooting

A former Oklahoma pay to play deputy has been sentenced to four years in prison for the fatal April 2, 2015 shooting of Eric Harris in Tulsa. Reserve Deputy Robert Bates, 74, was assisting other officers who were trying to take Harris into custody after he had fled during a sting operation. Police said Harris, […]

In A Rhino, Everything

Print Friendly Above Photo: Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P/Flickr Creative Commons I don’t cry very often. But this week I cried twice. For the rhinos. It breaks my heart that they’re going extinct. In order to make myself feel better, I try to intellectualize this. It’s totally irrational, I say to myself, to be sad for the […]

BEST OF THE WEB: NATO just attempted to invade Moldova, thwarted by people’s resistance

     NATO’s invasion of Moldova foiled thanks to coordinated actions of many nations’ patriots It’s hard to overestimate the value of planning in advance, especially when it comes to getting reservations in popular restaurants and invading countries by military force. In the week of the May 9th Victory Day two significant failures took place each […]

Cop Shootout: Forced Integration

Youtube link From the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to HUD and last year’s AFFH, the coup de grace will be the uncontrolled influx of minorities and Islamic extremists flooded into every town in the United States- all at the white taxpayer’s expense. Buy the book:… Source Article from

Tidbits from Reader Survey: Please Add Your Ideas To The Mix

Mondoweiss’s current reader survey will be open for your feedback for two more weeks. We’ve received hundreds of completed surveys, and are eager to learn more. Here are a few examples of the input submitted so far: “I think there is renewed interest in I/P in this country and people are experimenting re how to […]

Speculation mounts that Japan’s southern island may split – rocked by dozens of earthquakes

     Over the past 48 hours, our planet has been hit by literally dozens of earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or greater, and scientists are acknowledging that what is taking place is highly unusual. This strange shaking began toward the end of last week when the globe was struck by five major earthquakes over the space […]

Europa Universalis 4 | Extended Timeline | World War 2 | Germany #1

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Ever Wondered What This Arrow Next To Your Car’s Fuel Meter Means?

… c) the symbol means the filler cap is on the left side of the car. What’s more, this little arrow is on nearly every car sold in the U.S. in the last few years. Tom Mutchler, a senior engineer for Consumer Reports, says that the “vast majority” of new cars have this arrow—even the […]

Key suspect in Paris attacks Abdeslam said he planned suicide attack, but ‘backed down’

“Salah Abdeslam today during questioning by investigators affirmed that, and I quote, ‘he wanted to blow himself up at the Stade de France and that he had backed down’,” Paris prosecutor Francois Molins told reporters on Saturday, but added that the suspect’s initial statements should be treated with caution, Reuters reported. Paris attacks suspect Salah […]

Scholars Say ‘Lost City Of Giants’ Biggest Discovery In Recent History

The discovery of the “Lost City of Giants” in Ecuador has been hailed as one of the most important discoveries of the 21st century by researchers in Ecuador.  The mainstream media have been completely silent on the findings of megalithic structures that experts claim were home to giant race of beings years ago. reports: A Legend that […]

Google AI Beats World’s Best Human Go Player

Google AI Beats World’s Best Human Go Player March 9th, 2016 Via: Independent: A computer programme has won a game of Go against the world’s best player, in a huge breakthrough for artificial intelligence. Google’s AlphaGo computer has beaten South Korean human and Go […]

Kentucky lawmaker proposes law requiring men to have signed note from wife, swear on the Bible before buying Viagra

     In a mockery of the legal system, a Kentucky lawmaker has proposed an obnoxious piece of legislation that will require men to jump through several hoops prior to acquiring erectile dysfunction medication. HB396 16RS Erectile Dysfunction Drug Bill, was proposed last week by Rep. Mary Lou Marzian of Louisville. “I want to protect these […]

Police Wives: Devoted or Just Plain Delusional?

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, several articles that crossed my Facebook feed this week drew my attention to the women who “walk the line” by being in relationships with law enforcement officers. Indeed, there’s almost as much copaganda pertaining to cops’ wives and girlfriends as there is about cop themselves. Women who date and […]

George Clooney: American ban on Muslims will never happen

George Clooney said on Friday the refugee crisis is bigger than the headline-grabbing exodus from Syria and Iraq, and he believes Americans “will do the right thing” by rejecting Donald Trump and calls to ban Muslims entering the United States. Clooney spoke to Reuters on the same day he and his wife, the human rights […]

Woman faces jail time over Facebook post that violated order of protection

     Facebook users, beware: That tag you’re about to ­apply to a post may be used against you in court. A New York woman faces a year in jail for violating an order of protection involving her former sister-in-law — because the violator linked the woman in a Facebook post that called her “stupid.” Maria […]

Turmeric: The Cancer Killer Putting Chemotherapy To Shame

A new study published in the journal Anticancer Research has revealed that turmeric is more effective at killing cancer cells than traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.  The main nutrient in turmeric is curcumin, and it is this curcuminoid that has the ability to selectively and safely target cancer stem cells, whilst having […]

Russia, Iran concerned over UN human rights agenda ‘politicization’- Moscow

Moscow and Tehran are concerned about the politicization of the UN human rights agenda and attempts to use human rights in order to interfere in the countries’ internal affairs, Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Thursday. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — According to the ministry, the Russian-Iranian consultations on Human Rights were held in Iran on December 21. During the talks, […]

Anger in Delhi as Supreme Court rules against extending gang rapist’s sentence

The man was just shy of 18 at the time of conviction. He served three years and is currently being housed with a charity.  Police reports state he was the most violent of the attackers, raping the woman twice, once when she was unconscious and according to the police report, he “ripped out her intestines with […]

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